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Thailand faces national lockdown by March if COVID-19 guidelines not followed: CCSA

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On 12/26/2020 at 3:34 PM, Flying Saucage said:

Well, how about starting vaccinations sooner? Even Mexico, Costa Rico and Chile started to vaccinate their people with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine already. But in Thailand, there seems to be no pressure at all and no priority to do that. Very strange.


Could there be any better proof that an end of the crisis is not at all a top priority of the Thai government, for whatever reason? Were they told by China to wait for a Chinese vaccine maybe? Or to ruin the economy even more, to make it cheaper for Chinese investors? I mean, if even Mexico is able to get and distribute the vaccine in order to protect its people, why is Thailand not? 

Could it be that there is no money available for the vaccine 

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On 12/26/2020 at 3:03 PM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

However, if the local COVID-19 situation becomes uncontrollable and if there is not "proper cooperation from the people" to follow the new preventative measures put in place to combat the spread of the virus then Thailand will be in national lockdown by March


Proper cooperation in stopping the illegal immigration racket of transporting labor across the border and into Samut Sakhon, the province which is the epicenter of the new wave of infections. ????   

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11 minutes ago, Venom said:


Proper cooperation in stopping the illegal immigration racket of transporting labor across the border and into Samut Sakhon, the province which is the epicenter of the new wave of infections. ????   

hat if is that again.. NOBODY knows just talk <deleted>

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2 hours ago, Muzzique said:


As of start of August the expect mortality rate in Thailand was 8.5% above normal as compared to the years between 2009 and 2019.


That equates to about 13000 more deaths than would be expected between March and the end of July.


Thailand’s mortality data is taken from the Thai Bureau of Registration Administration. 


Whilst this in itself does not prove those deaths are attributed to COVID, it's hard to find another reason for this large rise.


You can read more about this here






Thank you for this.  It is the first time I have seen anything reportiong the number of excess deaths here.  An additional 13000 deaths, being some 8.5% higher than the "normal" indicates rather more covid than being reported.  But still a drop in the ocean compared to those western countries whose leaders flounder, and whose citizens ignore any and all sensible precautions.


If we take that 13000 and round up to 15000, that gives deaths per 1M at 215....which is around the World average and way, way, way below some far more "advanced" nations:





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2 hours ago, brain150 said:


Why does anybody need a Vaccine for a disease with a recovery rate of 99.9x % ??? ... or why would anybody be scared of it ?
You are more likely to die from eating Som Tum !!!

its obvious the thing that ts just a big brother control, jeez are u really suprised?   ok u teke it amd lats see if  gain a nut?

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2 hours ago, brain150 said:


Why does anybody need a Vaccine for a disease with a recovery rate of 99.9x % ??? ... or why would anybody be scared of it ?
You are more likely to die from eating Som Tum !!!

How hard is it to understand that it is NOT just about the mortality rate? 


Overwhelmed health systems from those seriously ill, but who would overwise recover, would lead to additional deaths not just among those with covid, but also those ill and injured by other illnesses and accidents.


Add to that the mounting evidence of a significant proportion of those not dying having serious ongoing complications; it is NOT just another flu.



Edited by Phulublub
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1 minute ago, Phulublub said:

How hard is it to understand that it is NOT just about the mortality rate? 


Overwhelmed health systems from those seriously ill, ut who would overwise recover, would lead to additional deaths not just amonr those with covid, but also those ill an dinjured by other illnesses and accidents.


Add to that the mounting evidence of a significant proportion of those not dying having serious ongoing complications; it is NOT just another flu.



not me... enjoy...

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Average deaths per year of 800,000 from Malaria have never been a concern to anybody ... and that's for decades !!!

25,000 people dying from hunger EVERY DAY have never been a concern.


And these are real numbers and NOT projections !!!


... maybe it's because it's not in the media 24/7 ???

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1 hour ago, Tonypandy said:

Could it be that there is no money available for the vaccine 


This is what these gangstas at the top want to make the people believe. But as long as there is enough money available from Chinese loans for planning a trip to the moon, for planning a bridge over the gulf of Thailand, for buying useless submarines, other military toys and VIP-toilets, it would be quite naive to follow this argument. The EU pays 12 US$ per dose of the BioNTech vaccine. For all Thai people together, the vaccine costs less than the yearly budget of something I don't want to mention here.


Edited by Flying Saucage
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1 hour ago, brain150 said:

You might want to factcheck your factcheckers ????


Took me 5 minutes to find out who is behind and funding them ... same old names: Soros, Gates ????

Sure thing mate.




Full Fact is a very well-sourced, thorough fact-checker. We consider them to be a top fact-checker in the genre with the likes of Politifact and Factcheck.org. MBFC endorses Full Fact as a highly credible fact-checker


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On 12/26/2020 at 2:34 AM, Flying Saucage said:

Even Mexico, Costa Rico and Chile started to vaccinate their people with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine already. But in Thailand, there seems to be no pressure at all and no priority to do that. Very strange.


I think you're being overly generous comparing Thailand to these countries.

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On 12/26/2020 at 9:34 AM, Flying Saucage said:

Well, how about starting vaccinations sooner? Even Mexico, Costa Rico and Chile started to vaccinate their people with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine already. But in Thailand, there seems to be no pressure at all and no priority to do that. Very strange.


Could there be any better proof that an end of the crisis is not at all a top priority of the Thai government, for whatever reason? Were they told by China to wait for a Chinese vaccine maybe? Or to ruin the economy even more, to make it cheaper for Chinese investors? I mean, if even Mexico is able to get and distribute the vaccine in order to protect its people, why is Thailand not? 

Some money has to go around first.........

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12 hours ago, skorp13 said:

Thailand has been relative covid free for how long now while its neighbors have been affected and they never thought about covering their borders???? Now wait 3 months until it is rampant so they have an excuse? Pretty negligent!

Their neighbors like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia which have fewer official cases. Only Myanmar has more.

But also a function of not testing asymptomatic carriers, which are the majority of cases (In USA 7.6 million active cases and 125,000 in the hospital. Less than 2% of cases are so severe that they need a hospital).

What is your definition of rampant ? 1% of the population having the virus?

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2 hours ago, brain150 said:

Average deaths per year of 800,000 from Malaria have never been a concern to anybody ... and that's for decades !!!

25,000 people dying from hunger EVERY DAY have never been a concern.


And these are real numbers and NOT projections !!!


... maybe it's because it's not in the media 24/7 ???

So true.. plus the 4 million who die from air pollution every year or 3 million who pass because of contaminated drinking water. 


But Malaria, Hunger, air pollution and lack of clean water are a problem in Africa, Asia and not Europe or the USA. So nobody in the media cares much. Different when it happens at home...

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2 hours ago, Phulublub said:

How hard is it to understand that it is NOT just about the mortality rate? 


Overwhelmed health systems from those seriously ill, but who would overwise recover, would lead to additional deaths not just among those with covid, but also those ill and injured by other illnesses and accidents.


Add to that the mounting evidence of a significant proportion of those not dying having serious ongoing complications; it is NOT just another flu.



Where is the mounting evidence of a significant portion of recovered having ongoing complications?

My niece had it.. no symptoms, no problems after

Novak Djokovic had it and is playing tennis like before

NFL players, soccer players had it and are back on the field - you think they have permanent damage?


Sure, there are always some people who have long term effects. But that is the same for every other virus. Nobody who has pneumonia and recovers is running a marathon the next week- doesn't matter, if it is caused by covid, flu or bacterial.

If you have a severe illness and require hospitalization, you probably lose weight/ muscle, your lung function declines, you are at risk for blood clots. I was in a hospital for 10 days with a virus infection in 2019... then needed support walking for a week, then could walk a quarter mile for 2 weeks only without having to rest. About 2 months before I was able to start sports again at 40% of before.

By the time I reached 80% of normal, covid locked us down and gyms etc were closed, which set back recovery.


Out of 7.6 million active cases in the USA, 125,000 or about 2% require hospitalization.  Not the killer which causes people to drop dead in the streets

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On 12/26/2020 at 2:34 AM, Flying Saucage said:

Well, how about starting vaccinations sooner? Even Mexico, Costa Rico and Chile started to vaccinate their people with the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine already. But in Thailand, there seems to be no pressure at all and no priority to do that. Very strange.


Could there be any better proof that an end of the crisis is not at all a top priority of the Thai government, for whatever reason? Were they told by China to wait for a Chinese vaccine maybe? Or to ruin the economy even more, to make it cheaper for Chinese investors? I mean, if even Mexico is able to get and distribute the vaccine in order to protect its people, why is Thailand not? 

Was on a video call from a friend in Guadalajara yesterday, said started last week and was set for distribution 90,80,70 years olds etc after the front line workers are vaccinated.The older folks like me who have high blood pressure are the ones dying in numbers. I have another friend in Monterey and her son has the virus with very few symptoms. 

I am not going anywhere until I get jabbed.

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7 minutes ago, sdweller said:

What happens if guidelines aren't enough?  Remember, despite what some on this forum think, Covid is NOT the plague, and it's not much more deadly than a bad flu year at this point.  

My doctor told me the same thing, but she said it is much more contagious, Not to be taken lightly.

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No. Based on case numbers to deaths it's already much worse than a bad flu year. Unless you're comparing it to 1918 which was of course the last global pandemic of this magnitude.

actually the flu has a higher death rate, but it doesn't spread as fast as covid, so Covid has a bigger impact

Edited by GrandPapillon
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10 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

actually the flu has a higher death rate, but it doesn't spread as fast as covid, so Covid has a bigger impact


A recent study (albeit a single study) would beg to differ re mortality.



Edited by Salerno
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