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Married Men: Do you enjoy 'a bit on the side?'


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On 1/23/2021 at 9:33 AM, WineOh said:

I strongly disagree with this.

I married my wife for her brain first and foremost.

She is a smart woman.


However, walking down the street I am constantly checking other birds out.

all the time.


Heterosexual men are hardwire biologically to have sex with as many different women as possible.

It is hardwired into their DNA to promote procreation and ensure the survival of the human race.


It is social morals that stop many men from unzipping their shorts. 

Thai men and Chinese men and other cultures are not smothered by Christian religious teachings (aka social morals).

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2 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

Thai men and Chinese men and other cultures are not smothered by Christian religious teachings (aka social morals).

Neither am I mate.

not sure what buddhism teaches about fidelity but I am pretty sure its not as restrictive as christianity or catholicism.

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9 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Barbara Bush: “Clinton lied. A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is.”

Perhaps he,d had a skinfull when the act occured.

Edited by kingdong
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6 hours ago, ChrisKC said:

A "bit on the side" sounds cheap and nasty to me.


I do understand a married partner in an extra-marital affair when there is a serious problem in the relationship.


It is highly disrespectful and particularly unloving.


And in all probabilities will end in tears, separation and divorce for a few of those closely involved.


So the direct answer is NO!

All true,unfortunately your fidelity do,es not guarantee reciprosy.

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Inflammatory personal remark removed.


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my take on the subject goes along the lines... (or used to be back in the day)

" a monogenous relationship is like only having one jazz mag in the library, gets a bit of a boring read after a few weeks..."


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Maybe mentioned already; No, because I like my d**k to stay attached to my body.

Too many Thai men have learned this the hard, painful way. One good thing if this does happen to them, easy to assimilate into Thai society now that they've become a member of the "third gender" club, no stigmas over here.

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12 hours ago, Skallywag said:

Did not say that correctly.  Meant to say that humans are considered the most "intelligent" species on our planet, so why are many duped by religion and/or their fellow men or women?  

Too many believe what they want to believe or choose to believe when it comes to matters of the opposite sex.  This unfortunately leads to many breaks ups of marriages and/or relationships when peoples real character is revealed or something "better" comes along.  

Marriage is just not a goal for me anymore and frankly do not understand how people can promise to "forsake all others" .  You can love and respect each other of course, but monogamy is not in our DNA as far as I know

Amen and many thanks for clearing that up, I thought your other reply didn't make sense.

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On 1/23/2021 at 3:39 PM, WineOh said:

My wife has no intention of sleeping around.

But she has also hinted to me in the past that she would be OK if I did...

She has never actually come out and said sleep around, but she has said things like 'boys will be boys' and 'men always do anyway' etc.

Not trying to go off topic, but as a matter in interest, what is the chance of the 30 year old wife who in about 99.9% of cases is only married to the 60 year old husband for financial reasons, not having it on the side?

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11 hours ago, BangkokReady said:


Same here.  Always disappointing when you meet someone, get to know them, then find out they regularly cheat on their wives or girlfriends or use prostitutes.  Even more so when they become obsessed with trying to make you do the same.

Many expat here use prostitutes willy nilly and try to justify it by calling them things that try to hide the fact, like bargirl, escort etc. 

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15 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Many expat here use prostitutes willy nilly and try to justify it by calling them things that try to hide the fact, like bargirl, escort etc. 

And can easily be recognised by sitting in a cheap bar in soi buathow mid afternoon bellowing " they,re all c***s" at the top of their voices after they,ve been caught out and kicked out.

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25 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

The Dalai Lama was asked once what i the meaning of life. He replied "to help everyone". When asked if this was all, he replied, "if you can't help them, don't hurt them."


You remind me of when I was  an alcoholic, I would search for other alcoholics to justify my daily drinking.  I hated anyone to tell me what I was doing was wrong, and didn't listen anyway. 

It raises our self-esteem when we find others that have the same character defects and moral failings. We can even brag about it, and get some sort of sick praise from others that do it. 


Paying for sex whilst married is nothing to be proud of, however you will get some kind of recognition in Thailand as many expats here are sex addicts and have no intention of being a man and facing up to their addiction. 

Funnily enough i normally used to drink daily,but during the lockdowns stopped,will probably restart when ( if ) things get back to normal,its the social side i miss.

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1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

No. I have been faithful for 20 years.


One question, are you ever sober when you cheat on your wife? 



I'm never sober when I don't cheat on my wife.

She drives me to drink most days ???? 

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1 minute ago, WineOh said:

I'm never sober when I don't cheat on my wife.

She drives me to drink most days ???? 

I'd like to know if you cheat when you are drunk or sober, simple question.

Personally, I did many things drunk that I would NEVER have done sober.

Maybe the issue here is drink rather than infidelity. 

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14 hours ago, WineOh said:

Exactly mate! ???? 

Too many blokes on here stuck in their western ways...

We are in ASIA!

Grab a plate at the buffet and dig in! 

well said....  but its amazing how burnt guys keep propagating the farangs bitchs lies.... so go home then...

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Just now, Seeall said:

well said....  but its amazing how burnt guys keep propagating the farangs bitchs lies.... so go home then...

I had touurists come stay.. one couple.. a pom with his hot russian new wife...  took em to my happy hour bar...   she just stood there asuming some stud would chat her up... local old guy leaned over out of pity, said hey!  we come here to get away from people like you....... lol, so well done....

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