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Biden camp considers legal action over agency's delay in recognizing transition


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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

Just read an article which made me feel a bit sorry for those hapless Trump supporters.  Not only did they just lose an election, but now they have to endure an endless torrent of threatening e-mails/text messages demanding money.


[To remedy the prolonged money issues impacting the team's ability to fight past Election Day, the campaign launched an aggressive fundraising operation that includes relentlessly texting and emailing to solicit donations from supporters.]


[The campaign has fired off over 150 emails to supporters since Election Day, sometimes maxing out at over 20 emails in a single day, at times seemingly threatening supporters for donations.]


["This is your FINAL NOTICE," one email warned. "So far, you've ignored all our emails asking you to join us in DEFENDING THE ELECTION. You've ignored Team Trump, Eric, Lara, Don, the Vice President AND you've even ignored the President of the United States."]



As I mentioned before the fine print of these emails say that half of any donated money will be to pay off campaign debts. This is why he is doing this. He is looking to pay off his campaign debts on the pretense of challenging fraud in the election.

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2 hours ago, Throatwobbler said:

As I mentioned before the fine print of these emails say that half of any donated money will be to pay off campaign debts. This is why he is doing this. He is looking to pay off his campaign debts on the pretense of challenging fraud in the election.

Any donation under 5k puts 40% into a new super pac. Probably for trumps run in 2024

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6 hours ago, Throatwobbler said:

As I mentioned before the fine print of these emails say that half of any donated money will be to pay off campaign debts. This is why he is doing this. He is looking to pay off his campaign debts on the pretense of challenging fraud in the election.

can you provide a verified link to back up your speculation?

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10 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Perhaps because there was strong evidence of the said collusion with Russia, which is backed by the Senate Intelligence Committee's August report. The republican controlled senate determined that the Trump campaign actively sought assistance and as we know Manafort did share information, the tower meeting did happen, Trump's son and son in law were present and the context of that meeting was to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. And then Trump and his people destroyed evidence, lied, and obstructed justice. There was plenty of evidence there to support an investigation. 

There is next to no evidence of voter fraud. Sure the Fox News late night will pop a person or two in front of you but one of those people already walked it back and said they fabricated the story yesterday. He has Bill Barr actively searching, most of those battleground states were controlled by republicans. The counting had cameras in the rooms as it was happening with people present from both parties to watch the the process. Trumps claims of fraud are the actual fraud. He knows it. You know it. McConnell knows it. 

can you provide a verified link to back up your 'perhaps...' personal speculations? 

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48 minutes ago, tifino said:

can you provide a verified link to back up your speculation?

They have changed the fine print. It's now to "Save America", without any indication if how it will be used.



That's what is now on the website (you need to do as if you want to donate in order to see it):

Contributions to TMAGAC made by an Individual/Federal Multicandidate Political Committee will be allocated according to the following formula:

60% of each contribution first to Save America, up to $5,000/$5,000, then to DJTP’s Recount Account, up to a maximum of $2,800/$5,000.

40% of each contribution to the RNC’s Operating account, up to a maximum of $35,500/$15,000.

Any additional funds will go to the RNC for deposit in the RNC’s Legal Proceedings account or Headquarters account, up to a maximum of $213,000/$90,000.



Edited by candide
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6 hours ago, tifino said:

can you provide a verified link to back up your 'perhaps...' personal speculations? 


On the Senate Intel Committee's Report?

You can read the full report here: https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Report_Volume2.pdf

Or you can get some highlights here: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/18/us/politics/senate-intelligence-russian-interference-report.html

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23 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

Trump is popular and respected outside coastal USA and Western Europe. Time to take the blinkers off, and try to recognize that there's a big wide world outside your myopic bubble.


Damn you've drunk a lot of kool-aid.






Even Xi has got a better rep.




Further stats: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/09/15/us-image-plummets-internationally-as-most-say-country-has-handled-coronavirus-badly/

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51 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

How do you know..all the votes have yet to be counted...the electoral college has not voted...nor has Congress accepted the results of the EC vote.

In the same way we (and you) knew trump won shortly after the election in 2016. This really really isn't rocket science so if you're having problems grasping the fundamentals concerning the election process I suggest you educate yourself and come back when you can post more relevant questions.

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1 hour ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

How do you know..all the votes have yet to be counted...the electoral college has not voted...nor has Congress accepted the results of the EC vote. When all these legally mandated actions occur and Mr. Biden (#NotMyPresident) is certified as having won the election, the GSA official can legally sign the paperwork allowing Biden and his people the use government resources to prepare for his time in office. In the interim, he's free to plan and organize his administration and rent private office space to do it (lots available cheap as Democrat Party officeholders have shutdown much of the economy due to the virus).

Wrong. They can legally sign it now just as been done in the past. That the Trump campaign continues to contest the election has no legal beating at all on the case.

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2 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

How do you know..all the votes have yet to be counted...the electoral college has not voted...nor has Congress accepted the results of the EC vote. When all these legally mandated actions occur and Mr. Biden (#NotMyPresident) is certified as having won the election, the GSA official can legally sign the paperwork allowing Biden and his people the use government resources to prepare for his time in office. In the interim, he's free to plan and organize his administration and rent private office space to do it (lots available cheap as Democrat Party officeholders have shutdown much of the economy due to the virus).

I guess Obama should have done the same thing to Trump then?  Not concede so early, block Trump and his band of criminals from the WH?  Flynn would not be in jail if that happened! LOL


Biden is NOT allowed to use government resources right now.  The State Department is holding messages from leaders all over the world.  He's being denied critical resources to get up to speed.


Trump and his criminals are playing games while almost 1,500 people died today and almost 150,000 more became infected.  It's criminal what he's doing.

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1 hour ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Wrong...it would be illegal to sign the election acknowledgment documents prematurely. The U.S. is a country of laws...not men. 

Nobody is asking them to sign the election acknowledgement.  Just concede so the next administration can start work.  Trump's been fired.  Time to move on and help those in need.  Something Trump has proven he doesn't care about.  He's done nothing in the past week except Tweet baseless claims about election fraud.  Sad some fall for his lies.



Biden moves forward without help from Trump’s intel team



EXPLAINER: Trump’s challenges fail to prove election fraud

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Trump's sore winners make even worse losers: Why his loss is inflaming an already delusional base


"Turn on Fox News any random night, and it's a full blown whine-fest about how alleged "elites" are trying to control them and ruin their lives. The fact that their party controls most state governments, the White House, the Senate and the federal courts never factors in. The narrative is one of perpetual victimhood."

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54 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Trump's sore winners make even worse losers: Why his loss is inflaming an already delusional base


"Turn on Fox News any random night, and it's a full blown whine-fest about how alleged "elites" are trying to control them and ruin their lives. The fact that their party controls most state governments, the White House, the Senate and the federal courts never factors in. The narrative is one of perpetual victimhood."

4 years ago they bitched about Dems whining about the loss and not accepting it.  Now?  They're doing the same thing.  Bitching about losing and not accepting it.  Stunning people don't see this.  Or care about it.

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53 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

4 years ago they bitched about Dems whining about the loss and not accepting it.  Now?  They're doing the same thing.  Bitching about losing and not accepting it.  Stunning people don't see this.  Or care about it.

Far from the same, no recounts, no courts in 2016. They were whining in 2016, but unjustified.

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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

4 years ago they bitched about Dems whining about the loss and not accepting it.  Now?  They're doing the same thing.  Bitching about losing and not accepting it.  Stunning people don't see this.  Or care about it.

It isn't even the same thing. Democrats bitched about the electora system. Not the validity of the vote. And then Trump supporters went on to claim that Democrats were opposing Trump's program because they couldn't accept the results of the election. 'As though it were a unique event that the oppositio party opposes a President. Just nuts. And it should be pointed out when it came time for the Covid relief bill, Democrats supported it more strongly than did Republicans.

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18 minutes ago, placeholder said:

It's biased but the information it offers is factual at least. Whereas most of the sources the Trumpers rely on just make things up.

Ummm....no....Fox is not factual all the time.



Overall, we rate Fox News strongly Right-Biased due to editorial positions and story selection that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed factually and borderline Questionable based on poor sourcing and the spreading of conspiracy theories that later must be retracted after being widely shared. Further, Fox News would be rated a Questionable source based on numerous failed fact checks by hosts and pundits, however, straight news reporting is generally reliable, therefore we rate them Mixed for factual reporting.

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