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U.S. vote count edges Biden closer to win as Trump mounts legal challenges


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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're right to worry. 





How much damage can Trump do on his way out? Expect the worst.



If President Trump ultimately loses the election, as now seems likely, the question is how much more damage he can do before he is dragged kicking and screaming — or flounces — out of the White House. Judging by his behavior on Thursday, I’m afraid we should expect the worst.


He's also in a deep financial mess. Putin or MSB could easily give him several billion dollars in exchange for whatever

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Biden is waiting for media outlets to call the election with him as winner because he like everyone else knows he has won Pennsylvania.


He probably can't give his victory speech until they do. But we'll see. Maybe he will.


He's already being given presidential level air space security. That just started. That's something the secret service does for presidents and president elects, not candidates.


Nancy Pelosi is referring to him as president elect.


I think we should too.


Fox news has crafted a weird policy though on that issue. They won't do that even after it's called for Biden.


White house staff are job hunting.





Edited by Jingthing
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The major networks are holding back on calling Biden the winner in a way they've never done before. In any other election this would have already been called. Now it looks like they will wait one or multiple days more. Why? It seems to me they're being overly cautious in deference to a completely unhinged soon to be ex president. I think this stinks. They are showing him that his temper tantrums and pile of totally false charges that are inciting some of his fans towards violence is paying off.



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16 hours ago, newnative said:

     Yes, it's gotten laughable.   And, yes, they're always 'just saying things'.  Mostly lies.   That's always Trump's game plan.  Say lies over and over and over again and eventually some will believe the lies.  Maybe an unqualified nitwit Trump-appointed judge.  He started early months ago with voter mail fraud lies while providing not a bit of evidence.   Quite the contrary--investigations have proved that mail-in voting is safe.  There's nothing new here--just more mail-in voting going on due to the pandemic.  Even before the pandemic more voting was being done by mail each election.  Five states allow all elections to be conducted by mail.   (Trump, himself, always voted by mail until this year--it was perfectly ok for him to vote by mail until it suddenly wasn't ok with his phony  lying voter fraud game plan.)

     All this stems from Trump's surprising and  brutally honest statement that if you make voting easy, no Republican will ever win elective office in America again.  Just as an aside, that's rather a sharp condemnation of the Republican party.  Trump thinks (rightly) that it's not offering anything, at least at the Presidential level, that would appeal to the majority of the American voters.  That's actually supported  quite strongly by the recent popular vote totals for President, including this one.  Twice now Trump, and the Republican party,  have not offered anything that would appeal to the majority of the voters for President.

     So, for a Republican to win the Presidency, the vote must be suppressed as much as possible.  Voting must be as difficult as possible, rather than easy, as it should be.  Voting by mail--easier than standing in line for hours at a too scarce polling place--should be made suspect as much as possible.  Hence, all Trump's voting lies, which greatly harm the whole process..   When people still manage to vote and the vote doesn't go his way, the spoiled lying crybaby is on to the courts--where, hopefully, he will be laughed out.  


Bottom line, there are a number of states at essentially 50/50. There were pre poll election numbers that were off by double digits in cases. How can that not influence some Trump supporters not to vote, seeing those poll numbers. 


This is the only legit gripe Trump has. And I do not believe those polling numbers are just an accident. Some may. 

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

News flash.

First call of final results.


Joe Biden has won the presidency.


Joe Biden is president elect.


Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States


DecisionDeskHQ is the first to make the call. 


Expect all major networks to follow soon. Perhaps tomorrow. 


Expect a victory speech from President elect Joe Biden soon after that.


Do not expect 45 to concede.


We know the winner now. 




As Joe would say God Bless Our Troops.







Has Biden Won the Presidential Election Yet? Decision Desk HQ Says Yes



this is not over.  far from it.  until his funding sources dry up, and as long as he can find ambulance chasers, the frivolous court cases will continue.


trump is congenitally unable to process "losing," he will ignore the fake news, the fake news, the fake polls, the fake foreign leaders congratulating the president elect, the fake advisors telling him it's over, and the fake us marshalls escorting him off the white house grounds.


expect the next few days tweetstorms will be highly entertaining, a glimpse into an alternate reality.


there are still millions of true believers out there, prepared to......... #resistfortysix!



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21 minutes ago, sucit said:

Bottom line, there are a number of states at essentially 50/50. There were pre poll election numbers that were off by double digits in cases. How can that not influence some Trump supporters not to vote, seeing those poll numbers. 


This is the only legit gripe Trump has. And I do not believe those polling numbers are just an accident. Some may. 

     I actually think it works the other way.  If my guy is ahead by double digits, well, maybe I don't need to bother to vote--he's got it in the bag.  The bottom line is nobody should be voting or not voting based on what a poll says. 

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4 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:



this is not over.  far from it.  until his funding sources dry up, and as long as he can find ambulance chasers, the frivolous court cases will continue.


trump is congenitally unable to process "losing," he will ignore the fake news, the fake news, the fake polls, the fake foreign leaders congratulating the president elect, the fake advisors telling him it's over, and the fake us marshalls escorting him off the white house grounds.


expect the next few days tweetstorms will be highly entertaining, a glimpse into an alternate reality.


there are still millions of true believers out there, prepared to......... #resistfortysix!



Yes but that's noise.

I'm talking about the electoral map.

The numbers.

Thats what media organs have used to call winners.

At this point based on the electoral map Pennsylvania should have been called already and thus the entire election. 

Biden won. No doubt.

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32 minutes ago, sucit said:

Bottom line, there are a number of states at essentially 50/50. There were pre poll election numbers that were off by double digits in cases. How can that not influence some Trump supporters not to vote, seeing those poll numbers. 


This is the only legit gripe Trump has. And I do not believe those polling numbers are just an accident. Some may. 

There are always a number of states at essentially 50/50.  Nothing new here.  And the polls were off, at times by a bunch (Florida).  Same was true in 2016 and Trump supporters never let that one go.  So why would they believe in the polls this time?  Come on....Fox News blasted these polls for the past few months.  And we know Trump supporters only watch Fox.

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On 11/5/2020 at 3:58 AM, chickenslegs said:

I'm not American, so maybe there's something about the counting that I don't understand.

Many states have been declared as Trump or Biden wins - before all the votes have been counted.


One example: Arizona declared as a win for Biden.

So far the vote count is Trump 1,400,000 and Biden 1,470,000 a lead of  just 70,000.

But, there are still almost 400,000 votes uncounted.

Surely this means that Trump could still win, theoretically.

What am I missing?


I'm taking these figures from the Guardian live update https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2020/nov/03/us-election-2020-live-results-donald-trump-joe-biden-who-won-presidential-republican-democrat

Yes, Trump could still win. The declaration of winning a State is being done by the media, usually the Associated Press. They all want to be first to report results. Official results come from State Governor’s, the electoral college vote officially (most of the time) from those results. The media doesn’t get to declare the official winner but declares unofficially...

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes but that's noise.

I'm talking about the electoral map.

The numbers.

Thats what media organs have used to call winners.

At this point based on the electoral map Pennsylvania should have been called already and thus the entire election. 

Biden won. No doubt.


just noise?  the leader of the free world, the dude with the nukular football, is having difficulties accepting reality.


doesn't matter if the media call the election, they aren't official.  state tallies won't be certified until about 14 december, so plenty of time for trump to file more lawsuits.


pennsylvania still has around 8000 military/overseas ballots outstanding, can be received thru the 10th.  depending on how close the final tally is, it may be a tactic to throw out some provisional ballots or late ballots or cured ballots, etc.  plus he may get some traction in the courts with the claim that the state supreme court exceeded authority by extending ballot receipt date when the legislature has that authority.


there's no requirement for trump to concede, that's just optics.  he has another 2-1/2 months where he can ignore reality.  or at least until the first week of january when congress meets to certify the election.


any bets on whether trump will hold a rally this week?



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2 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

Well, the odds on that happening are better than Joe holding his scheduled 8PM address to the nation which did not happen.  We can't blame him, though.

Would you like some cheese with your whine?


In other news. Repubs caught out trying to do voter fraud, again.



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17 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

Biden was supposed to give a statement at 8PM Eastern time presumably about the election.  Didn't happen.  Past his bedtime?  Trouble changing his diaper?  Lights out at the Home?  Who knows.  We may have to get used to it until Harris takes over.




Usually not a good look. But on you? Perfect.


One assumes that Vice President Biden is waiting to see if the race is called.


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