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UK tells EU: back down by Sunday night or we'll walk


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( So....quota 's sold to foreign can keep fishing U.K. waters .... )




UK drops push for renationalising of fishing vessels in Brexit talks
No 10 said to have reached a compromise over fishing vessels to be majority British-owned in future


Daniel Boffey in Brussels and Peter Walker
Tue 15 Dec 2020 19.51 GMT


Downing Street has watered down a key demand over post-Brexit fishing rights as part of a broader compromise, EU sources said as Germany’s ambassador in Brussels said there was a chance of a deal by the weekend.


The UK dropped a push for fishing vessels operating under the UK flag to be majority British-owned in the future, it was claimed.


It came as Jacob Rees-Mogg, the leader of the Commons who is responsible for its timetable, suggested it was “theoretically possible” that MPs could be asked to approve a trade deal retrospectively.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:



But even BJ understands this that is why he now does agree about the EU labor protection. Not sure why its so hard for you to understand. You can still have your sovereignty but the moment you enter into a accord on defence or trade you will have to give up some of those rights. Its not that hard to understand except for nationalists.


   Does that apply to the E.U as well ?

When the E.U enter into an accord on defence or trade , the E.U also has to give up some of their rights ?

Or is it E.U Uber alles ?

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1 minute ago, Hi from France said:

there will be concessions, but overall, the UK (Scotland mainly in fact) will be able to fish more, no doubt.



now it's a huge price to pay, it would have been cheaper and faster to simply buy back the quotas the UK sold in the past if there was really a regret selling them in the first place ?

But could that means also some more could be bought ...if available ? ????

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6 minutes ago, david555 said:

and hopin their lives not becomes ruined because a complete lie that brexit was as promised


  Nope, you are the one who is lying , the only promise was that we would leave the E.U.

The ones who keep accursing others of lying are usually the biggest liars of them all 

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


  Nope, you are the one who is lying , the only promise was that we would leave the E.U.

The ones who keep accursing others of lying are usually the biggest liars of them all 

i don't go turn in circles with you as you try with others ....????

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3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

the only promise was that we would leave the E.U.



The problem being that nearly every Leave voter had/has a different opinion of what that would represent.


There were no really indications/plans,

only sometimes suggestions as : "The money we will spare from the contribution to the E.U., will go to the N.H.S.",

but not a guarantee it would happen.


For the Remainers, the indications/plans were very clear, impossible to misinterpret :


" Nothing will change ".


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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:


   The slogan didnt even say the money would go to the NHS , it was just a suggestion as to where the money COULD be spent 


Do  I misinterpret your post ?

But that's what I wrote.


There were no really indications/plans,

only sometimes suggestions as : "The money we will spare from the contribution to the E.U., will go to the N.H.S.",

but not a guarantee it would happen.



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28 minutes ago, david555 said:

well that is a true confession from a right wing nationalist .....wait your next election .... can be fun  


  The next UK election will be interesting .

All the (former) Labour voters who changed to vote Conservative , because Conservatives accepted the will of the people and Labour disregarded what the people voted for , will those voters stay with the Conservatives or revert back to Labour ?

  Will the life long Labour voters forgive the Labour party for their treachery ?

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1 hour ago, CorpusChristie said:


  The next UK election will be interesting .

All the (former) Labour voters who changed to vote Conservative , because Conservatives accepted the will of the people and Labour disregarded what the people voted for , will those voters stay with the Conservatives or revert back to Labour ?

  Will the life long Labour voters forgive the Labour party for their treachery ?

And complete and utter stupidity,

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