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DCD says COVID-19 infection rise will ease in a month if prevention is strictly enforced


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7 minutes ago, visacrack said:

To me it seems the gov elites are ignorant and dependent of the powerlusty medicine men,

Or rather than buy vaccine from abroad they are waiting for a certain Thai company to start producing?

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3 hours ago, ftpjtm said:


It's the opposite were I am. Definitely a higher percentage of farangs wearing masks than Thais. And big crowds of un-masked Thais partying along the beach last night. 


I agree with the comment before the one above. Always farang who don't wear a mask or wear it as a chin strap. Pure arrogance. Thais always have a mask even the little kids, bless them. 

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4 hours ago, vivananahuahin said:

It is too late,in 10 days we will see the results,no comments.


Not really, you will just get the same BS figures.

Whatever they decide to make up to make them look good


The lockdown measures they are planning are not consistent with the figures they are issuing. No one would lockdown in the way they are planning on 400 cases a day.


In 10 days the COVID reality fog will be just as thick unfortunately. 

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32 minutes ago, Keesters said:


I agree with the comment before the one above. Always farang who don't wear a mask or wear it as a chin strap. Pure arrogance. Thais always have a mask even the little kids, bless them. 

Not where I'm at. Was behind a woman going into lotus put her head close to the scanner 37+ since no one was monitoring it she walked right in 

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I read in the UK papers today, China has admitted their sinovacs vaccine is not up to delivering the protection they first thought. Less than 50%.

Well done Thailand, very encouraging that you have placed so much faith in something so useless. But, What's new?


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2 hours ago, sport said:

Whilst it may not be the total answer to the pandemic, clearly vaccination of the population will significantly reduce the possible spread of the virus. So why hasn't the Government introduce it yet when most other countries have?



Because the Goverment does not have the the funds to purchase the required amount of vaccine.

They could well produce the funds if they were to 'borrow' the money in the same way other countries do.

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The best protection is an immune system , you can't play with nature , lockdowns don't work and they won't be working here .

Forget all else , focus on the Vax rollout , we don't do Covid here , and that goes for 20 / 21 / 22 or any others you may like to name .


As previously mentioned , absolutely nothing has changed , we will be back to biz in 14 days , no matter how many ( mainly Farang ) seem to wish otherwise .


Thai people have strong immune , they've dealt with far worse than this , no one is ill ,no one is dieing .

Just get on with life .

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4 hours ago, Xonax said:

Unfortunately the vaccines will NOT stop Covid, but only reduce hospitalisations and deaths. After all volunteers (maybe 60-70%) have been inoculated, we will still have to live with wearing masks in public, keep a high hygiene and practice social distancing. Anyone who believe that tourism and nightlife will ever reach the heights of past times, should have their head examined.

All of the vaccines stop the vast majority of transmission. The data is pretty clear, now.

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4 hours ago, Xonax said:

Unfortunately the vaccines will NOT stop Covid, but only reduce hospitalisations and deaths. After all volunteers (maybe 60-70%) have been inoculated, we will still have to live with wearing masks in public, keep a high hygiene and practice social distancing. Anyone who believe that tourism and nightlife will ever reach the heights of past times, should have their head examined.

It will not end soon. That is for sure.

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3 hours ago, maddermax said:

Whilst it may not be the total answer to the pandemic, clearly vaccination of the population will significantly reduce the possible spread of the virus. So why hasn't the Government introduce it yet when most other countries have?

It does seem very odd indeed. 

Maybe they're too busy spending their money elsewhere... 


New shopping malls?

New fancy watches?

Who knows... 

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The biggest problem with all of this - and with the continually laughable TAT predictions - is the antique leadership model that is in place throughout Thailand. It is a rigid pyramid model with the old-time bosses at the top and the workers at the bottom.


Status is the motivating principle, together with not losing face.


Thus the top boss commands his underlings to follow his instructions OR ELSE!. His middle management try to implement his often irrational and impractical demands and pass their instructions down the chain. 


Dozens of jobs are constantly on the line and careers hanging in the balance. And so, in a desperate attempt to appear competent and efficient and business-like, all these low-ranking ministerial posts are filled with people who are forced to spout utter rubbish non-stop.


More than that, they need to have facts and figures to prove their job-viability, so they just make up whatever percentages come into their head. The only thing that their statistics and  re based upon is their own need to survive. Everything will have changed next week anyway, so who cares if their numbers and factoids are making farangs laugh, even if their bosses are too uneducated to notice.

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9 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Was going to say adequate free testing would be top of that % reduction list, but hey, that would just be daft farang supposition I guess.

dont like anything thats costs

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6 hours ago, miamiman123 said:

Yesterday on my way home, there were large groups drinking and partying …. Is the government allowing these activities in light of the closure 

they seemed as oblivious to the closure as the government is to the party goers 

One of the problems is having in place a protocol that becomes active immediately as cases are found , unfortunately action by authorities appears inadequate , I know of two cases in two different restaurants ; in the first one a worker was found Positive , in the second a client reported to be positive , in both cases there was no action taken by the authorities .

it seems there may be a lack of integrated coordination between agencies responsible. 
In the absence of a protocol

The first restaurant carried their own sanitation,  send a few workers only to test , then carried on with the business without interruption . 

The second restaurant sent all workers to test and in addition closed the restaurant for two weeks .

I think it would be appropriate to impose immediate closure say one week, sanitation under supervision, imm diate test for all parties involved  , new test 24 hours before reopening . 

.. But is there any protocol .? 


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3 hours ago, dogfish180 said:

We won't, as they have ran out of test kits ????????????

Easy, the amount of infected is growing, why? Because they are testing more people. Let's instruct all hospitals to stop testing, we have no more kits is the reason. Then in a few weeks the figures will vastly reduce again. 

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3 hours ago, Elkski said:

Visacrack , there are many cases of healthy athletes having damage to their heart.  Many long haulers.  I can't let you spread false info.



Am I the only one to see that your argument doesn't hold water? I talked about average people, you countered with competitive athletes. My kind of people do not risk to get the diseases you invoked. Talking about 'spreading false info'  .) 

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Obviously!! Then all this will happen again and again keep going round in circles. This will go on for years if a change in dealing with this is not implemented. I wont hold my breath though as getting any govt to admit they got it wrong and change tact is like pushing water uphill

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2 hours ago, Mike k said:

Not where I'm at. Was behind a woman going into lotus put her head close to the scanner 37+ since no one was monitoring it she walked right in 


Not where I'm at. Was in Big C waiting at checkout. Looked around 20 or more Thais all properly masked. 2 farang with noses poking out. 1 farang, his Thai son and I all securely masked. That seems to be the norm. 

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3 hours ago, Keesters said:


I agree with the comment before the one above. Always farang who don't wear a mask or wear it as a chin strap. Pure arrogance. Thais always have a mask even the little kids, bless them. 

Visit Bang Saray Beach, where I was last night. Probably 80% mask compliance among farangs, lower than 50% compliance among Thais. Almost zero masks worn by little kids. Also zero compliance among the large groups of Thais hanging around the pick up trucks with the massive boom box stereos packed with cases of Leo.


Or 700 Rai market in Sattahip. 95% Thais at the market, lower than 50% mask compliance. Farangs definitely more likely to be seen wearing a mask. 

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3 hours ago, Expat Tom said:

I am a farang and long time resident in Thailand. Let me clue in some of the 'clueless' who post on this forum. 

First and foremost, Thailand is a sovereign nation and if you are NOT Thai then you are a GUEST  in this nation. You need to park your feeling and beliefs that you have exactly the same rights and benefits as in your home country.  To quote a line from the "Wizard of Oz" , "You aren't in Kansas anymore, Dorthy" ( or Bath or Sidney).


When I went to the Hua Hin night market last night it was about 50% full and people were carrying out their normal activities. I would guess that 99% of the Thais were wearing masks. There were few farang there and a significant percentage were not wearing masks. Is there little wonder why we farang and looked down upon? 


The argument about the effectiveness of wearing masks is a moot point. If you are a farang you are quests in Thailand regardless of how much property you own, your visa status or how much money you have. If you can not respect the customs, culture and laws of your host country....get the HELL out! Go back home! You don't have to become Thai but you do have to respect your host's home.


The actions of a few arrogant, thoughtless, stupid farang reflect poorly on those of us who act appropriately and respect our host country.


One of these days, I am going to say (get in the face of) some of these stupid farang not wearing masks when all of their Thai hosts are. Maybe we farang should start 'policing' each other....and yes,....before you jump on me for using the word "policing" visit the  "Oxford English Dictionary" or "Webster's". It is your choice.  Far too many native English speakers have a poor working knowledge of their own language and the precise meanings of words.  

Very well written post IMO, I'm guilty myself of having a dig at times but you are 100% correct to pull me up along with many other expats who frequent this site.

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