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Thailand to launch vaccine production ‘in first half of 2021’


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2 hours ago, StevieAus said:

Perhaps you should ask what Indonesia and other countries, whoever they are, are doing to obtain the vaccine for their own citizens before you start criticizing Thailand.

Irrelevant. If Thailand has been granted technology transfer for the whole region instead of Indonesia then that is a problem if Thailand thinks it can vaccinate it's own people first



The officials' comment came after a senior official at the Health Ministry said last week that Indonesia had missed a deadline for a $250 million downpayment, or 50 percent of the vaccine order value, to AstraZeneca.

"In the deal (with AstraZeneca), it says there is no product yet, so the downpayment will be used to build a production facility in Thailand," Achmad Yurianto, who was at the time the director-general of infectious disease at the Health Ministry, told IDN Times news website last Thursday. 

"In another clause it said, if there is a failure in production (of Covid-19 vaccine), they are not to be blamed. So, we did not place an order," Yurianto said. 

So basically Indonesia and others will be paying for the construction of the facility in Thailand. Anyone who thinks Thailand is right to vaccinate its own people first whilst other countries citizens are dying in their thousands has a very warped moral compass

Edited by ourmanflint
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1 hour ago, ourmanflint said:

Hello.. I think you should be the one who stops and thinks before writing


The article states "Initially, 26 million doses will be produced for 13 million Thais", what do you think that means? 

Siam Bioscience has a production capacity of 180 million to 200 million doses per year or 15 million doses per month.

Disease Control Department director-general Opas Karnkawinpong estimates Thailand needs 2 million doses per month. The rest will be exported to neighbouring countries.  They won't give all the Thais a vaccine in the beginning.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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1 hour ago, ourmanflint said:

Irrelevant. If Thailand has been granted technology transfer for the whole region instead of Indonesia then that is a problem if Thailand thinks it can vaccinate it's own people first


So basically Indonesia and others will be paying for the construction of the facility in Thailand. Anyone who thinks Thailand is right to vaccinate its own people first whilst other countries citizens are dying in their thousands has a very warped moral compass

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1 hour ago, ourmanflint said:

Irrelevant. If Thailand has been granted technology transfer for the whole region instead of Indonesia then that is a problem if Thailand thinks it can vaccinate it's own people first


So basically Indonesia and others will be paying for the construction of the facility in Thailand. Anyone who thinks Thailand is right to vaccinate its own people first whilst other countries citizens are dying in their thousands has a very warped moral compass

If you care to check what is happening elsewhere you would find that there have been discussions between China and Indonesia for the latter to manufacture vaccinations for the region and also that Indonesia has secured vaccines from the UK.

Perhaps you would like to conduct a poll amongst Thai people regarding your proposal, I wait the response.

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8 hours ago, pokerface1 said:

Well if your visa expires and you have to leave by plane then you might be in a bit of a pickle. Airlines may not allow passengers on board unless you have been vaccinated. So then your on overstay unless you can leave by a land boarder which may also be closed. This all needs to be sorted out by the Thais ASAP 

Nobody, including airlines, can say anything until it is approved by the regulators.

Reality is that nothing will change until the vaccine is readily available.

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9 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

Since when is Thailand responsible for Indonesia? Indonesia is free to make a deal with Astra/Zeneca as well! Also, you can’t blame Thailand for what’s going on in Indonesia and you also don’t know whether Indonesia has already a deal with one of the two other vaccine producing companies! 

I think the deal for production of the Oxford vaccine in Thailand was on the condition that it supplied surrounding countries; and they may have inserted a clause about costs

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3 hours ago, Hayduke said:


Wonder how long before the country is flooded with street venders…..selling ‘Black Market' copies of the vaccine.



I won't be tempted....however if someone has a decent word processor for my 'Certification' .

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17 minutes ago, NeoDinosaw said:

I think the deal for production of the Oxford vaccine in Thailand was on the condition that it supplied surrounding countries; and they may have inserted a clause about costs

In that case Indonesia is going to get it then.

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OK you have 70 million Thai and only need 2 million/month, while the capacity is 15 million doses/month?!

It means you want to sell 13 million doses/month and do slow vaccination in own country.

You better hurry, maybe India made same deal.

A song popped up in my brain beginning: Money, money, money, money, ......moneyyyyyyyy

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17 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Is vaccine really needed in a country with no local cases.

Well yes, if they ever want to open their borders again.


(And it is not 0 local cases. Just extremely few...and achieved by locking the country to outsiders, not a viable long term approach).

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12 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

How much will the vaccine cost foreigners here in Thailand with her big double pricing TIT


2 hours ago, sandyf said:

Whatever they charge, it will be a fraction of what the UK will charge.

The Oxford vaccine costs $3 - $4 per dose and is fairly easy to store/transport. Let's hope that it will be affordable for everyone.




The company has said the vaccine will be delivered at a price of no profit, regardless of where in the world it is being delivered, “as long as all these orders have been taken in the next few weeks and months.”


Edited by chickenslegs
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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

Well yes, if they ever want ti open their borders again.


(And it is not 0 local cases. Just extremely few...and achieved by locking the country to outsiders, not a viable long term approach).


Oh I don't know Sheryl that other bastion of democracy and free thinking North Korea seem to have gone with the lockdown approach and I reckon Prayut and co would be very happy if they could get away with that too...

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49 minutes ago, mark131v said:


Oh I don't know Sheryl that other bastion of democracy and free thinking North Korea seem to have gone with the lockdown approach and I reckon Prayut and co would be very happy if they could get away with that too...


North Korea never had a massive tourist industry that acocu8nted for about 15% of their total GDP.

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12 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

The Oxford vaccine costs $3 - $4 per dose and is fairly easy to store/transport. Let's hope that it will be affordable for everyone.


My comment was in response to the myth of "big double pricing".

In the UK the vaccine will be distributed free under the NHS but for those subject to NHS charges it is likely to be quite high, comparable to a private arrangement.

I am with a local government hospital and there is no double pricing, just paid 340 baht for the flu vaccination. As the vaccine will be produced here in Thailand it is unlikely to be much different once established. Availability in the early days more likely to be the problem.

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On 11/25/2020 at 5:51 AM, ezzra said:

Still not sure if i wanna stick a vaccine made in Thailand in my arm if i can get it in my country of origin,

go figure what they'll add to it or take away from it to make it "cheaper" for the masses...


It's made in England.

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On 11/24/2020 at 1:44 PM, ourmanflint said:

Thailand vaccinating their own population first before shipping to countries like Indonesia who have a major covid problem is beyond criminal. They should hang their heads in shame

By logical extension, your ¨others first¨ philosophy implies you are hereby volunteering to be the last person on earth to be vaccinated.


God bless your generous heart.  We´ll miss you!

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This is good news.  Advanced technology will be available to people who live in Thailand.  None of us know right now how this will shake out.  My guess is that it will be offered to people who need it the most first; namely medical workers, elderly, travellers, etc.

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5 hours ago, sandyf said:

You are perfectly free to think what you like, my hospital bills would suggest you are wrong.

And my experience of Thai hospitals and many other institutions would suggest I am correct,  double pricing is alive and well and positively thriving just wait until the mythical vaccines come along and you will get further proof of this. Wait and see...

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18 hours ago, mark131v said:

And my experience of Thai hospitals and many other institutions would suggest I am correct,  double pricing is alive and well and positively thriving just wait until the mythical vaccines come along and you will get further proof of this. Wait and see...

It wouldn't cross your mind your going to the wrong hospital.

Do you really think that 100 baht for consultation is double priced, or 340 for flu vaccination. Obviously I was really ripped off having to pay 13K for cataract surgery.


It is quite irresponsible to be spreading false information.

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On 11/28/2020 at 3:45 AM, sandyf said:

It wouldn't cross your mind your going to the wrong hospital.

Do you really think that 100 baht for consultation is double priced, or 340 for flu vaccination. Obviously I was really ripped off having to pay 13K for cataract surgery.


It is quite irresponsible to be spreading false information.

Sandy, Have just sent you a PM.

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