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UK and EU reach Brexit trade deal


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On 12/29/2020 at 10:39 AM, CG1 Blue said:

The first 5 points around the SM, CU. paperwork, bargaining power and cooperation, you are predicting problems again. Problems that were vastly exaggerated by Project Fear. You are still giving projections!

 We do not have the unfettered access promised by Vote.Leave. Fact.


As anyone who watches TV or reads a newspaper, print or online, in the UK can tell you, the government has spent millions of pounds in publicity explaining to businesses etc. how this will effect them and increase the paperwork required when exporting to or importing from the EU.


So address your accusations of false predictions and Project Fear exaggeration to Boris Johnson, 10 Downing Street, London SW1.


As we are no longer in the EU, we are also no longer in Europol. Not Project Fear; fact.


On 12/29/2020 at 10:39 AM, CG1 Blue said:

EIEM and SIS - can't find much at all about these. So what are they, are we 100% definitely losing access to them with no replacement possible?  And what will the consequences be (in your opinion, because you can't say factually). 


So you admit to not knowing the full consequences of Brexit!


So on what did you base your support for it? Jingoism and xenophobia?


To (mis)quote Joni Mitchell: you didn't know what we had 'til it's gone!


On 12/29/2020 at 10:39 AM, CG1 Blue said:

Re the EHIC:

The deal on the future relationship between the EU and the UK was announced on 24 December. It says that all EHIC cards issued before the end of 2020 will be valid until their expiry date.

After that, the UK will issue a new card. The UK government says the new card will be called the UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), but there are no further details yet on how to obtain it. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-44850972


Yes, I know existing EHICs will be valid until their expiry date; but we can't get new ones anymore.


But I'll give you the UKGHIC. Since my post, and your reply, the government has announced details and it does seem to work in the same way, and be as valid as, the EHIC.


On 12/29/2020 at 10:39 AM, CG1 Blue said:

On roaming charges, the 4 main UK mobile operators have categorically stated they do not plan to re-introduce roaming charges (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-45064268).


Categorically stated? No; in your linked to article they say that they have no plans at present! There is now no legal measure to stop them from so doing in the future.


From your link


The problem is that without the EU rules in place, the charges would depend on agreements between UK operators and their counterparts in EU countries.

While they may have such deals in place to prevent charges increasing straight away at the start of 2021, there is no guarantee that they will be able to maintain them indefinitely.


On 12/29/2020 at 10:39 AM, CG1 Blue said:

So again, no factual evidence of disastrous consequences. 


I don't recall ever saying all the consequences labelled Project Fear by Vote.Leave would be disastrous. But whilst some could well be, others, like the possibility of increased roaming charges, will certainly be inconvenient.


On 12/29/2020 at 10:39 AM, CG1 Blue said:

Would you like to try again? 


Why would I? Your attempt to destroy my list has proven to be ineffectual!


After I finish today, I'll be afk for about a week; so you've plenty of time to try and think of something to try again.

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4 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

No this is not BA/IA


You add tons of red tape, this is bound to happen. To people, to goods and to services.


And not just here but in many cases we will not even hear about. 


That's why 6.5% of the UK economy will go missing in the next few years. 




Incorrect its incompetency by British Airways /Iberia Airlines

Both UK Gov and Spain have stated the following documents are correct



PS How much extra tax will the French taxpayers have to pay for the huge hole in the erasmus+ budget as it appears the French use erasmus the most so they should pay the most

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59 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

PS How much extra tax will the French taxpayers have to pay for the huge hole in the erasmus+ budget

Don't change the subject again, my post is just about showing how red tape leaves people stranded at borders. 


There are always extra documents and extra costs, but even if you jumped through all the hoops, there's still a chance you'll be rejected. Or that someone in front of the line gets slowed down and you miss your plane. 


The best red tape is "no red tape"


... and you Brexiteers just created billions of €/£ of red tape and lots of stories like this one. 



This is how the damage is done even with zero tariffs. This is how the border of UK/northern Ireland or Gibraltar looks now and maybe the future Scotland /England border. 


Do you take responsibility or not? 



(If you want to start a discussion on the funding of Erasmus or Irexit, just start the discussion with solid data and sources, you'll be welcome). 


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19 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

Don't change the subject again, my post is just about showing how red tape leaves people stranded at borders. 


There are always extra documents and extra costs, but even if you jumped through all the hoops, there's still a chance you'll be rejected. Or that someone in front of the line gets slowed down and you miss your plane. 


The best red tape is "no red tape"


... and you Brexiteers just created billions of €/£ of red tape and lots of stories like this one. 



This is how the damage is done even with zero tariffs. This is how the border of UK/northern Ireland or Gibraltar looks now and maybe the future Scotland /England border. 


Do you take responsibility or not? 



(If you want to start a discussion on the funding of Erasmus or Irexit, just start the discussion with solid data and sources, you'll be welcome). 



  1 hour ago, Hi from France said:

No this is not BA/IA


You add tons of red tape, this is bound to happen. To people, to goods and to services.


And not just here but in many cases we will not even hear about. 


That's why 6.5% of the UK economy will go missing in the next few years. 




As previously stated 

Incorrect its incompetency by British Airways /Iberia Airlines and spanish immigration

Both UK Gov and Spain have stated the following documents are correct


People were turned away for a flight only to turn up next day same paperwork and allowed to fly same airline

Clearly someone from the Goverment of Spain had words with the airline between the denied flight and the allowed flight


Ps there is no customs or border checks between Scotland and England

Edited by vinny41
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On the first weekend since the Brexit transition phase ended, UK residents of Spain seeking to return to their homes have been wrongly turned away by British Airways staff at Heathrow  as they prepared to fly home.


Eventually BA agreed it had acted incorrectly. Mr Meldrum was told: “Looking at what's happened it does look like you've been incorrectly denied boarding today. I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience and don't underestimate how annoyed you must be feeling.


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Get ready for the next Brexit negotiations (who said Brexit is over now?) 


The UK is hurrying to nail down a plan for selling financial services across Europe after the Brexit trade deal failed to cover swathes of the banking and insurance sectors. 


Banks have been shifting billions of pounds in assets out of the UK as Brexit brings an end to passporting rights, the agreements which hand full access to European markets.


Such disruption could be eased if the EU offered market access through ‘equivalence’, a system that outlines one set of rules for trade.

It is still very unclear what the UK is offering in exchange for these equivalence. 


More fish? 




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11 hours ago, candide said:

The local agencies deal with non-prescription drugs and drugs authorised before the creation of the EMA.

It's more efficient to have a look at the EMA website.



That's not true, the local agencies and I will use the UK MHRA as an example, are responsible for regulating and authorising of all drugs.

As an example, they authorised the recent pfizer vaccine for use in the UK.


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11 hours ago, stevenl said:

As long as requirements are met, of course they can (re)join.

Only time will tell. 


10 hours ago, adammike said:

They will,just not with the opt outs they had, and the Biggie is they would have to ditch the pound and take the Euro!!!!!!.

The SNP firmly believe that they don't have to accept the Euro and plan to have their own currency. Somewhat similar to Norway.


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3 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

Only time will tell. 


The SNP firmly believe that they don't have to accept the Euro and plan to have their own currency. Somewhat similar to Norway.


As Norway are not a member ... but working togheter with E.U .....

Full E.U. members need to join the €...


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5 minutes ago, david555 said:

As Norway are not a member

My bad. I meant Denmark.



There are currently nine countries which are in the EU but do not use the euro (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and the UK).Mar 11, 2019


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12 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

My bad. I meant Denmark.



Those joining the E.U. in full must go use € in future ,  but they have a certain timeframe to do so , even those newcomers some are even not in Schengen ...yet also , you know every day new rules are coming .... you know  ...what those hard core brexiteers as a Sir Redwood call tentacles grabbing to his dear old England....????


Come on brexit's .... get over it you are happy & out....,now face what mean's ....and some growing pains shall occur on both sides for implicating wrongly all those new rules , after 48 years having it simple way ..... so also no big disturbances at Dover now , as many lorry driver company' s just keeping a rest now...., to see what happens to those who go already .... in a week or so full import export  shall start  

It is all new for now 

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9 minutes ago, transam said:

Weeeeell, from where I am sitting it is that remainers and EU blokes can't get over it, in fact since the deal was done I haven't stopped smiling.....A great start to my new year.....????

But it is great fun to read input from across the channel, now it is all sorted.......????......:thumbsup:

:whistling:....... :violin::coffee1:

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5 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

Only time will tell. 


The SNP firmly believe that they don't have to accept the Euro and plan to have their own currency. Somewhat similar to Norway.


So you're retracting your earlier post UK will not be allowed to rejoin.

1 hour ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

My bad. I meant Denmark.



The article from which you quote clearly mentions Norway as an example.

"But the Scottish government won’t want to go on about that too much, as Brussels could well tell them to go off and join Norway outside the EU but in the European Economic Area."

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9 hours ago, Chelseafan said:


That's not true, the local agencies and I will use the UK MHRA as an example, are responsible for regulating and authorising of all drugs.

As an example, they authorised the recent pfizer vaccine for use in the UK.


It was an emergency authorisation.

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17 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

What is causing me much amusement is the fact that Brexiteers are celebrating Boris' WA and now this trade deal as tremendous victories.

What Tony Blair said in 'The 'Guardian' . Even he can see that Boris done good.




Tony Blair: I would have voted for Boris Johnson's post-Brexit trade deal

Former Labour prime minister reveals he would have backed Keir Starmer in Commons vote




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7 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

What Tony Blair said in 'The 'Guardian' . Even he can see that Boris done good


Here is the link to the article: Tony Blair: I would have voted for Boris Johnson's post-Brexit trade deal.


I can understand why you didn't want to post that link so people could read the actual article; because in it Blair doesn't say anything remotely like "Boris done good!" He just says that, like Starmer, he would have voted for it because it's better than the alternative of no deal!



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