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Mall attack settled: Norwegian pays 30K to Thai lady shopper he kicked after trolley misunderstanding


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11 hours ago, finnsk said:

Is the situation happening before or after shopping payment ?


If it was happening before payment it is absolutely non forgivable, that would be normal misunderstanding, happening very often in a supermarket and normaly handled with a smile.


If it is happening after payment it could look like a robbery, and then he have right to act in my mind, maybe he overreact to the little woman, thats another talk.


To see what is right or wrong I would like to know was the situation happening before or after payment ?

All of the Big C's I've been to have ATM's past the cash registers. I guessing he had already paid for his merchandise in the cart.

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11 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

Yes i can read however there's not explanation for amount.


Compensation is normally based on loss of earnings ( time not able to attend work ) and / or cost of hospital bills ( couple of bruises? ).

How many out-of-court settlements have you been part of here in Thailand to come to this conclusion? My impression was (I may be wrong) that it’s always been like this (and maybe not only in Thailand but even in other countries), and that it’s only the courts that would consider actual damage when determining compensation. 

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A classic assumption,certainly made an ass out of himself never an excuse to be violent towards a woman especially one half your size would have been more fun and appropriate to embarrass her for taking his cart idiot in a foreign country no less yup a true idiot 

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1 hour ago, Guderian said:

Another fine example of double-pricing, 30k is what a Thai might be expected to pay in compensation for quite a big  crime. I'm not defending the unpleasant idiot, especially in times like these we should all be on our best behaviour, and show respect to our host country, but the difference in the fines a farang and Thai are expected to pay are galling. 

30k is Appropriate to his level of income it acts as a deterrent for future episode. 500 Baht is peanuts to the average Farang and would not be a deterrent in any way. However 500 Baht is a deterrent to the average Thai. I am all in favour of fines being proportionate to Income in any country it would stop the wealthy from breaking the law with impunity.

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There world are full of <deleted>. He is not the worst of people I know from before.

He likes to kick a people that's his problem . I'm ok with that as far as he not  bother me to much.Some people told me that he got dead in one fight. Look like is not true.

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15 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

Not disputing the fact that other options were bad, my question is - where did the figure of 30K come from?

It’s in the OP. She asked for 40 he offered 30 and Bingo!!  It’s hardly rocket science. Just like being down the market. 

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15 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

Yes i can read however there's not explanation for amount.


Compensation is normally based on loss of earnings ( time not able to attend work ) and / or cost of hospital bills ( couple of bruises? ).

He assaulted her. What’s your going rate for assault?

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14 hours ago, polpott said:

If I, in a moment of complete madness, had done such a thing, I wouldn't have bartered with the young lady, I'd have handed over the 40k baht and apologized profusely.

Totally. If she had asked for 40,000 I would of thought I had got off lightly and paid her as fast as i could. 

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6 hours ago, Trolleen said:

There world are full of <deleted>. He is not the worst of people I know from before.

He likes to kick a people that's his problem . I'm ok with that as far as he not  bother me to much.Some people told me that he got dead in one fight. Look like is not true.

Thank you for your answer

i agree with you the world is full of <deleted> 

however where we differ is i try to avoid them and i will never

be friend with one of them. The fact that he likes to kick people (Including small ladies)

and you are ''OK with that'' is worrying from my point of view and you should re think about it.

There are a lot of Thai boxing clubs everywhere in Thailand where he could kick people with pleasure

(But also be kicked in return, and it's maybe his problem)

It's sad to know a previous fight wasn't the last for him

and i sincerely hope the karma will catch him very quick and definitively

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20 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Maybe he though she wants to steal what he paid for.

I don't say that was reasonable but I think from time to time we all act before we think.

Your first reaction would be to kick a woman, twice, who looks to be half his size?


The compensation may be disproportionate, but this guy has serious anger issues and 

I don't know how you or anyone else would try to justify it.


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19 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

Yes, but why not 5K for example?


30K for what??? 

Normally to avoid police action and possible court proceedings which

may well jeopardize his stay in Thailand. 


The police are often used as intermediaries to resolve such disputes, according to 

some of those involved in such matters here, the police receive a fee for this, much 

like ppi claim companies in the UK.



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11 hours ago, Kidvinie said:

When they say 'kicked' what do they actually mean? He may have just tapped her with his foot to gain her attention. I can't imagine someone doing a running roundhouse on another person. Maybe she did try and steal his paid for items? It's another case of 'we only know what the media are telling us'. 

If you look at the link to the original story you can see a nasty looking bruise on the 

thigh of the small woman, I reckon that was more than just a little tap.


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6 hours ago, Trolleen said:

There world are full of <deleted>. He is not the worst of people I know from before.

He likes to kick a people that's his problem . I'm ok with that as far as he not  bother me to much.Some people told me that he got dead in one fight. Look like is not true.

So you're actually comfortable hanging out with Mr Kicky? Did you ever ask him why he kicks people? Is he half donkey? Are his arms too short to use his fists? 

On a more serious note, now you know he's a woman beater I assume you'll not be hanging out with him anymore - unless you're ok with that too? 

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2 hours ago, shy coconut said:

Your first reaction would be to kick a woman, twice, who looks to be half his size?


The compensation may be disproportionate, but this guy has serious anger issues and 

I don't know how you or anyone else would try to justify it.


No, I wouldn't do that - and I never said I would do that.

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22 hours ago, finnsk said:

Is the situation happening before or after shopping payment ?


If it was happening before payment it is absolutely non forgivable, that would be normal misunderstanding, happening very often in a supermarket and normaly handled with a smile.


If it is happening after payment it could look like a robbery, and then he have right to act in my mind, maybe he overreact to the little woman, thats another talk.


To see what is right or wrong I would like to know was the situation happening before or after payment ?

They way this is story is written (very poorly I might add) it appears to be after payment as her side of the story she was on her way to an ATM with the shopping cart. His side of the story is not mentioned. We don't know if he tried to explain to her that the items belonged to him or not. Let's not forget, times are tough now (for NOT a farang) and thieves come in all shapes and sizes. I find it a little odd that this woman was walking away with the cart and no knowledge of where her mother is.

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22 hours ago, tonray said:

Nonsense....you don't have the right to kick a tiny woman in the legs twice ! even if she was stealing. That's an idiot with an anger management problem who in all likelihood is also a woman abuser.

And just how would you retrieve your stolen items from a thief? Call the ???? police? ????

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2 minutes ago, BobinBKK said:

I find it a little odd that this woman was walking away with the cart and no knowledge of where her mother is.

It's Thai 101...

Nobody will. have set a rendezvous point..plenty of conversations on the way..but you get their in the end-gotta stop at the lottery seller too..


Kicked twice I believe by a large Norwegian male,presumably a guest from Covid infested Europe.

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