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Thai public fully in favor of going 120 kmph - previous limit was just too slow

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20 hours ago, Moonlover said:

I doubt whether we'll any change out there at all. Just about everyone drives at whatever speed they wish to, no matter what the limit is.

The bottom line is that the increased speed will ensure that th victim will expeience less pain whèn impacted. If you cannot control the stupidity at 100 kph this increase in the speed limit is the work of mindless people who should be charged with manslaughter when the death toll increases, AND IT WILL.

  • Sad 1

cant believe they have such a horrendous death toll on their roads, when the thai public are obviously so safety conscientious to say the speed limit was too slow????  i suppose the masks they wear when they are riding their motorbikes instead of helmets and masks they wear in the cars instead of seatbelts will save them

22 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The public did not believe that there would be more accidents, they said, if everyone follows the rules and drives sensibly. 

Ah...and there lies the issue...


Moot point, but I don't see speed as the problem.....it is the difference in speed (exaggerated by lifting the upper limit) combined with a total lack of lane discipline .

The German autobahns are derestricted in many places and the big boys will cruise at 180-200 kph, but everyone knows the score and keeps out of the fast lane unless they can keep up.......having said that..... when they crash it is horrendous.

22 hours ago, rooster59 said:

They said that the public thought the previous limit was too slow and that the quality of the roads was sufficient to merit the change.

That's why they were doing 140 K before ,now they will be doing 160 K.

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Why not make it 300kph and let them all kill themselves a lot quicker ?    After all; they all seem to have a Death Wish anyway, so just let them all get on with it !

please spare a (brief) thought for the collateral damage.... maybe you or me

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8 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

So what's the speed limit for the breakdown lanes? Something between Zero and 120 +


And the limit fro crashing through the toll booth/gate?


Jenphop Weeraporn was estimated at 200 Kph when he killed Kritsana Thaworn and Thanthapat Horsaeng.



This guy is still free, he is now going for the supreme court. Havent found anything after the appeals court handed down a bigger sentence



But he is free on bail till this is done.


of coarse the cops are in favour of it  Less work for them  More time for them to relax  What will the number at Songkran? I bet there will be great great for accidents

9 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Yes, indeed... IF. Big, big IF.

IF you can just stay on your own side of the road, you can drive 120. IF you can stop drinking and driving you can drive 120. IF you can stay at least 100 meters behind the car in front of you, you can drive 120. Otherwise.....

  • Like 1
22 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The public did not believe that there would be more accidents, they said, if everyone follows the rules and drives sensibly. 

I believe I believe...... best to keep eyes wide open ready to react to possibilities of some with not so great driving skills.. like slow semis no look lane change ... let’s all goes well..


When it comes to driving in Thailand they do know how to go fast, it is pedal to the metal the reason they are in favor but observe many can't even make a proper right or left turn, have no proper training in using the passenger mirror. Going fast and straight many have a death wish ask them them to park pull out or merge into traffic if you are behind get a pillow out?????


Nothing will change with this new law.  People already drive fast.  I hate driving here in Thailand.  People do not yield, go too close when passing and have a "must be first" attitude that I do not understand.  What is needed is driver education starting on the motorbikes then enforcement.

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Brilliant! One of the world's worst road fatality records on the planet .... look forward to adding another 5K deaths in the following twelve months post new speed limit being introduced.

  • Like 1
23 hours ago, ripstanley said:

Most Thai drivers where I live are lucky to exceed 40 kms per hour

Yes and that's in the passing lane! ????


And, of course, they will drive sensibly, follow new rules, obey the lower limit on only 2-lane roads, never drink and drive and there will be fewer accidents!  Wait 'til Songkran!

1 hour ago, Tropposurfer said:

Brilliant! One of the world's worst road fatality records on the planet .... look forward to adding another 5K deaths in the following twelve months post new speed limit being introduced.

The best way to reduce the horrendous daily fatality rate on Thai roads is to continue to do what the gov't is doing now...fudge the stats.

With the increase in the speed limit I would predict that within 5 years there will be no road deaths at all.A success all round.

14 hours ago, meechai said:

...Truth is they should not only lower speed limits they should force installation of speed governors on all motorized

vehicles in Thailand....ALL of them period. Limit the ability for the vehicle to get up over 60KPH...

Presumably, the poster means 60 km/h, not KPH (kelvin poise henry), and this brings me to the question whether the current general speed limit within the built-up area is still 80 km/h. This is considerably higher than than the 50 or 60 km/h limit used in most European countries and probably also in may other countries in the world.


If it possibly could be policed and some 5 k fines handed out great , 5 k into consolidated great ..

BUT , It's gotta be the TOP speed , not just repeatedly getting passed at 150 k , that a joke , the harder the hit , the more dangerous the collision , and please ..this constant lane changing ..


Extremely dangerous , Wayyyyy too fast , driving automatic cars with two feet , all requires education , and all contribute to one of the worst road tolls in the world .

Throw in helmets , pick ups ...OMG 

1 hour ago, Tropposurfer said:

Brilliant! One of the world's worst road fatality records on the planet .... look forward to adding another 5K deaths in the following twelve months post new speed limit being introduced.

The higher speed accidents will presumably cause more deaths to be registered at the side of the road rather than later in hospital, so the statistics will surely go up.

  • Thanks 1

The government and Thais in general totally freaked out about anyone dying from COVID-19, but increasing the number of deaths and human carnage on the roadways is just fine. Impossible to understand Thai thinking and logic.

On 3/13/2021 at 5:46 AM, rooster59 said:

The public did not believe that there would be more accidents, they said, if everyone follows the rules and drives sensibly. 

5555555, that's funny! Why would they start now?




NO defensive driving skills, road anger, drinking and driving : finally Thailand will become number one in something... number of death per capita.

Until now Libya had the honors.

Bravo  !!!

On 3/14/2021 at 2:04 AM, Justgrazing said:

new limits would let us achieve reincarnation as a soi dog much quicker ..

You got it in a nutshell. 

Obey the rules, never been in a ten seater Van that went less than 120...130. Most of the time. 

Never seen motorcycles obey rules, helmets, no, of people. 

Most of the people in favour of the higher speed limit, who did they ask.... Some teenagers at a rock concert. 

This is a stupid move that with cause death and misery and please boy racers..


Wipe covid insurance and bring in accident insurance to cover the massive medical bills created by the loonies that run the roads, that bill will be far higher than Covid-19 hospital bills. 

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