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TAT expects not more than 10,000 tourists coming this year


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5 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

I have a song, too:


All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hangin' over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly


Why they had to go, I don't know,

They wouldn't say...

We did something wrong

Now we long for Yesterday!



The Generals new song he can sing after reformatting the original Beatles song.  Paul and Ringo to share in the billions obtained in royalties.

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Governor Yuthasak Supasorn has announced that his agency believes the number of tourists coming to Thailand will not exceed the 10,000 mark by year’s end.

10,000 by year's end?
What happened to the about 8 million tourists that has already been here; according to Immigration there were still some 150,000 stranded tourists still in the country at the end of October...????


Perhaps TAT are thinking of STV and other tourist related visas after reopening, and in that case 10,000 quarantine tourists might even be a (n extremely) positive number, however he did say "not exceed"...:whistling:



I read in another news article today that 40 STV-tourists can arrive per day – quarantine limits – som simple calculation is 40 x 30 = 1,200 a month. About two month, i.e. November and December, equals a capacity of 2,400 tourists, lets positively say around 3,000; if the tourists at all are there.


Edited by khunPer
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2 hours ago, Natai Beach said:


I think you will find before covid, that Thailand has successfully tackled, that Thailand was one of the most popular tourist destinations on the planet. TAT were very successful marketers of the Thai brand. 

Now, if countries such as the USA had also tackled covid as well as the Thais then the world would be pretty much back to normal. 

I have noticed that TAT bashing is a popular pastime on this forum. I have been coming to Thailand since 1978, and can’t say I have ever been ripped off by TAT. My family and friends have had endless wonderful holidays here, and they are chomping at the bit to return. 

I lay the blame on the ruined tourism industry on the countries whose citizens refuse to follow simple guidelines such as mask wearing, social distancing etc. They have caused 100,000s deaths for themselves and destroyed millions of livelihoods worldwide. 

The stupidity, selfishness and incompetence  really annoys me.





First, Natai Beach, it is refreshing to see a post that is different from the usual comments about TAT. It gave me something to think about ????☺️ and it’s good to know that you have had 30 years of happy times in Thailand.

Yes, Thailand has done well to keep out COVID. A lot of ThaiVisa readers don’t believe the the infection and death figures that are officially published, but there are no social media reports from ordinary Thais which suggest that there are large numbers of cremations or buying up of funeral urns or complaints by overworked doctors and nurses. I am happy, on the balance of probability, to believe the government figures. I  live in Thailand more or less full time, and am happy here. I feel sorry for all those who want to return to Thailand, but can’t, to be with their families, or are currently stuck in a hotel room for 14 days on quarantine.


However, it is the government leaders and their medical advisers who should be congratulated not TAT. The problem for the government is to help all those Thais, as well as farang run businesses, who are desperate for work and money to feed their families.


TAT’s contribution to the National Debate is full of hot air. Here are just 3 recent examples, out of many others:








It’s true that Thailand was very popular before COVID, but that was because the Thai currency was a lot weaker than it is now. What most people want is a cheap holiday for alcohol, cigarettes, hotels, lots of sun, and (for many single men) plenty of opportunities for intimacy with the local ladies. They were prepared to overlook the rubbish left on beaches, taxi scams, Thai/farang dual pricing, and Thai lack of understanding of how to run the tourist industry.


Before COVID, it was becoming clearer as each year passed that the party was over. The ‘killer’ was the high THB which made tourist pleasures so much more expensive, and tourists were going elsewhere for their fun. COVID has sped this whole problem up, and TAT has little understanding of what farang tourists really want. Indeed, when the THB first began to shoot up in value, TAT’s response was to ignore farang and instead to talk up their plans to attract vast numbers of Indian and Chinese tourists: they represented TAT’s rosy future for Thailand.


Interestingly, although tourist bodies in Thailand have been around for 50 or more years, the present one, known as TAT, was started on 4th May 1979. By a strange coincidence, 4th May 1979 has a more famous historical anniversary: Margaret Thatcher’s first election victory (see both photos below)


Initially, Mrs Thatcher was even more unpopular than TAT, but conveniently, in April 1982, the Argentine Junta invaded the Falklands, and so made her second election in 1983 dead simple. Sadly, for TAT, they are on their own on this one and there’s nothing to indicate that they are learning what to say or do.









Edited by silver sea
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4 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

I have a song, too:


All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday

I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hangin' over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly


Why they had to go, I don't know,

They wouldn't say...

We did something wrong

Now we long for Yesterday!




When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom
Let it be
And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree
There will be an answer, let it be
For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.
TAT has been issuing misleading statements throughout this year!I don't even know where this figure comes from!?
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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

So it is the USA's fault from what your saying because they did not do as Thailand did, or in your words had they "then Thailand and the rest of the world would be back to normal"   Hahahaha, Oh please stop, my sides are killing me from laughing so hard, what a ridiculous thing to say.  The entire world has mucked this all up, even Sweden is now saying how badly they F'd up.  Thailand has not controlled anything except from keeping the borders closed, and thus ensuring no waves of Covid could possible happen in their own view, yet it is here still, just like it is the world over.  Travel has been killed all over the place, unless it is domestic tourism.  Those countries that did open up for tourists are now seeing the cost and toll as the virus has re-emerged in greater numbers.  If they would just let it run its course, and let everyone be exposed to it, providing we have not already, then what would the true numbers be?, That is a question and answer we will not know for some time.  Countries that did nothing have surely paid the price as well.  You have only been on this forum under your current user name for a little over a month,  if you have lived in Thailand for any length of time you would understand that TAT and their constant comments as well as numbers and predictions change as rapidly as a babies diaper.  Ergo, the reason they are criticized for their daily amount of posted drivel.  It is daily entertainment they provide and reminds one of the Benny Hill, the Keystone Cops, Laurel and Hardy, Abbot and Costello, and all slapstick comedy.


You can not blame anyone but Thailand for ruining their own tourism industry, with all of the hairbrained schemes which amount to just lip service, and the ridiculous amounts of paperwork they are requiring (in order for Thais to be saved from the dirty foreigner).  Deaths unfortunately are a normal part of life, but this virus is one that there was no model for.  Yes people can be selfish, but to blame the US for the tourism woes of Thailand is just laughable.

Well said!!,TAT used to be totally focused about 20 years ago until the early 2000s....then they diversified into markets which were not attractive, they did not rave up the medical tourism which was introduced and nothing followed through,I have worked in Tourism industry and attended many World Travel Market seminars in London,our Thailand had that "pull"......it is indescribable,land of smiles really had an impact on the Global platforms, sadly the visa processes let them down, for longer term visitors,me included years ago having to go to Malaysian border just for a visa stamp,or other borders,I have met countless travellers who wouldn't return to Thaliand after feeling rejected( 90 day/Tourist visa border runs.I used to get a 1 year multi entry visa and then have the stress of the border runs until I finally got married.As for Covid they should have created a Travel bubbles between China, Singapore, Hong Kong for now,(Just like Singapore has opened today with Hong Kong).As for Europe they are taking major risks in my opinion except for essential travel/family/Urgency needs.The single biggest item which had diminished that tourism industry is the Thai Baht,back in 2008/2009 when we began to build our house the Thai Baht suddenly declined by 6/7 Baht to the UK pound,I rang the BOT and we asked what was going on?, they said if we have cash reserves, covert quickly (I got 70... first time then 68/65....!)

I also see the UK and USA TAT websites have reverted back to enough cash to spend instead of 500,000  BHT or equivalent in Foreign currency (How pathetic is this?? ????????).

Travelling is an emotional subject and when people's feelings are disrupted then expect the consequences and implications which follow! Whenever I read tourism statements they are uncoordinated, every one involved in Tourism industry here in Thailand is out of harmony with one another in my opinion having retired.I still believe Thaliand can turn the season around to some reasonable numbers, it is always lovely to see travellers and visitors that we are used to over the years..... Good day to all!

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39 minutes ago, silver sea said:


First, Natai Beach, it is refreshing to see a post that is different from the usual comments about TAT. It gave me something to think about ????☺️ and it’s good to know that you have had 30 years of happy times in Thailand.

Yes, Thailand has done well to keep out COVID. A lot of ThaiVisa readers don’t believe the the infection and death figures that are officially published, but there are no social media reports from ordinary Thais which suggest that there are large numbers of cremations or buying up of funeral urns or complaints by overworked doctors and nurses. I am happy, on the balance of probability, to believe the government figures. I  live in Thailand more or less full time, and am happy here. I feel sorry for all those who want to return to Thailand, but can’t, to be with their families, or are currently stuck in a hotel room for 14 days on quarantine.


However, it is the government leaders and their medical advisers who should be congratulated not TAT. The problem for the government is to help all those Thais, as well as farang run businesses, who are desperate for work and money to feed their families.


TAT’s contribution to the National Debate is full of hot air. Here are just 3 recent examples, out of many others:








It’s true that Thailand was very popular before COVID, but that was because the Thai currency was a lot weaker than it is now. What most people want is a cheap holiday for alcohol, cigarettes, hotels, lots of sun, and (for many single men) plenty of opportunities for intimacy with the local ladies. They were prepared to overlook the rubbish left on beaches, taxi scams, Thai/farang dual pricing, and Thai lack of understanding of how to run the tourist industry.


Before COVID, it was becoming clearer as each year passed that the party was over. The ‘killer’ was the high THB which made tourist pleasures so much more expensive, and tourists were going elsewhere for their fun. COVID has sped this whole problem up, and TAT has little understanding of what farang tourists really want. Indeed, when the THB first began to shoot up in value, TAT’s response was to ignore farang and instead to talk up their plans to attract vast numbers of Indian and Chinese tourists: they represented TAT’s rosy future for Thailand.


Interestingly, although tourist bodies in Thailand have been around for 50 or more years, the present one, known as TAT, was started on 4th May 1979. By a strange coincidence, 4th May 1979 has a more famous historical anniversary: Margaret Thatcher’s first election victory (see both photos below)


Initially, Mrs Thatcher was even more unpopular than TAT, but conveniently, in April 1982, the Argentine Junta invaded the Falklands, and so made her second election in 1983 dead simple. Sadly, for TAT, they are on their own on this one and there’s nothing to indicate that they are learning what to say or do.









 42 years actually.


Firstly baht has been “high” for several years. In 2019 Thailand had record tourist numbers, so even with that, Thailand was more popular than ever. Good job TAT!
Amazing Thailand (another successful marketing campaign from TAT, copied by Incredible India)

Secondly,  it is asking a bit much of the TAT to devalue the baht for tourists. It isn’t in their powers. While a popular theme for some miserable old guys from countries with falling currencies who are struggling financially, people who believe that concept have no idea about how forex works and why. And even if they did devalue it they would be accused rightly of currency manipulation. 

Thirdly the TAT is a marketing arm. People complaining that a hooker or taxi driver has overcharged them are barking up the wrong tree. It isn’t TAT staff who are responsible for bargirls etc. When a tourist gets glassed in a Sydney pub do they blame Tourism Australia?


Additionally TAT are also not responsible for mountains of paperwork. That would be the immigration police department. Personally I have never had any problems filling in the very simple forms and the vast majority of tourists are not required to do any at all anyway.

My family and friends who come over annually or more wouldn’t even have heard of the TAT. Some of the comments about the TAT on this forum are completely delusional. 

And the TAT is having the last laugh anyway, because the people criticizing and complaining of being “ripped off by TAT”  love being in Thailand so much they have moved here full time. The irony of that is amusing.

They are the same crowd criticizing Thailand’s covid response. From countries where it is 750+ times worse. Less than a one in a million chance of dying from covid in Thailand so far. But it would be wrong to give TAT credit for that also.

TAT has attracted hundreds of millions of tourists to Thailand over the years, creating jobs for the poor and making many millionaires, bringing in trillions of baht. The flow on from that also includes a now booming Thai manufacturing sector which pulls in more than the tourism sector now. 

I understand that some sour old guys will never accept or understand that, but TAT has been hugely successful.

My friends and family have mostly all given the alternatives a go, Vietnam, Cambodia etc. But they keep coming back to Thailand because it is superior. If there was somewhere better, I would move there. 

Thailand wins. 

Finally, the upmarket hotel near where I live on beautiful Natai Beach is booked out this long weekend. Full. Credit to TAT for their local tourism campaign, keeping people employed making the most of what they have during a dire worldwide situation not of their making. There are flow on effects from that, the local coffee shops, restaurants etc all benefit. 

I am not sure how Margaret Thatcher is relevant to this, but I am sure she is a lovely lady and I wish her all the best and hope she doesn’t get infected with covid. I have a feeling she would have handled the covid crisis a lot better than bumbling Boris.


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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

his agency believes the number of tourists coming to Thailand will not exceed the 10,000 mark by year’s end.


I don’t understand all the negative comments. I am very confident his assessment will be proven factually correct.
It won’t exceed 10,000.


Mention “TAT” and some people seem to lose the plot and start frothing at the mouth. 

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5 hours ago, Natai Beach said:


I think you will find before covid, that Thailand has successfully tackled, that Thailand was one of the most popular tourist destinations on the planet. TAT were very successful marketers of the Thai brand. 

Now, if countries such as the USA had also tackled covid as well as the Thais then the world would be pretty much back to normal. 

I have noticed that TAT bashing is a popular pastime on this forum. I have been coming to Thailand since 1978, and can’t say I have ever been ripped off by TAT. My family and friends have had endless wonderful holidays here, and they are chomping at the bit to return. 

I lay the blame on the ruined tourism industry on the countries whose citizens refuse to follow simple guidelines such as mask wearing, social distancing etc. They have caused 100,000s deaths for themselves and destroyed millions of livelihoods worldwide. 

The stupidity, selfishness and incompetence  really annoys me.




Sir.... I nominate you for a dry humor comedian award...

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