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Entrance to Thailand without quarrantine

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21 minutes ago, VIPinLanna said:

What brand of vaccination will be approved for Thailand

Not known at this time.  Thailand signed a deal with AstraZeneca.   Also "without quarantine" unknown at this time.

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It is a serious question and I have been following the RTE site closely. Going to hotel, ventilation situation unknown, orrisome than staying home. In the US the Pfizer vaccine is now being shipped in large quantities according to news reports. Assume that one is to be available hope it is accepted by Thai customs and immigration, coming in. I have a yellow vaccination card my MD initials.

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1 hour ago, VIPinLanna said:

In the US the Pfizer vaccine is now being shipped in large quantities according to news reports.

I have heard Pfizer and Moderna are the ones leading at the moment with 90% success rates, although Thailand recently signed up with AstraZeneca who's shares took a tumble the other day as their test results came under scrutiny.


Self isolating won't be happening as others have said.


If you haven't an urgent need to come back, suggest you wait for the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, by then, as long as you can prove you have had the jab, I am sure Thailand will welcome you in with open arms, might even try to convince you to get a shot of AstraZeneca while your here as a booster a year later, at your expense of course ????


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The AstraZeneca numbers are under scrutiny because a focus group got half a dose and then a full dose of the vaccine. Surprisingly they actually had a better reaction than the group that got the full dose twice.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is a lot easier to store than Pfizer and Maderna.

Unless you are going to pay for your inoculation I doubt you will be able to choose which vaccine you are given.

It will be based on your need.

Some countries are working on a system called the common pass where it will log what vaccine you have had and when.

Until/if this is agreed the quarantining will stay in place.

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7 hours ago, VIPinLanna said:

As I am vulnerable to respiratory infections my doctor says I am prioritized for covid-19 vaccination.

About when can we expect to enter Thailand?  By the way I own a condo my retirement plans have been on hold since early this year I can self isolate at home, with community support.   What brand of vaccination will be approved for Thailand I want to be sure to get the correct injections.?



Bit premature to want to know  all those possibilities ,perhaps ask again in Feb-March 2021

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8 hours ago, Phillip9 said:

The Thai PM has already stated that Thailand won't be getting rid of the quarantine until the Thai population is vaccinated.  That won't be for another year or two in my opinion.  Until then, whether you are vaccinated or not will not matter.


Even the best vaccine is only 95% effective.  If they just opened the country to anyone who is vaccinated, many vaccinated but still infected people would arrive daily.


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10 hours ago, Phillip9 said:

The Thai PM has already stated that Thailand won't be getting rid of the quarantine until the Thai population is vaccinated.


Of course he also said that there wouldn't be a coup.



And he says a lot of things.




But yeah, can't see quarantine going away anytime soon, maybe end of 2021, so don't plan on it.


Also can't see a vaccination certificate from another country being acceptable - too easy to fake - for entry, and a waiver of quarantine.



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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


Of course he also said that there wouldn't be a coup.



And he says a lot of things.




But yeah, can't see quarantine going away anytime soon, maybe end of 2021, so don't plan on it.


Also can't see a vaccination certificate from another country being acceptable - too 

As said, a paper based vaccination card/certificate is not definitely not acceptable.


The WHO has already mentioned that a personal digital vaccination bracelet or similar is already in development, which could be checked very easily/very quickly against an always up to date global database. 


If it happens and it's issued on the spot then hopefully Thailand might accept this for folks from countries doing well with infection, vaccinations etc., (E.g: New Zealand, Australia, Singapore coming soon and more).


Further, there is continuing  strong pressure on the Thai government to reduce/cancel quarantine and other factors to rebuild tourism, create large numbers of jobs etc. Won't take long for travel/tourism/hospitality organizations to use the concept/fact of 'vaccination bracelet (or whatever it is) to pressure the government to open up the country to those vaccinated.

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

Also can't see a vaccination certificate from another country being acceptable - too easy to fake - for entry, and a waiver of quarantine.

They will accept certificates from another country eventually, after the Thai population is vaccinated.  The process is already in place for other diseases.  Many of us already carry our yellow fever vaccination certificates.   When you get vaccinated, you get an official sticker from the vaccine vial.  It would be really hard to fake and can even contain a hologram like some currencies to prevent fakes.

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21 hours ago, VIPinLanna said:

It is a serious question and I have been following the RTE site closely. Going to hotel, ventilation situation unknown, orrisome than staying home. In the US the Pfizer vaccine is now being shipped in large quantities according to news reports. Assume that one is to be available hope it is accepted by Thai customs and immigration, coming in. I have a yellow vaccination card my MD initials.

Sorry but unless you do ASQ quarantine...plan on late 2021- early 2022 to possibly return...

If relaxed quarantine by then.


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I think they will hold out for as long as possible & i think they will try and give their own vulnerable people the vaccine first before opening the borders without quarantine so second half of next year is my guess 

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14 hours ago, Phillip9 said:

The Thai PM has already stated that Thailand won't be getting rid of the quarantine until the Thai population is vaccinated.  That won't be for another year or two in my opinion.  Until then, whether you are vaccinated or not will not matter.


Even the best vaccine is only 95% effective.  If they just opened the country to anyone who is vaccinated, many vaccinated but still infected people would arrive daily.


It is possible (but by no means sure) that they will reconsider this once other countries have vaccinated significant numbers of people.  At this point the issue is still academic.


They are going to take a huge financial hit due to loss of tourists this high season.


Could possibly accept proof of vaccination plus proof of antibodies (similar to what some  European countries do regarding pets and rabies). With or without also proof of negative antigen test.


But it all remains to be seen.


What I think is certain is that any quarantine that may be required will continue to be at a designated facility and not at home.

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If we try really hard, we could drag the debate about who gets it when, which vaccine to use, to go where, how you can prove you have had it, paper or digital or holograms etc, til at least the length of time taken to develop and produce the vaccine. Thats without the vaccine having been proved yet, produced in any globally significant numbers or what the differing results are definitively. Not in the first half of 21 is all you could say entirely accurately to the OP.

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20 hours ago, jackdd said:

Was there ever any talk about people who had Covid and were cured?

This would be as good as a vaccine and if they plan to let vaccinated people into Thailand without quarantine, then they could start with those people now already?

There's no absolute proof that having had CoVid-19 makes you immune to re-infection. To the contrary, there have been documented cases of re-infection in a number of different countries.


I don't know of any health authority saying previously-infected people should be treated as if they're immune.


Here in Thailand several of the people found to be positive for coronavirus while in quarantine had apparently had previous confirmed infections (though I'm not sure how well-documented those cases were). In any event it's enough to make it unlikely the Thai authorities are going to allow people in without quarantine just because they have had Covid before.

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23 hours ago, VIPinLanna said:

In the US the Pfizer vaccine is now being shipped in large quantities according to news reports.

This would be astonishing if true. As of 2 or 3 weeks ago when the 2 US companies' initial results came out, both - but particularly Pfizer's - required something like -70C temperatures at all times till a few hours before use, and NO US hospital or clinic had the facilities to sustain that.


Still, anything can happen in Trump's US.

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3 hours ago, Mops59 said:

I think you are at least a half year ahead of Thailand. Dream on. With a vaccination you don't get sick very bad from Covid. But you still can get infected and transmit the disease. Quarantine and emergency decree will stay untill all people in Thailand are inoculated and protests are finished. Maybe for another 2-4 years.

 I agree .... i think the “unwinding” from where the process is today, to ultimately a “back to normal” will be slow... and done in incremental steps...  that’s why i suspect the first step towards that end will be lowering the mandatory SQ from 14 to 10 or the like...


While i DO think that at some point in the not-to-distant future a vaccine(s) will be found, internationally recognized/accepted and in sufficient quantities to allow for a sizable global distribution, i think we are still a ways away from any real discussion or implementation about what that will look like for thailand- and the resulting impact on things like SQ-free entry etc....

Edited by new2here
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On 11/28/2020 at 12:31 AM, VIPinLanna said:

As I am vulnerable to respiratory infections my doctor says I am prioritized for covid-19 vaccination.

About when can we expect to enter Thailand?  By the way I own a condo my retirement plans have been on hold since early this year I can self isolate at home, with community support.   What brand of vaccination will be approved for Thailand I want to be sure to get the correct injections.?



I don’t know all the answers. But let’s make some common sense guesses. 
  Brand of Covid vaccines approved?  Probably any vaccine from one of the big manufactures respected in the world.. like Pfizer and Moderna and Astra Zeneca. There will be others. 
   But I guess Pfizer, Moderna, and Astra Zeneca will be the big three that will be accepted world wide by most governments.

   If you’ve already had your Yellow Fever shot, then you were probably given the yellow “International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis”.  Is so, then you can see that there are extra lines for adding further vaccination and stamps and signatures of health officials who give you the shots. Your Covid vaccine shots and stamps could go there.

   That “International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis” is accepted everywhere in the world. I keep mine with my passport along with my other government vaccination and travel vaccination record.
   Or, it’s possible they might give you a whole separate card or certificate for evidence of you having the shots. Just make sure that when you get your Covid vaccine shots, that they give you documented evidence that you received the shots.

   My best guesses.... for what they’re worth. 

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