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'America is back,' Biden says, as he dumps Trump's foreign policy approach


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31 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

Half of Americans own stock in the US market.  What is good for Wall Street is not necessarily good for the other 45%.  Same stands true for Thailand wouldn't you say?  Does the SET help those who struggle to survive in Thailand?  


Then why didn't they try to impeach based on the report?   Why will they go after him in court now, when they could have impeached him earlier?   They will indict him for cable news ratings and to keep him from running again.   Will that be persecution or prosecution?


We probably won't see the end of the ugliness for some time.  Don't see a kumbaya moment coming any time soon. 

He was impeached. 

Whether he is charged and prosecuted for crimes will be up to the newly independent Justice Department and the state of New York. President Elect Biden has made it very clear that he will not be advocating retaliatory prosecutions. 

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1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Leading means to be at the front, In front of everyone else , the best, supreme 

Do you mean doing it Trump style?




43 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Could all the Biden supporters stop talking about Trump ?

Four mentions of him in the last few posts

And all of them are on topic.


Have you read the title of the topic?


"America is back,' Biden says, as he dumps Trump's foreign policy approach"



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6 hours ago, Tug said:

Excellent instead of throwing allies under the bus and stabbing friends in the back we will build unity and working together treating others with respect a hand up instead of a boot down I like it!!


Laughable. It just means we are back to subsidizing Nato, lowering tariffs for China, exporting jobs, importing H1Bs, fighting in Afghanistan forever, fighting in Syria, fighting in Yemen, fighting in West Africa, all using the highly successful model of intervention developed in Libya. Not a "hand up" but lots of tax payer dollars going to foreign "hands out." 

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24 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Sentiment of Wall Street is a forward looking barometer of the confidence of the economy. Main Street will need much assistance from Congress to pass the additional stimulus Bill. 

As for whether Trump can be charged after leaving office, Muller say yes. 


Agree with you that the ugliness of a divided country will last for a while. Biden and Harris have their job cut out to erase the stench of last 4 years. 

You hit on the problem.   In trying to clean the fabric of America, they really damaged it.  Biden's faculties are questionable and Harris is pretty weak.    It is truly doubtful they are even remotely up to the task of reversing the damage or will want to.  


Wall Street does not offer hope for those who lost the manufacturing jobs in the Midwest.  Wall Street is better than the SET, but it is not a good forecaster for the entire health of the nation.  


If you are talking about the economy, Trump had that magic wand that Obama chided him about.    The economy rebounded under Trump where Obama said in wouldn't.  Trump lowered the corporate to around 21%, which helped the job market.  Having lived in both Singapore and Hong Kong, it was apparent that low taxes create a healthy job market.  Trump engaged in deficit spending as did Bush and Obama.



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5 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Peace can be maintained sometimes by threatening a big stick, but without the theatrics of a TV Reality POTUS


Unlike the past few years where twitter and bluster have been the MO, I hark back to an earlier time and Teddy Roosevelt, a hero of mine, who said; "speak softly and carry a big stick"


It's even worse when you factor in the reality that Trump had a glass jaw. He would tweet all those threats, the stock market would drop, and he would scurry back in order to get the S&P up again.

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5 hours ago, ShindenGo said:

Just a quick list of Trumps foreign policies achievements:

1. There are STILL slave markets in Libya

2. There is NO PEACE in the Middle East

3. An American embassy in Jerusalem is a giant middle finger to the worlds billion adherents to the Islamic faith

4. China STILL occupies and militarizes the South China Sea

5. Russia is STILL in control of Crimea

6. Trump assassinated the influential and political leader Soleimni WITHOUT a declaration of war

7. Trump assassinated the Al-Bagdadi WITHOUT a declaration of war


Trump is a dangerous US president who only threatens the lives of the American people. We are in a more dangerous situation now because of the resurgent Russian threat. We now need Joe Biden to put a check on Vladimir Putin


Great! Now, we've got Biden. So I can expect:


1. An immediate invasion of Libya to free the slaves

2. Peace in our time in the Middle East

3. Removal of the US Embassy in Jerusalem

4. China retreating from its artificial islands in the SCS

5. Russia apologizing for invading the Crimea while Obama was president and agreeing to retreat

6. And Biden will henceforth conduct his targeted assassinations only following a declaration of war, just like Obama did.

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33 minutes ago, John Drake said:


Laughable. It just means we are back to subsidizing Nato, lowering tariffs for China, exporting jobs, importing H1Bs, fighting in Afghanistan forever, fighting in Syria, fighting in Yemen, fighting in West Africa, all using the highly successful model of intervention developed in Libya. Not a "hand up" but lots of tax payer dollars going to foreign "hands out." 


A few starting points for a reality check on the trump administration.







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GM dumping Trump's actions in California and encouraging other auto producers to join them is positive. Just look at Elon Musk's climb in wealth with his electric inventions. That says something. Biden and the Dems at least have ideas that go with tech(...and nature at the same time.)  The Grumpy Old Fart Brigade of Trump is unwanted.




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Hold the front page!  The BBC confirms that the the President has pardoned a turkey.  I assumed this to mean that Mike Pence had been made President and Trump had resigned as a last ploy to get another term, allowing Pence to pardon him in an effort to avoid prosecution in a number of lawsuits.  But no! it was for a bird large enough to feed all of the Trump supporters who think he still has a chance of another four years to set the Doomsday Clock a few more seconds to midnight.



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1 hour ago, placeholder said:

What's really hypocritical about this is the fact that Trump supporters overwhelmigly backed the appointment of such characters as Steve Mnuchin on the grounds that he knew all the tricks of those Wall Street lowlifes and would be able to keep them in line. Instead he relaxed enforcement on them. And this pattern was repeated again and again in Trump's other appointments. Such a pseudo populist but a genuine swamp filler.


That is all very true. Trump was an opportunist. He ran as a populist and then loaded up his cabinet with people from Goldman Sachs. His god for the past four years has been the stock market. I doubt that he ever really cared about anything else.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

Sentiment of Wall Street is a forward looking barometer of the confidence of the economy.


You can't be serious! Wall Street and the markets hit all time highs while people are lined up in huge lines for food from charity food banks. Tens of millions unemployed. Mortgage and rent moratoriums about to end in a month. Wall Street is what is wrong with America, not what is right. Trump's tax cut for billionaires was a disaster for the deficit. And now J Powell has added a couple of trillion to that. The only thing worse is that Biden wants to add three or four more trillion out of thin air.

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23 minutes ago, simple1 said:


epi  Open borders "think tank"


business insider Left wing source that " often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes" according to TVF's own media fact source


Washington Post  Behind a pay wall. Why do you people constantly put up sourced links that are behind pay walls?   

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2 minutes ago, John Drake said:


epi  Open borders "think tank"


business insider Left wing source that " often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes" according to TVF's own media fact source


Washington Post  Behind a pay wall. Why do you people constantly put up sourced links that are behind pay walls?   

Washington Post offers a limited number of free read articles every month. So its not strictly a pay wall as you describe. 

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34 minutes ago, John Drake said:


Great! Now, we've got Biden. So I can expect:


1. An immediate invasion of Libya to free the slaves

2. Peace in our time in the Middle East

3. Removal of the US Embassy in Jerusalem

4. China retreating from its artificial islands in the SCS

5. Russia apologizing for invading the Crimea while Obama was president and agreeing to retreat

6. And Biden will henceforth conduct his targeted assassinations only following a declaration of war, just like Obama did.

Not expecting any of those things. 

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6 hours ago, JonnyF said:

He hasn't even become President yet. So maybe better hold off on your assessment of how he handles domestic problems. 

Were you talking to yourself? 


6 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Biden is ready to interfere in other countries business in order to take attention from the huge Domestic problems he faces.


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17 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

Trump might have raised the stock market with the covid vaccine coming out soon and the jobs numbers increasing all the time Please enlighten me and tell me what Biden has done in the 47 years that he served the government? As for Boris he make a left hand turn that he may regret.

Can’t give him much credit for doing nothing but playing golf and Biden didn’t pay hush money to a porn star. 

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2 hours ago, John Drake said:


.   Open borders "think tank"


business insider Left wing source that " often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes" according to TVF's own media fact source


Washington Post  Behind a pay wall. Why do you people constantly put up sourced links that are behind pay walls?   


Atypical trump world response. WAPO does permit a number of site visits, plus the articles are often available via other media sources, just do a search, but obviously you're not interested. However, your recommended research sources are?

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10 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

What a difference a competent President makes.


56 days to go, 56 days to the return of decency

and leadership.


While I agree, I will be promoting a domestic agenda affressing the under lying issues of justified frustration/anger within the working middle class that helped The Donald come into the White House and still retain some of the support of 70 million Americans. Until the economic issues are addressed, the madness will continue ... IMHO.

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