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CONFIRMED: Water splashing banned this Songkran, no restrictions on travel


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19 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:


Thailand has taken some bold steps to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

The country deserves credit for that.

No. Just the opposite. 

Had Prayuth and his team been on the ball, they  would have shut down part of Samut Sakorn province immediately, when the outbreak happened, and it would have likely been contained. No second wave. It is entirely his and Anutin's fault. 100%.
He and his utterly hapless and stunningly incompetent army have failed us once again, and he needs to admit the failure, apologize to the nation, and fall on his sword, metaphorically, by handing in his resignation, in utter humiliation. 
A speech to the nation. "I am so sorry. I could have stopped this from happening. Same goes for my health minister. We are both handing in our resignation, starting tomorrow. We really dropped the ball, and failed. It is the right thing to do. I now realize both myself and Anutin have been way over our heads, this entire time. We take responsibility. Forgive us, if u can, but we will never forgive ourselves for failing you, the people of Thailand. 

This all happened due to sheer stupidity and stunning greed. Thailand has spun into a world of hurt now. Tourism will not recover for years and domestic tourism died. Millions of jobs lost.

Prayuth has zero credibility, on any level. He is stunningly incompetent, and has long overstayed his welcome. And now, he has failed the nation miserably with this second wave, which could have easily been avoided, had some precautions been taken by locking down Samut Sakhon province immediately, and rooting out his bad apple immigration guys, on the border. There is no saying the extent of the corruption in this administration, but the army is not exactly known for integrity.
He must step down, or be removed. He is a toxic force, and a dinosaur. The youth is right. 

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Good news on the no water paste ect over the Songkran holiday 

And no to cutting the number of holiday  days for Songkran 

allow people over the 6 day holiday to travel to their home Provinces as walking around Bangkok over this period free from traffic and crowds is great

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Hands up anyone who thinks that everyone will accept the government ruling. The restriction might work in what were once high profile tourist areas in the days when Thailand had tourists, but in towns and villages around the country? I doubt that very much. Still, as long as Burmese migrant workers are avoided it should be okay.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

he needs to admit the failure, apologize to the nation, and fall on his sword, metaphorically, by handing in his resignation, in utter humiliation. 

He who steals a country does not willingly hand it back. Myanmar pretended to for a few years, but that didn't last long.

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6 minutes ago, wealthychef said:

Good!  Sonkran is not a party holiday.  It should be used in the traditional way to strengthen families and communities through simple water ceremonies etc.  Not this kind of stupid Americanized Kraft Cheese Sonkran <deleted>.

What a load of tosh from the military-elite-approved version of Thai history where all Thai women were virgins until marriage and people spent all their free time in the temple. 


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21 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Well there hasn't been a major outbreak due to this?

Says who? You really believe this its true? You're nuts.

I have mentioned many times in previous posts that the real figures show that it was never under control. Just covered up. The example I shared before shows that between April and June last year, sample testing indicated that around 6.3% of people in Thailand already had already had COVID. That's indicated by the IgM+ number showing the presence of the COVID antibody in their blood sample. That compared to the rest of the World average of 5.1% at this time. 


That's 440,000 people

This testing was run by the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine within the Faculty of Medicine at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.


And the expected excess mortality in Thailand was up by 8.5% taken based on official records from the Thai Government Bureau of Registration Administration. That's 8.5% more deaths than normal.


You think the strict controls put in place were for the fact only 88 people died? They were there for a reason. After it is all over then the truth may come out.

Sometimes it's better not to tell the truth and avoid the mass hysteria that the rest of the world has experienced.

But Thailand has not done a good job with COVID, just a good job at hiding the truth.

I respect their decision to stop Songkran again and I hope they continue their work to lock people down when it is needed.

We may not get to see the real figures but at least the Thai Government are acting on them.

Edited by Muzzique
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I think if they wanted to be serious about the spread of Covid they would have restricted travel in some way as it is still the best way of spread the virus far & wide.

Or have they given up on that idea & are trusting the herd immunity.

Also may have saved the life of 300 souls  on the roads

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2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Hands up anyone who thinks that everyone will accept the government ruling. The restriction might work in what were once high profile tourist areas in the days when Thailand had tourists, but in towns and villages around the country? I doubt that very much. Still, as long as Burmese migrant workers are avoided it should be okay.

So still blaming the Burmese and not the Thai's, real good, and what planet are you on.

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1 hour ago, ThailandRyan said:
4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Hands up anyone who thinks that everyone will accept the government ruling. The restriction might work in what were once high profile tourist areas in the days when Thailand had tourists, but in towns and villages around the country? I doubt that very much. Still, as long as Burmese migrant workers are avoided it should be okay.

So still blaming the Burmese and not the Thai's, real good, and what planet are you on.

I'm on the planet that has reported a mass of workers from Myanmar spreading the virus, and Thais coming from there illegally over the border spreading the virus from there. It was in the news. Maybe you didn't read it.

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20 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

I'm on the planet that has reported a mass of workers from Myanmar spreading the virus, and Thais coming from there illegally over the border spreading the virus from there. It was in the news. Maybe you didn't read it.

Test and ye shall find.  The virus has always been here, anf it didnt take another group of people to bring it here as China did that to begin with.  Next.

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I have just been in the local Tesco and in pride of place are the Songkran shirts and the large water guns.

It's one thing making an announcement banning the throwing of water, its another enforcing it, coupled with 120kmh speed limits , Songkran 2021 should be eventful to say the least.

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On 3/19/2021 at 4:43 PM, from the home of CC said:

this religious occasion was exploited and sold to westerners as an excuse to get hammered. Hopefully it reverts back to its roots and in the future not bastardized like the money loving west did with Christmas.. 

I have visited/lived in 49 countries, spread across four continents. The "west" has no monopoly with "money loving". Living in Thailand these many years, I have observed the local embracing if Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentines Day, etc. Seems the intent is "money loving" as you mentioned.

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On 3/19/2021 at 3:28 PM, brewsterbudgen said:

Well there hasn't been a major outbreak due to this?  What would you prefer banning everything and locking the entire population down?

Indeed, life is to be lived for what it is and living carries risks, rather take a few risks than spend the rest of my life in hiding to try and prevent death,

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Test and ye shall find.  The virus has always been here, anf it didnt take another group of people to bring it here as China did that to begin with.  Next.

And thousands of people were hospitalised with the virus but the news was hidden by the government and they blocked people from talking about it on social media.

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35 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

And thousands of people were hospitalised with the virus but the news was hidden by the government and they blocked people from talking about it on social media.

And there you have it, you always default to the "Where are the full hospitals, where are the stacks of dead bodies" montage.  Possibly many Asymptomatic and then those with minor symptoms who cleared by staying at home, using a local pharmacy for comfort medication, and without the need for hospitalization is a given.  If Thailand tested like all of the other large countries they would have had an actual Idea of those infected.  Test like the WHO said and they would know, but instead they only tested where they felt they had an issue.  Where do you think all of these infections now are coming from, Myanmar? Time to think outside of the box BB.  You along with a few others want to think that Covid only exists in very small numbers when their is also no way to verify as testing en-mass was never carried out. Thailand hospitalizes anyone found positive, do you really think they would have enough room if they tested the country in full, instead of allowing those who have minor symptoms or are asymptomatic to sequester in their homes.  I am not saying they have not done a decent job, what I am saying is the virus is out there.

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

And there you have it, you always default to the "Where are the full hospitals, where are the stacks of dead bodies" montage.  Possibly many Asymptomatic and then those with minor symptoms who cleared by staying at home, using a local pharmacy for comfort medication, and without the need for hospitalization is a given.


So what's the problem? Everyone gets a cold now or then.


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I somehow doubt plod will be patrolling the villages to crack down on any splashing

They are usually found sitting in the shade outside the police station, with big fans churning away, on the main road attempting to russel up some baht from the passing hordes.

Edited by Andycoops
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On 3/20/2021 at 12:52 PM, Muzzique said:

Says who? You really believe this its true? You're nuts.

I have mentioned many times in previous posts that the real figures show that it was never under control. Just covered up. The example I shared before shows that between April and June last year, sample testing indicated that around 6.3% of people in Thailand already had already had COVID. That's indicated by the IgM+ number showing the presence of the COVID antibody in their blood sample. That compared to the rest of the World average of 5.1% at this time. 


That's 440,000 people

This testing was run by the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine within the Faculty of Medicine at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.


And the expected excess mortality in Thailand was up by 8.5% taken based on official records from the Thai Government Bureau of Registration Administration. That's 8.5% more deaths than normal.


You think the strict controls put in place were for the fact only 88 people died? They were there for a reason. After it is all over then the truth may come out.

Sometimes it's better not to tell the truth and avoid the mass hysteria that the rest of the world has experienced.

But Thailand has not done a good job with COVID, just a good job at hiding the truth.

I respect their decision to stop Songkran again and I hope they continue their work to lock people down when it is needed.

We may not get to see the real figures but at least the Thai Government are acting on them.

What strict controls??

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