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Thai / Isaan girls entitled? I don't understand

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I think that you know the answer to your question.

She will not get better and perhaps worse.

Go as soon as you can before you are too sick or old to move.

 If you get poor health.

Do think she is going look after you?





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43 minutes ago, Tingtong2mut said:

The problem is they are always good, often amazing at first. The cracks usually start to show after a couple of weeks to a month and if you have any experience here you can spot this pretty quickly. The really dangerous ones that play the long game can put on a good front for years, until you see their real colors. I now three or 4 guys here living now in misery. Spent nearly all they had to make the women happy. Probably thought they would get set up and could live on a budget. Unfortunately put all the assets in the wife's name and now dancing to her tune. She knows the golden gooses a$$ is spent and would like nothing better than they Foxtrot Oscar. All unable to return home and live off only their pension or what they have left, nor start again with someone else here. And my girl is different. She's not a psycho or a money grubber but a weirdo



Good post.  


I know a few guys in similar situations.  They only have themselves to blame.  


Yes, the Thai girls playing the long game do the most financial damage.  


These guys end up leaving nothing to their kids when they pass.  


It's all so unnecessary.

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Just now, Bangkok Barry said:

It seems, then, that you are extraordinarily inept at picking partners, if you constantly choose one and then you feel you need to 'move them on'. I married my Thai wife over 30 years ago, two weeks after meeting her. Sometimes, now and then, I have to count to 50 over something, occasionally to 100, because of the different cultures, but I have never felt the need to 'move her on'. Try it. The world, her world, whoever she is and what work she does, doesn't only revolve around you. If you are constantly feeling the need to change partners then I would suggest that you might like to look in the mirror for the problem.

I think 30 years ago they weren't expecting to go from near poverty to something akin to Disneyland with a free condo thrown in. I assume you have a Bangkok wife "Bangkok Baz"? I am talking about Isaan, a whole different story

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22 hours ago, simon43 said:

The best thing that I ever did for my sanity, my bank account and my happiness was to get rid of my Issan wives and buy a sex doll.... ????


Why am I certain you arent kidding

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Just now, RocketDog said:

The OP doesn't really want to change the relationship. He just wants to talk about it. 

He's been around enough to answer his own questions. 

I think he's just lonely. 

Probably venting more than anything. So what does that make you with your even more inane reply to my lonely post lol?   

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4 minutes ago, Foghorn said:

Some people don’t really know what they want and enter a relationship thinking it’s the answer to their lives and they are just not compatible, I get on better with my ex now than when we were together , probably because of my son ( who lives with me ) , but the real truth is they are not on our level ,thinking wise and eventually is shows through, good in the bed but thick in the head , we need companionship aswell , not only sex with a dead head , I’m not calling yours a dead head , mine was.

Give over, most of the guys here have already screwed up previously with a non Thai woman. Look to yourselves, if you can't handle women don't get involved, seems like the op is on an almost horizontal learning curve, give him another 50 years he might work it out!!!

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6 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

My wife is from a small village in Isaan. For the first few years we based ourselves in the UK although we travelled a lot for my job as a journalist that took us around Europe, to the USA and Australia. We then based ourselves in Thailand, as the expenses were high for two to travel and my working hours weren't kind to her and of course she missed her family. That is where I made a sacrifice, I guess.


After living with her in Bangkok for 15 years, which is where she had moved to to attend university, and where she later studied to teach English, we moved close - about 1 km - from her village where we have lived for around seven or eight years. She wasn't looking for Disneyland or a free condo, rather someone who was reliable and wasn't a drunken, gambling womanising Thai I suppose. She comes from a decent family who all have good jobs.


So I do know about Isaan, the whole different story. Again, why do you keep picking the wrong ones, those looking for Disneyland and a free condo, time after time after time? There are plenty out there who aren't.

I see it as a numbers / waiting game. Waiting to see if they are genuine or not. Most have unrealistic expectations in my experience, information passed on by the wise ones in their village, who have never met or had anything to do with a foreigner. There are still guys getting cleaned out here every day, happy to entrust / squander their lifesavings on a person with a 12yo education. While that is happening I guess the situation will continue. In a lot of cases even if the girl is half decent her friends or family will screw things up for her in different ways. Crab in a bucket syndrome. One crab makes it to the top and is nearly out....the others pull the escapee back in

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22 hours ago, Tingtong2mut said:

That all sounds really nice but I guess my post in a nutshell is saying they bring nothing to the table...I don't mean skills or money. I mean a decent attitude and willingness to at least look after themselves in someway. They seem to expect everything whilst giving nothing and have the attitude and moodiness of a hormonal 14yo girl. I have asked 2 girls I have known here "what do I get from this relationship?". One said "you get my body", the other said "I live with you everyday" lol. It might cut it for a poor village bloke with no hope of getting a woman but if her body is all a women thinks she has to provide in a proper relationship, that's not exactly hard to find elsewhere for a foreigner in Thailand. I just don't understand it? Maybe it is from stories they have heard of guys paying their wives or girlfriends "salaries". Would you move in with a woman back home take care of everything about her while she begrudgingly did very little and pay her a salary? My wallet always has plenty of cash and she knows if she wants something within reason she doesn't have to ask me. She has her own money as well. Isn't that how a normal relationship works? I am happy to accept they don't have the life experience or means we do, and I am happy to do 90% of everything, but not 100%, particularly when I am a good father and support her child as well. 


It's not only Issan women; it's just some women. Just get rid. Make plans to move on and that's it. 

Otherwise just get the word Doormat tattooed on your forehead to complete the look.


She won't thank you either way. Do it for yourself. It will be a relief.

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1 hour ago, 473geo said:

Ops coming across like a know it all pr@t Iost interest when the cliches started flowing, nothing new here just another one that can't make relationships work and blames the woman

Well I dont believe you have added anything apart from what I suspect you believe are pithy one liners. You wont be missed. Dont let ur a$$ hit the door on the way out

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23 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Seems to me the OP may be missing one important element, thats ALL the Thais she mixes with on a daily basis bending her ear ! chipping away as to why she has to work at all, why she isnt this or that etc because she has the Golden farang. It happens everywhere guaranteed ! If someone shd knows is also married to farang, you cen bet they are playing "beat the Joneses too. Seen and heard it and suffered it.

Seems like you limit your contacts to only 1 type of Thai women (and farangs who are married to this type) 

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8 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

Well I dont believe you have added anything apart from what I suspect you believe are pithy one liners. You wont be missed. Dont let ur a$$ hit the door on the way out

Nearly got it right Ken I believe "don't let the door hit your A on the way out" is the phrase you were looking for, rather spoilt the effect, but nice try, like the op you gave it a go, sadly no cigar

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I think any man, no matter how rich he is, who is willing to build a house for a much younger girl who is well out of his league needs his head seeing to. Out in the sticks, most Thais only earn 6000-8000 baht a month, they must feel like they have won the lottery when someone wants to effectively give them a million plus. Unfortunately, with Thai girls if the relationship starts with the guy giving her "pocket money" or buying gifts, building a house, then she will expect that from you forever. I've met many girls who had a decent job, their own place and car, and didn't ask for money, but I admit that this is a small minority.


Ultimately only you can decide if you are happy with the current situation or not. And if you are not happy, you need to do something about it. Certainly if I was in your situation I would be wanting to leave immediately, and would maybe leave a lump sum for the kids. But from the sounds of things, she'd probably spend the money on herself and then coming asking for more.


I set my wife up with a small business, not a huge investment, and she makes about 800 baht a day from it. Gets her out of the house so that I can relax, and she doesn't need to ask me for money.

Edited by BenDeCosta
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21 hours ago, BananaBandit said:
23 hours ago, BritManToo said:

My rented gf brings her firm young body to the table bed, which to this 65 year old ,fat, saggy, balding grandpa


Have you let yourself slide recently?  I'm like 98-percent sure you said several times you were 75 kg.

Edited 21 hours ago by BananaBandit


12 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I'm trying to impress on this young chap that his woman would probably sleep with Quasimodo's granddad for a few dollars. I know the youngsters like to think they get a better deal, 'cos they're slim and handsome, but in reality we're all buying the same product.


So you misrepresent yourself in a negative light, for the sake of trying to help a stranger. 


Perhaps the most unselfish act I've seen yet on this forum.

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22 hours ago, Tingtong2mut said:

Well that's the hope. But I have seen that go pear shaped many times. More concerning is the plan is for her to take care of my son. But you know Thais, it's buy now pay later. Aka no worry, I take care you sure. I knew of a blokes wife here didn't even go to her husbands funeral, been together 20 years. I think she would be ok in as much as I think any Thai would be ok, but there is always the question mark. I would hope so, I have taken care of her twice lengthy periods she was hospitalized and then at home incapacitated. She's not a bad person as such. Not coniving and sly like some. It's mainly the attitude. I honestly think the quick temper, moodiness and wanting to sleep all the time has something to do with their diet. Liter cups of coke, Milk teas, all the rice and sticky rice, snacks....and sugar in nearly everything they eat. they eat enough sugar in a day to kill an elephant. 

So she's a fat git then ????

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After reading your post I just think that you’re not a happy guy you save it been with doctors lawyers nurses is Bar  girls bar girls etc. etc. And it seems like you can’t make it work I just basically be you’d be unhappy or find something wrong with whoever you’re with I wish you all the best we can planning life’s too short dude TIT

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OK you had your experiences. So did I.

I know now, it doesnt matter to women whatever you do good. I red what you do and also red she doesnt care.

That is not new to me and find out, no matter where she comes from (country, society, age), the beginning is nice and sweet and then it goes down hill. Why? i really dont know. And im not the only one who just cant understand this way women act.

Im not gay, as gay seem to understand women better, as they are not a sexual threat? DOnt know.


Welcome to the wonder world of women and relations,however you already know due to your experiences.

They say women are from Venus and men from Mars.

Though im not a believer, but in the bible, the first story is about Eve and Adam. What did Eve, she choose for leaving paradise.

First woman ever choose otherwise then paradise. So is it in women then ever since their existence?

They have paradise and destroy it. 


Ive seen, heard, lived it all and finding the one is an utopia. It always change and doesnt matter how good you are or do.

I dont think it exist. I also dont get it.

My first wife is now longer married  to her second husband then me and he also came out of a broken relation.

12 years and you think we are doing good, 2 kids, house, good income, but nope, out of the blue she came with demand for divorce. It really cracked me down. Still dont know why.

So is my second wife, but ok that one really lied and i believed. Too much pink glasses my way. That was a real big mistake.


This morning i was reading in another forum of  a guy being together with a 46 yo(Thai)woman for 6 years and he popped the question, will you marry me. In reaction she was nicely surprised, but didnt answer the question with a YES , i do.

So she shot him down now he is hanging, not feeling good and wondering what to do now. Friends of him said something was wrong and yeah of course something is wrong, only what? Can be a minor or major issue, he doesnt know.


You get it? Understand woman? You must be gay then.



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Thank the Lord my Mrs doesn't come from Issan, not that there's anything wrong with Issan girls, I've had plenty from that neck of the woods in the past, Korat, Kamphangphet, Phimai & loads of them in Pattaya working in hotels, bars, go go's & massage parlours.


Me & the Mrs have been together for over 10 years, her family are only 3 hours along the coast, a lovely, small family who I have the greatest respect for, they work hard growing fruit, her brother and his wife have a beautiful daughter who recently graduated from uni, my other half spends her day making Lemon cookies, white chocolate & coconut cookies & different flavoured cheesecakes, all for sale, she also makes a delicious pate.


We laugh & joke everyday, humour is very important in a relationship as far as I'm concerned, I haven't bought her a house or land, her dad once said I could have a patch of land not far from his to build on, my response was not on your nelly, she has a car & bike and a comfortable lifestyle, she's happy, so am I, and that is all that matters or counts

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