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Options to stay here in old age


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1 hour ago, connda said:

In The PI you'll have both a path to residency as well as the ability to buy into the PI social medicine program.  The naysayers will downplay it all but all you need is to be in an economic downturn and a whole lot of expats who think they are going to be able to stay in Thailand will end up getting the boot: retired, married, with children and families, or otherwise. 
The PI may not have the same bells and whistles Thailand has - but you have the security to live out you life without the Immigration version of the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head as you process your annual "temporary stay" to visit the wife you've been married to for 20 year or reside in the condo you sunk you retirement savings into. 
The PI actually like the money you bring into the country.  Thailand on the other hand could care less about the money you bring in or your Thai family.  You'll always be one year away from getting the boot and shown the door - if not IDC prison.  Imagine having a stroke and then being tossed into IDC to waste away in your own excrement.  And neither the Thai government or your government will give a ****.

You have painted such an excrement picture of what I have to look forward to I couldn't stop p!ssing myself.????

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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42 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You've posted a false assertion which I strongly suspected. 

I think they do help with 90 day reports if you live in Bangkok only. 

The visa assistance in that link is about the ORIGINAL Elite visa.

I don't see any mention of them actually taking for of the ANNUAL EXTENSIONS if you're in Thailand when they are due. If you aren't in Thailand when they are due, you don't need to do them at all, that is true.
So you're basic assertion is just wrong.

For me it would be a strong feature if I didn't need to do 90 day reports or annual extensions in Thailand. But living in Pattaya, NOPE.

I don't think you can conversely claim my assertion is false.. where's your proof I am wrong. Proof me wrong. I simply asserted based on the multiple sources I researched that say you get 5 a five year VISA in your passport, which need to be be renewed every 5 years. The annual requirement appears to be an automatic renewal, with a fee of 1900 baht. Of course rules in Thailand change often, and these kind of details would require a serious inquiry at thaielitevisa.org

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1 hour ago, DoneTravelling said:

You really believe Thailand is tops in health, wow. Hospitals are fairly inept, private hospitals are just money grabbing. 

My wife had constant headaches, after a 10 minute consultation in a private hospital she was crying like crazy, the quack had told her she needed emergency brain surgery, it turned out she had blocked sinuses. Numerous other doctor stories I can tell.

I can match that,

My 4 year old son had stomach ache, took him to the local hospital, and they wanted to do an emergency appendix removal.

Trucked him to another hospital, and they said he had constipation, a quick shot of lube in the bum, and 10 minutes later he was fine.

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Back to the original question, surely staying in Thailand into 'old age' is fairly straightforward if you have the funds to meet the financial requirement for Retirement extensions and enough money to live comfortably.  I'm assuming you already have a decent health insurance policy.

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Between the Philippines and Thailand I would chose Thailand hands down.  Just need to have some money in the bank to expedite extensions to stay. No one should be retiring in any foreign country without having some money in the bank anyway .

I would alway leave a way back,  you never know what conditions in Thailand will be as the year pass, The Government of many of these retirement countries change their policy all the time, Who knows what the Thai policy will be in twenty years? Also as you get older, your needs change. who knows what their needs will be when they are eighty? 

Thailand is great, but always have a plan B


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Philippine is a toilet.  Love the island hoping but food is end organs basis, medical is medieval, but if your happy there is your answer.  Thailand food is more seafood and vegetarian, medical is definitely superior....Philippines over all is Flint stones versus Thailand/Jetsons. It depends what you want.  Immigration is less painful in Philippines. 

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16 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Between the Philippines and Thailand I would chose Thailand hands down.  Just need to have some money in the bank to expedite extensions to stay. No one should be retiring in any foreign country without having some money in the bank anyway .

I would alway leave a way back,  you never know what conditions in Thailand will be as the year pass, The Government of many of these retirement countries change their policy all the time, Who knows what the Thai policy will be in twenty years? Also as you get older, your needs change. who knows what their needs will be when they are eighty? 

Thailand is great, but always have a plan B


Or course people will always choose what they know.


Have you ever lived in the PI?

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3 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:

Pretty much the main issue of remaining in Thailand is not being able to maintain the 28,000 Thai Baht in a bank account for the required amount of time.    Other  than that  issue, there really are few obstacles to remaining in  Thailand.


Please tell me about being able to remain in Thailand by maintaining 28,000 Baht in a bank I've never seen anything about it before, I'm very interested.

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15 hours ago, foreverlomsak said:

Please tell me about being able to remain in Thailand by maintaining 28,000 Baht in a bank I've never seen anything about it before, I'm very interested.



Please read the post by lopburi3 on the first page of this thread  and my reply to him.



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20 hours ago, Clive said:

what options are open to foreigners who can't make it to the immigration office to renew their visa due to inability to walk/alzheimers or some other medical condition. 

This was OP's question, and I am wondering this myself. 

There was a time when I had to go to immigration once a month,  there always was another stupid reason,  i really didn't appreciate it. And over the years,  the bureaucracy here is getting more and more troublesome. 


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22 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Philippines and Cambodia are far easier.

Cambodia $300/year VISA purchased from a local agent, no need to ever see Immigration.

Philippines free 1 year VISA if you marry a local girl (which you stated you intended to do in a sinsot thread).


I've never felt the Thai food is any better than that available in Cambodia or Philippines.

Cambodia I usually eat Indian, Philippines I usually eat Mexican.

I generally avoid local food in all the countries in which I've lived. 

QUOTE: I generally avoid local food in all the countries in which I've lived. 


Yes, must have started early: I believe you spent your childhood in the UK?

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16 hours ago, Leaver said:


You never know when that small gesture will come to nothing, when you need it the most, but until then, keep paying for nothing. 


Madam Moon just looking after fellow Thai's, not Mr. Moon.  


I think I'd rather rely on my wife's rather sound judgement when it comes to getting things done in this, her own country, rather than your, clearly bigoted viewpoint. But thank you for your 'concern'.

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2 hours ago, oldhippy said:

QUOTE: I generally avoid local food in all the countries in which I've lived. 


Yes, must have started early: I believe you spent your childhood in the UK?

Directly I was old enough to make my own selections I lived on Italian, Greek, Indian, Chinese and Mexican food. 

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