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Tried to do a basic search in a forum, got a "405 - Not Allowed" error.

And when I tried to load this thread to mention that, it was very slow (and it's not because of the internet or my connection).

And then when I tried to post this - I got a "502 - Bad Gateway" error.

(I went "back" from the error, this page loaded, slowly, I added the 502 error sentence. It posted properly so now I'm editing it.)

Edited by Kerryd
To edit the edit that was edited.
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17 hours ago, Kerryd said:

It's up !

Oh wait, it's down.

But wait - it's up again !

Or is it ? I haven't blinked in 3-4 seconds so maybe it's down again. Scared to blink now, or post this, in case it's down again.

Oh well, here goes noth...........

Sounds like a conversation with the missus?

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16 hours ago, billd766 said:

It would have been nice to have been notified that this would happen, again.

I tried to log on many times yesterday and failed as "The website you require is not available."

I managed to log on today around midday  and managed to read one notification thread after which I got error 502 Bad gateway 3 times in a row, It took another 30 minutes before I could log in.

Meanwhile every other site I use regularly I could log into was normal.

I have no idea what the problem is/was or if it was time for an upgrade/new server but this is happening at about 2 or 3 monthly intervals.

If it is a server problem then it is about time the management changed their server and their suppliers, and NOT go for the cheapest option but the most reliable one.

Think we should all remember its people who give up their time and do not get paid for it that are this forum.

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6 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Why not announce updates prior to implementing it?

It's not the updates we are interested in it's the 'outages' which will occur as a result.  If we know the website will be down from a particular date/time for maintenance purposes we won't fret when our login attempts fail.

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More weirdness. Just typed a long response (of course) to a question someone asked in a different forum.
Saved the text (always) then clicked "Submit Reply".

It came up with a "502 Bad Gateway" error.

I clicked "back" and the previous page loaded (quickly this time) and my response was posted. I refreshed the page just to be sure and it worked (without giving me another 502 error).

Note: One of the online games I play does frequent updates to content and less frequent upgrades to the hardware/software. But what they do is "mirror" the current build onto a separate, stand alone system, then install the update(s) and then test them. If they seem to be working, they will invite players to log into that system and test the new features (try to break the game basically).
If everything is still working after that, they will then load the upgrade into the main system during a normally scheduled "pause" and, fingers crossed, let the masses have at it.

The idea of having the upgrades on a separate server and then letting players test it is, the "hive mind" is often smarter than that of a couple developers. They've learned that no matter how smart their team of developers is, the collective intellect of the player base is often much smarter and will find things the developers overlooked. As well, they've learned that having 3-4 people test an upgrade is nowhere near as good as having 3-4,000 (or more) do the testing. 

This lets them iron out all (or most) of the bugs before putting it online for the masses (which average 16-20,000 players online at the same time most days).

Upgrades (to software or hardware) rarely seem to go as easily as one would think they should !

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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

Why not announce updates prior to implementing it?

Because it was a RUSE?

Rapid Unscheduled Server Enhancements ...

I sense heros working hard in the background.

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1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

Image databases take awhile and not highest priority, if you reload your images yourself it will be instant.

Thats ok, but what about people like me who dont have the image, because i did not upload it?

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3 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Why not announce updates prior to implementing it?

Royal bank of Scotland/Natwest didn't announce it before their thousands of customers were locked out of accessing their funds for maybe 10 days. The system crash prevented customers receiving their pay cheques on direct deposit but the bank's direct debit functionality was unaffected. This resulted in customers finding out they had been collectively assessed hundreds of thousands of pounds on insufficient funds penalties while rent checks and insurance payments had bounced. Automatically generated eviction notices, insurance and credit card cancellations, etc., etc..

So a free-to-use, non-subscription forum had a hiccup?

Oh dear, how sad. Never mind.

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36 minutes ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

Dear Tech team..please add a dark Mode....my eyes are like jumping into a over chlorinated pool...

Install "Dark reader" add-in/plug-in in whatever browser you use.

You'll thank me for it.


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