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Migrant Influx Feared


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7 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

A deputy national police chief has admitted it is likely that about 100,000 migrant workers who had left the country at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic would sneak in

obviously they have it under control as they can estimate, only issue is they cannot really control it; been going on time immemorial; hilarious the thais just now admit it

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30 minutes ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

Didn't they had the borders under control, with man power patrols & drones.... ????

and didnt they about  a  year  ago said  all  migrants must be registered etc etc with ridiculous  amounts of  paperwork and long trips to the sparsley placed immigration centres.

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11 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

I am confused.

This government is made up of mostly Generals or ex-Generals.

They came to power via a powerful military coup.

The main job of the military is protect the country and its citizens and to keep them safe.

Out beloved leader told us this when he took border control soldiers away from the Burmese border in order to protect parliament from peaceful demonstrators.

So, with all of this military might, tanks, submarines, dirigibles etc how come they cannot deter a mere 100,000 civilians from invading Thailand?

Good Point!!

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With the News filtering back to their Homelands on the Mistreatment and Racist Abuses that are now common place in Thailand, I very much doubt that Thailand will be so attractive to these people any more.

Many are going to think hard and long before they commit to working in Thailand under such draconian conditions.

Edited by Cake Monster
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12 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

Thailand has 561,000 military personnel. (361,000 active duty and 200,000 reserve). It can deploy 200,000 along the border.





From the very onset the root problem with Thailand's approach to migrants has been not failure to enforce the virtually unenforcable but failure to provide an acceptable legal channel (which would then render it potentially possible to enforce rules against illegal entry).


Since March there has been no legal means of entry for migrant workers. Zero. No enter and be quarantined option, no option at all.  Meanwhile you have long land borders, a demand for workers in Thailand and people needing the work on the other side.  The outcome was totally predictable.


It is not just an issue for undocumented workers. Those legally here face an impossible choice if a family emergency arises that requires a visit home. I personally know one case of a perfectly legal, documented Cambodian worker whose father died back in Cambodia. It is a cultural impossibility for a son not to return in that case to fulfill his obligations. This man had no choice but to pay a smuggler to bring him across and then back again. Cost him 10,000 baht each way and believe me he would rather have entered legally and quarantined. But that option did not exist. The more time that passes, the more such cases will occur.


It needs a combination of a viable legal option and strong enforcement against illegal entry. Trying to ban entry altogether, as they have done, was sure to fail, and it has.

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18 hours ago, YetAnother said:

obviously they have it under control as they can estimate, only issue is they cannot really control it; been going on time immemorial; hilarious the thais just now admit it

Which Thais 'just now admit it'?  That's a rather sweeping and inaccurate generalization. And why is it 'hilarious'  Your comment just another Thai bashing comment. Keep up the good work.

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Do not be confused.

Migrant workers (legal and illegal)  are the reason Thaiand has such real wealrh. Thay have been doing the menial tasks that Thais do not want to do at a fraction of the cost for as long as I can remember & in many ways nothing wrong with that as the oppression in their own country drives them over the border to at least live with some dignity & sleep with a full belly.

Having a Deputy Police Chief come out & basically admit that they have lost the plot in being able to keep the borders safe is very concerning & should be a wake up call to the mainly "corrupt" practices" that occur on a regular basis on our borders in particular at this time when for obvious

reasons should be stamped out & harsh penalties relayed & given for "oversights" that put the Nations health in jeopardy

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