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Covid self tests / Covid auto tests available now in Thailand ? If not, are they available in your homecountry ? how much please ?

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34 minutes ago, thailandbeachisland said:

hi, are Covid self tests / Covid auto tests available now in Thailand ? If not, are they available in your homecountry ? how much please ?

do you know where to buy online ?

Thank you please help !


Come to Thailand get tested and be quarantined. 

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Covid Self test are avaiable in the UK but they still have to be sent to a lab for the test to be completed. As far as im aware there are no such self test kits that will give you the required certification.


There are blood <deleted> type test but these again are hit and miss and dont stan up for anything except a self un authenticated type test.



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22 minutes ago, stretch5163 said:

Covid Self test are avaiable in the UK but they still have to be sent to a lab for the test to be completed. As far as im aware there are no such self test kits that will give you the required certification.


There are blood <deleted> type test but these again are hit and miss and dont stan up for anything except a self un authenticated type test.




so this is the only reason why the world cannot fix this problem ? (apart from people being mostly idiot)

if everybody could self test once a day and stay home if positive, no more problem...


I suspect Christmas to be fun in Europe ????





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Depending where you live your cheapest option probably the local government hospital if they have a covid unit? at least if positive the incarceration and treatment will be cheaper than elsewhere.


My local lab wouldnt test for covid other than antibody test and suggested hospital only.


Has anyone had any experience of testing here at a hospital or clinic?

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On 11/21/2020 at 4:04 PM, thailandbeachisland said:


so this is the only reason why the world cannot fix this problem ? (apart from people being mostly idiot)

if everybody could self test once a day and stay home if positive, no more problem...


I suspect Christmas to be fun in Europe ????


The difficulty is that there will be a percentage who will not quarantine. No current tests are sufficiently reliable in home use.


There will be a large number of fake tests or tests kits that failed QC available for online purchases that will be cheaper than a genuine one. 

I would not trust anyone who claimed to be clear as a result of a home test at the moment, probably not for months yet.


fun Christmas? Let’s all have super spreader events and hurt our friends. ???? 

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1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

I would not trust anyone who claimed to be clear as a result of a home test at the moment, probably not for months yet.

so you prefer to trust people who do not test at all ? you remind me politicians in my country, they clearly understand nothing.



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8 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

No home tests have been certified as reliable. Only an idiot would believe, and pay for them.


There is one born every minute. 55555



read the text you quoted. Then understand the text you quoted. Then engage your brain. Then reply.

This process will probably reduce the number of foolish replies.


There is no clinical difference (now) between someone who has not been tested and someone who has use a home “test”. The difference is that the “home test” individual has wasted money on snake oil.



Sorry guys, but as it is really too funny to find how much you know nothing, I won't develop.

Self tests exist and clearly work as well as PCR, but thanks to people like you who follow and believe what the idiot politicians around the world repeat, of course, things improve slowly.

I have evidences that self test exist and work, being used and reviews by some famous important people in the world, but if you do not want to know, do not use google, the world needs more people like you !

I can't believe that in 2020 people do not know more than in 1980. but maybe this is the life that you like ! Keep watching what TV tell you to watch and believe !






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9 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Testing and isolation is only part of the issue... finding a proven vaccine is the absolute solution.

When that is available the "world will be fixed"



If you think that anybody with a brain will inject a vaccine made in 6 months when they usually need 10 years, you are really really good ! Keep doing what they tell you to do...

But yes, if so many people think just like you, a vaccine might be the solution, but sorry, not for me and many others.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/5/2020 at 4:03 PM, samtab said:



Doctors in my country use these instant tests and they perfectly work. How funny that most people here know nothing even when Internet exists !!!


Self testing using these instant tests is the only way to start having a normal life again.


If you believe in vaccine, you are worst than I could think...





Saliva tests are even used in Africa !

So incredible that even with Internet most people of this world know nothing and do not understand that private companies make the laws and the rules.

No wonder why in ridiculous Europe people are dying from a flu...



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"While experts hailed the new test as a long-awaited development, many also worried that people may view the use of such tests as tacit permission to disregard precautions such as wearing masks or maintaining distance. They note that some rapid tests have been 90 to 97 percent accurate in detecting the virus, and that detection often depends on when people take the test.


Experts also caution that while people can take the test one day and be negative, they can acquire the virus the next day.


Last month, the FDA approved another single-use home test kit, but it required a prescription from a doctor. That test, developed by California biotechnology company Lucira Health, was expected to sell for less than $50, company officials said."




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The home test kit that was developed in Auss (brisbane ) is apparently 96 % accurate 

Need phone results

Costing $30 US

Available around the world EXCEPT Australia 5555

Looks like our Auss Gov (Nanny) don't think we,re capable, as they said no need for us to use it since we have plenty of Labs 

The system isn,t that good since you have to wait 12 + mths for a basic free Gov eye Op

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2 hours ago, BEVUP said:

The home test kit that was developed in Auss (brisbane ) is apparently 96 % accurate 

Need phone results

Costing $30 US

Available around the world EXCEPT Australia 5555

Looks like our Auss Gov (Nanny) don't think we,re capable, as they said no need for us to use it since we have plenty of Labs 

The system isn,t that good since you have to wait 12 + mths for a basic free Gov eye Op



wrong, not around the world, until now most countries were too stupid to approve them.

some countries have them ready since April, but still haven't approved it.

now it's changing because they have no choice and the idiots who control the world start to understand what they are talking about, finally.



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