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Serious question about ASQ and alcohol.

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4 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

Mate 4 posts up someone posted that it actually happened with ASQ staff filling water bottles with vodka, so hardly shot down

Yes I saw that, but as it was an anecdote, ie the story of some alleged third person, I didn't believe it. Lots of people on here brag about things I suspect don't happen. I fully endorse your post though.

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Just stop drinking. Cold turkey. Once you have finished fighting off all the deoms and devils running around under youre bed you will be fine. 2-3 weeks off the booze will do you good. Then youll be ready to start again. Give you something to look forward to in Quarantine. 

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at the maple hotel they wont check your bag but  how many liter u can put it inside lol


 and they rules is very clear no alcohol , feel strange to not drink one leo beer when arrived in thailand but  whatever just 14 days ????

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I'm quarantining right now. I have had zero contract with any staff apart from check in and text messages, so I see no way you could make an  arrangement to have anything surreptitiously delivered. That said, I found that a 1.5 litre plastic bottle of Smirnoff fits nicely in checked baggage. 

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1 hour ago, action said:

You're only allowed one liter if it's duty free (no tax).  You can bring in more if you pay the tax on it.  I have friends who bring in expensive wine and spirits and as long as they declare them and pay the tax they can bring in more than 1L.  


Unfortunately, it isn't that easy. This is way off topic, but there really isn't any practical way to legally bring in alcohol in excess of the duty free limit. To do as your friends say they did, you not only need to pay import duty, excise tax, and VAT - not all of which can be collected at the airport, since they go to different agencies - but you also need an import license. It's theoretically possible to obtain one, but realistically it's way too much difficulty for anyone who doesn't have an alcohol distribution business.

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29 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

Just saw this on the ASQ thread ????


For only 65,000 baht the Marriott Bangkok offers 15 nights ASQ with:

Complimentary Minibar on arrival day for Grand deluxe and above.


I don't think that includes any alcohol.


Minibars also stock juice, sodas, nuts etc

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1 hour ago, Snow Leopard said:

Just stop drinking. Cold turkey. Once you have finished fighting off all the deoms and devils running around under youre bed you will be fine. 2-3 weeks off the booze will do you good. Then youll be ready to start again. Give you something to look forward to in Quarantine. 

Not the best advice unless he is young and healthy.

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This doesn't affect me as I'm here already (still), but here's my halfpennyworth;

Most of the really stupid things I've done in my life have involved alcohol.  A beer or two probably wouldn't matter, but several after a few days going stir crazy could get me in trouble.

IMO, no alcohol is a must in quarantine.


To the OP, I second what's been written already.  Try it first and, if you can't do it, wait until the requirement for quarantine is over.

Also, if you find that you ARE dependent, maybe think about doing something about that.


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Not sure if anyone else has noticed that apple juice and scotch etc are the same colour. One job I had alcohol was not banned, just hard to obtain and regular religious days when not available at all (no not Thailand). So I used to bring in a few bottles of apple juice in my luggage.????



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Delirium tremens is a life-threatening condition - people die of it even in hospitals. I have seen that happen myself.


I'd strongly urge you to get into regulated detox facilities, follow up recovery, and wait a while till you've stabilized and learned a bit how to enjoy life without alc.


Then maybe consider a trip to Thailand - you'll enjoy it far more than what you are mentally entertaining now.



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I was of course not serious about drinking the mouthwash.


I went cold turkey myself 12-13 years ago after a huge daily intake over many years. I did however have alcohol in the house just in case, and was clear that if symptoms got too heavy I would take some. The first day was tough, with shaking and sweating, but at evening time I didn't think I would expire overnite, and hey presto I'm still here, clean as a whistle.


Apart from quitting smoking (also huge intake) 17 years ago, alcohol free is the best thing I ever done to myself. It is hard to realise that life is worth living without, but you soon understand it is actually the other way around!


So to the OP, do as most posters suggest. See this as your great chance to finally get free of this burden, that will just get cumulatively bigger with time. And when ready, come to enjoy Thailand. Good luck!

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22 hours ago, natway09 said:

Australia & NZ are the same. Strictly no alcohol.

Some of the places there & here will let you have the odd Buri 

Stated Reason basically  " we are governed by the lowest common denomnator"

That's not entirely true. In all the eastern states, hotel quarantine will allow alcohol deliveries from bottlos or friends but they only bring it up to the room a 6 pack per day of beer or one bottle of wine, I'm not sure how they ration the spirits. Western Australia allows none, interestingly they have had many more abscond than the others. In the government facility at Howard Springs in NT (an ex construction workers camp) none is allowed. However they have more freedom to move round outside. I dont know about NZ.

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Perhaps related to the no alcohol regulations in ASQ, I was provided with a ceramic plate and bowl, a stainless fork and spoon, but no knife. 

Upon requesting a knife from reception was advised that they could only provide a plastic item, not a regular steel knife.

I guess they do not want a possible self-harm event from alcohol withdrawals in ASQ.


BTW no bag checks coming through the airport whatsoever. Once you have collected your bag from the carousel, they whisk you out in 90 seconds. No questions.


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I used to drink a lot and I identify with needing to know where the next drink is coming from. I gave up many years ago and got healthier, fitter and had more money and gained self-esteem. Why not use this opportunity to give up or cut back dramatically? Do something before arriving here as trying to doing it in ASQ and risking breaking the rules is not worth it - medically or legally ( you might be sent back) Best of luck and much respect to you airing the issue

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Thanks for all your replies guys. But I'm kind of wishing I hadn't asked now. Risk of death ? Maybe you're assuming I'm a bigger drinker than I actually am. Let me just say, I've just finished 3 months of 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week. I use beer (never spirits) as a relaxant. I will typically drink 8 Pint cans of Stella a night, just to help me switch off. It has little affect on me, other than helping me relax. I get plenty of sleep and have no ill affects in the morning. My alcohol tolerance must be very high as when I'm home in Udon Thani, I generally drink a box of 12 large Singha's every day without getting noticeably drunk or suffering hangovers.


Will stopping this kind of routine still pose serious health risks ? 

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1 minute ago, Oldterrier said:

Thanks for all your replies guys. But I'm kind of wishing I hadn't asked now. Risk of death ? Maybe you're assuming I'm a bigger drinker than I actually am. Let me just say, I've just finished 3 months of 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week. I use beer (never spirits) as a relaxant. I will typically drink 8 Pint cans of Stella a night, just to help me switch off. It has little affect on me, other than helping me relax. I get plenty of sleep and have no ill affects in the morning. My alcohol tolerance must be very high as when I'm home in Udon Thani, I generally drink a box of 12 large Singha's every day without getting noticeably drunk or suffering hangovers.


Will stopping this kind of routine still pose serious health risks ? 

I'm glad you finally replied. This thread quickly went from is alcohol allowed in ASQ or not.

Quickly morphed into rubbish about alcoholics. 

For the record I'm a heavy drinker similar to yourself. 

Couple years back a group myself and friends went up to CM for fitness gig. Zero booze for one month instant withdrawal. 

Guess what. From 7 people zero issue. Note the other guys far more serious drinkers. 

This thread imo is rubbish. 

The question was can you order booze when in quarantine. Answer is NO. 

Rest of posts are nonsense.

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22 minutes ago, Oldterrier said:

Thanks for all your replies guys. But I'm kind of wishing I hadn't asked now. Risk of death ? Maybe you're assuming I'm a bigger drinker than I actually am. Let me just say, I've just finished 3 months of 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week. I use beer (never spirits) as a relaxant. I will typically drink 8 Pint cans of Stella a night, just to help me switch off. It has little affect on me, other than helping me relax. I get plenty of sleep and have no ill affects in the morning. My alcohol tolerance must be very high as when I'm home in Udon Thani, I generally drink a box of 12 large Singha's every day without getting noticeably drunk or suffering hangovers.


Will stopping this kind of routine still pose serious health risks ? 

I think 8 pints is ~180ml pure alcohol (8*473*0.048) and ~11 'drinks' (for some reason beer 'drinks' are defined as 12oz). So that's ~1250ml pure alcohol or 75 'drinks' per week.


This sounded like a lot to me, and googling confirms that. For example the mortality charts in this article top out at 400g pure alcohol per week, about 1/3 your consumption. Somewhere else I read that >24 drinks per week - also about 1/3 your level of consumption - was enough to be in the top 10% of drinkers in the US.


I'm sure DrJack's post is accurate, but seven isn't a huge sample; it might be worth getting some advice from a doctor with experience in alcohol issues.  If there's even a 1 in 1000 chance of a serious problem, and it can be reduced, why not reduce it?

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10 hours ago, Topah said:

Brew beer yourself while in quarantine.

No doubt you are joking but, just in case, brewing beer takes several weeks. Unless you are allowed to bring the partially brewed beer with you, and only complete the process in quarantine, unfortunately, this is not viable. Nor is fermenting large quantities of fruit you bring with you.


EDIT: Purely out of academic interest, I did look to see if there are rapid ways to create alcohol. Apparently, there are ethanol production methods that take only three days. I suspect alcohol withdrawal would be a lesser risk.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/24/2020 at 10:28 PM, Oldterrier said:

Thanks for all your replies guys. But I'm kind of wishing I hadn't asked now. Risk of death ? Maybe you're assuming I'm a bigger drinker than I actually am. Let me just say, I've just finished 3 months of 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week. I use beer (never spirits) as a relaxant. I will typically drink 8 Pint cans of Stella a night, just to help me switch off. It has little affect on me, other than helping me relax. I get plenty of sleep and have no ill affects in the morning. My alcohol tolerance must be very high as when I'm home in Udon Thani, I generally drink a box of 12 large Singha's every day without getting noticeably drunk or suffering hangovers.


Will stopping this kind of routine still pose serious health risks ? 

It's difficult mate. Being unable to sleep is the hardest part, I'm only on day 4 and have never drunk so much water in my life the hardest thing is keeping yourself occupied to keep your mind off it. 

Good luck anyway 

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On 11/24/2020 at 10:28 PM, Oldterrier said:

Thanks for all your replies guys. But I'm kind of wishing I hadn't asked now. Risk of death ? Maybe you're assuming I'm a bigger drinker than I actually am. Let me just say, I've just finished 3 months of 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week. I use beer (never spirits) as a relaxant. I will typically drink 8 Pint cans of Stella a night, just to help me switch off. It has little affect on me, other than helping me relax. I get plenty of sleep and have no ill affects in the morning. My alcohol tolerance must be very high as when I'm home in Udon Thani, I generally drink a box of 12 large Singha's every day without getting noticeably drunk or suffering hangovers.


Will stopping this kind of routine still pose serious health risks ? 

I know a few bars in Udon who would like your business.

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I had major heart attack some years ago and as a result did not touch a drop for over 6 months. I felt so much better for it, slept like. a child.


I drink again now but very reasonably compared to my life before the heart attack. I wish I had continued with my abstinence, it really showed me that how well one can feel when not on it.

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