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Vaccine side-effects a major concern for people, poll shows


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18 minutes ago, robblok said:

10 after millions of vaccinations. How many have died in the US already of covid... 


Also not proven that the deaths were related. But even if they were 10 after millions.. look at how many died of covid.

While I know at least 10 people in America who had serious reactions or got sick with covid within a week after receiving the vaccine. 


I read it as 10 he knew about personally...

Would ne nice to know the the % of fatalities and serious after effects of the vaccine - I , mean the the REAL TRUTHFUL info. Or is it that out of the millions vaccinated, 0% of serious issues to-date?

(Surely, Norway cannot be the ONLY place where it went wrong. Can the absence of news be taken as proof of the safety of the vaccine? )


Edited by ravip
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1 hour ago, Toscano said:

I live in Rural Isaan , so far there have been NO cases of COVID-19 in my village , or I believe within an hour's drive . I will be 84 yrs in April , I'm remarkably fit and never go anywhere other than an occasional checkup with my doctor , or for the annual visa extension . When I was a little boy I suffered dreadfully every winter from Influenza , at about 10 yrs old my mother took me to see an eminent London , Harley St. doctor .

Dr Panizzi took a swab from my throat and had my own special vaccine made , that he sent to my boarding school where I was vaccinated by matron . I have never had influenza since , I like to believe that my personal vaccine of antibodies might still protect me better than the COVID-19 vaccines on offer . Leaving aside side effects , I am more concerned that people who tested negative before vaccination are proving positive after vaccination . I have had a wonderful life , have done nearly everything I wanted to do , this pandemic is WWIII without a shot being fired , mutations suggest that it may go on indefinitely . I am happy for friends who have already died before it began , my world is finished , there is nothing to live for , I am not intending to have the vaccination . 

Hats off to you Sir. Although 10 years your junior I am in much the same situation. I've managed to stay fit and healthy all my life without a personized vaccine. The only ones that I've had were those deemed necessary by the military. I cannot recall having a cold or flu for at least 15 years!


I also practice Qigong, a type of Chinese psychosomatic exercise which is known to have a beneficial effect on the immune system. I shall be relying on that and my isolated situation in rural Issan to see me safely through this period. So although I am not, in general an anti vaxxer, I'll not be rushing to get my jab.



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3 hours ago, mikeymike100 said:

There is no question vaccines have saved countless millions of lives, as you mention smallpox. However because the CV19 was rushed, and it was rushed, 9 months compared to 10-15 years normally,  corners were cut and long term side effects are a real possibility. Just being careful, weighing up the pros and cons, l doesn't make people ''anti vaxxers''. 

     Actually, more than 9 months. They already had a firm foundation with Covid Corona viruses going back to  at least the 2001 SARS CoV-1coronavirus outbreak, if not long before that.

 This gave them more than 15 years study and working on preliminary vaccines for Covid Corona viruses.  
   The present one, SARS CoV-19 is in the same group family of viruses. 
 The framework foundation for study and work on vaccines for this family of viruses had been in the works for years. 

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4 hours ago, mike1967 said:

With 1 in 600 people having died from Covid in the UK, I'm guessing not taking the vaccine will be far more lethal than taking it.

And less than 400 with no underlying conditions under the age of 60 have died. More chance of being hit by a bus.

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This is a poll about scaremomgering. As if Covid was not enough now we get the media

getting on the bandwagon trying to get people stirred up.

If you are a reasonably healthy adult that is not obese, diabetes free & no lung disease or  inflamations any side effects limited to feeling a bit unwell with high temp for less than 32 hours


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The immediate side effects of rashness are minor but the serious side effects might come much later or months later.


Some people died in Norway after taking the Pfizer vaccine.

Edited by EricTh
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My 97 yo mother had 2 shots of Pfizer, in UK. Seems like side effects were not a problem, beyond sore arm both times.

My daughter (nurse) in USA had 2 shots of Moderna. First shot developed a big lump at injection site as did her colleagues, sore and passed. Second shot made her feel like <deleted>, fever, body aches and fatigue.

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3 hours ago, Cobra666 said:

You should read up on human rights. Forced vaccination is not allowed according to the principles of the Nuremberg code. If you believe the vaccine is working, you should not worry about other people.

maybe I am missing a point, but isn't that what OP said earlier ?

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1 hour ago, Time to grow said:


If you think there wont be "terms and conditions" for those getting vaccinated, you are sorely mistaken.

   Alarmists have been saying that about vaccines ever since the first vaccine in the 1790’s (Smallpox vaccine). There are very very few who die from vaccines. Usually from anaphylactic shock allergic reaction to one of the ingredients. That’s why you’re supposed to hang around for about 15 minutes after the shot so they can treat you with epinephrine and prednisone if you begin to react. 
  But in exchange for an extremely small number of deaths from vaccines, the vaccines save millions of lives from diseases in exchange. 
   That’s a damn good deal. 

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1 hour ago, Time to grow said:


If you think there wont be "terms and conditions" for those getting vaccinated, you are sorely mistaken.

What ARE they?

T & C will go on for many chapters & pages. But ultimately the bottom line will be we are not responsible for your woes.

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24 minutes ago, jwbrit said:

My 97 yo mother had 2 shots of Pfizer, in UK. Seems like side effects were not a problem, beyond sore arm both times.

My daughter (nurse) in USA had 2 shots of Moderna. First shot developed a big lump at injection site as did her colleagues, sore and passed. Second shot made her feel like <deleted>, fever, body aches and fatigue.

  I’ve been vaccinated against almost everything there is a vaccine for. A very few will give you a sore muscle for two or three days where you get the shot in the upper arm.

   Two of those that will give you a sore muscle for a few days are the Tetanus vaccine shot, and the Shingrix Shingles vaccine shots. 
   Both of them gave me a bit of a sore muscle where I had the shot, for two or three days. But...that is normal and expected from those vaccines. 
  I’ve heard that the Covid-19 vaccines also have that sore upper arm muscle for a few days side effect. But no problem. I can put up with a sore upper arm muscle for a few days.  Been through that before with Tetanus and Shingrix vaccines. 
   None of the other many vaccines I’ve had over many years had any side effects at all. 

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41 minutes ago, Catoni said:

  I’ve heard that the Covid-19 vaccines also have that sore upper arm muscle for a few days side effect. But no problem. I can put up with a sore upper arm muscle for a few days.  Been through that before with Tetanus and Shingrix vaccines. 
   None of the other many vaccines I’ve had over many years had any side effects at all. 

I've had both Pfizer jabs. Slight sore/aching arm for a day with both of them. Apart from that, nothing else. A mate had slight tingling across his shoulder for a day and then that went away.

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8 hours ago, jonnit said:

My wife and I (both 76) had the Moderna Vaccine 10 days ago and have noticed no side effects. As a matter of fact, there's more discomfort in the arm after a flu shot than was the case with our 1st Covid vaccination.

My mother has had both Pfizer jabs, no side effects although she said her 2nd jab gave 

her more or a "dead arm" sensation.

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58 minutes ago, EricTh said:

Some people died in Norway after taking the Pfizer vaccine.

All that were vaccinated, are nevertheless going to die, someday. 
All that buy a Lottery ticket could win, but only the holder of a lucky ticket does,
and if the sky fell down upon us, we'd all wear a blue cap.

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But, two pols are quoted, similar total respondents etc., but the results (%s) are very different.


Again, I have no faith whatever in these polls.


If there really are quite large numbers of folks who are worried/frightened of the virus/side effects then the polls should have asked respondents for details of their worries/fears.


Then developed/distributed some detailed/focused education to, as far as possible, inform the people of the truth/facts with data/evidence where possible. 

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22 hours ago, Asspec said:

Did I state that! No I didn't but you Did.

Sorry but I don't understand the relevance of your original post. Or is it a case of "I'm alright Jack"? The population will always have people over 60, people with underlying health issues or both. Should we just let them stay shut away whilst the rest of us carry on with out lives as normal? We have a duty as human beings to take care of ourselves and other people. Whether you agree with the vaccine or not we all have a responsibility not to kill others around us.

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I had a flu vaccination  through a company  system almost 12 years ago.  I like a percentage of the population had an adverse reaction to it   I had never been so sick from the flu before... so i will not be in any hurry to line up for this vaccination.

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one would still like to hear the real unspoken reason why the covid-jabs cannot be allowed to be entered into the Yellow (WHO Travel) International Certificates of Vaccination book?? 

 - but then the Yellow WHO book is for actual vaccines...   (I even have all my FluVax annuals recorded in it)

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13 minutes ago, Brian57 said:

I had a flu vaccination  through a company  system almost 12 years ago.  I like a percentage of the population had an adverse reaction to it   I had never been so sick from the flu before... so i will not be in any hurry to line up for this vaccination.


Same, also about 12 - 14 years ago. Same reaction.


I gave the flu vaccine a miss for many years. Four years back my doctor suggested I have the vaccination. I told him about my previous experience.


He reacted quickly explaining that the serum today is totally different with very very limited adverse reaction. He convinced me to have a half dose and second half 1 week later. No reactions whatever, and I've had the vaccination every year since, totally zero reaction. 


I'm having the Covid 19 vaccine as soon as possible.  


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15 hours ago, ukrules said:

Both of my parents who are in their mid 70's have been vaccinated at some point over the last 2 weeks and they had no side effects at all.


It was the AstraZeneca vaccine commonly known as 'the Oxford vaccine' - the same one Thailand has ordered tens of millions of doses of and will then at some point manufacture under a technology transfer deal for onward distribution throughout Asia.


Your parents have only took the 1st jab after 2nd jab will see if side effects

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I'll take a wait and see approach in getting the vaccine in Thailand.  If a certificate of vaccination is required for extending my stay, I'll get the certificate.  The vaccine itself is another story.

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