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Nearly 80% of Americans say Biden won White House, ignoring Trump's refusal to concede: Reuters/Ipsos poll


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Nearly 80% of Americans say

Nearly 150 million people voted--Reuters runs a phone poll of just over a 1,000 people and the headline is 80% of all Americans say---


I am not disputing who won the election--- just that I think I have had enough of pollsters for life. 

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17 minutes ago, Emdog said:

Anyone remember when Hillary called Donald to congratulate him on winning election on election night?

And he replied "No, no Hillary. I can't accept that until all the votes are counted and EC declares I won. To do anything less would be a travesty of the democratic process."

If you do remember, seek psychiatric help. You aren't in reality, like  Trump and most of Republican federal officials


It was not Trump but John Podesta campaign chairman who said that. Trump has never ever been graceful in victory or defeat.

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4 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Terrible Biden declaring himself president before the count has finished. This is certainly dividing the country and showing his arrogance. 

He has won. Even if Trump gets all the college votes in the states still counting he still wont win

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