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Police incident report - Crazy lady


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I know this is in the wrong category but not sure where to post it.


I was seeing a girl and helping her out here in Bangkok ( I know I am stupid so no need to comment that I am).

Mid Jan I decided I wanted some of the money I loaned her back as she was playing games.

I went to her condo where she turned aggressive, as I had the audacity to ask for my money back.

An angry encounter followed ( all verbal) and she paid said money back into my bank.

Hours later I started to receive abusive emails and photos of the lady in question outside a local police station, also photos of me inside her condo building from cctv in her building.

She was claiming to have made a report that stopped me going back to her condo, ( as in a police incident form) and not pressed charges.

I asked her for the paperwork to be emailed so I could have it translated and all I could was verbal abuse back and no proof she had made the report.


A friend told me, if she has not made a report then I should do so first, with bank statement showing money exchanged and the abusive emails and 100's of missed calls to me.

He claims if I make the report then it helps me if in the future she decides to go off the deep end again.


Real advice would be most welcome.


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2 minutes ago, chuang said:

how much is the loan...and have you slept with her..

The money was paid back and yes I was sleeping with her, but she was motivated to go to the police as I feel she was not happy paying the money back.

I felt I had every right to go to her condo after polite emails were ignored.

I do not know if she filed an incident report ( she would not send paperwork so I believe not).

But was not nice being threatened with photos of her outside police station etc.

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24 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

just take the amount of money you loaned (or lost) and divide by the number of times you had sex with her. if it is less than 1500 baht you came out ahead. 


now just walk away and don't loan any more money to anyone ever. 

I know that,the question was if she files a police report I am done, I was advised by someone said I should do that myself,so if in future I have some comeback by making a report first (not press charges just report it)

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7 hours ago, jimbob333 said:

I know that,the question was if she files a police report I am done, I was advised by someone said I should do that myself,so if in future I have some comeback by making a report first (not press charges just report it)

Move out ASAP....:thumbsup:

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Just now, Lacessit said:

The OP is presumably unaware many Thais regard a loan as a gift. She probably reacted badly because she was not expecting to have to pay it back.

Never lend money to Thais. It's not a loan. They don't expect to repay it. Likely not their own countrymen, and certainly not to farangs.


Between my first crappy, poorly paid teaching jobs long ago, I was recruited by an agency. They advised me to grab a co-teacher from my current school to accompany me to immigration to do the paperwork, to "make it look more official". Hah. This is so the agency wouldn't have to come with me, and they wouldn't be hit up for bribes. I didn't know and so asked my co-teacher, and she immediately knew what it was. She said her mom needed a new refrigerator, but not to worry, I'd get it back the next paycheck. I knew better and told the agency sorry, no dice at my school.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/29/2021 at 9:36 PM, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Never lend money to Thais. It's not a loan. They don't expect to repay it. Likely not their own countrymen, and certainly not to farangs.


Between my first crappy, poorly paid teaching jobs long ago, I was recruited by an agency. They advised me to grab a co-teacher from my current school to accompany me to immigration to do the paperwork, to "make it look more official". Hah. This is so the agency wouldn't have to come with me, and they wouldn't be hit up for bribes. I didn't know and so asked my co-teacher, and she immediately knew what it was. She said her mom needed a new refrigerator, but not to worry, I'd get it back the next paycheck. I knew better and told the agency sorry, no dice at my school.


I've simply lost count of all the fridges I have fronted money for without repayment. They were all hard-working cashiers too.

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