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Finally some good news: Thailand tipped to ease 90 day reporting for foreigners


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For myself I would like to see the 90 day reporting abolished. It was ok when the online capability worked. As to the Visa situation I would to see that made easier and the insurance sitution improved. Very difficult for older persons to find health insurance to meet some Visa requirements. I am hoping for some postive news.

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2 hours ago, sydneyjed said:

I think you are onto something here as now China is for want of a better word 'on the nose' with many other countries at the moment(Australia included)so needs to park its money somewhere .Just hope that the same outcome we are seeing in Cambodia now with mass property developments strangling large parts of the country don't happen in Thailand but I fear this may well be exactly what happens when Chinese money is thrown around like confetti.


That's exactly what the government wants to save thousands of real estate developers and the banking system from bankruptcy.The Chinese are outrages for investment in the Western world now so Thailand wants to attract them and prices will skyrocket


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Well… concerning allowing foreigners to own land, in Thailand or any other country… that right or privilege, if granted, is only a legislative pen stroke away – for the good of the country. “eminent domain” comes to mind.


As far as easing the rules on 90 Day Reports – somewhere in the great reach of the many, many branches of the Thailand government is a computer which keeps track of and tallies the amount that the Thai government receives in fines. Probably quite a considerable sum when added up.


Are the Thai’s going to let that money evaporate away into nothingness without a replacement revenue stream from the same source? I wouldn’t.     

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Before this thread is getting too damn toxic, I like to say that from my own point of view, I really do not care a bit about this "problem" many of you guys have with this 90 days reports.


I go down every 3 month to the imm.office, hand over my passport to the employee, sit down and wait for about 6-7 minutes, and the passport will be handed back to me. All smiles and home I go....


What is all the fuzz about???


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23 hours ago, brian2f2f said:

I dont study thai. Sadly if i did that id get in trouble for not doing a 90day report then. Its all about money and making problems nothing more. Ive had problems with immigration ever since i used an agency last for my extension and they went to a differenr provience to do it in instead if bkk. Heck even when i went to do my first 90 day report i almost got my exyension revoked just bevause of it and forced to leave thailand. 


Which is why once you go the visa way and start bribing IO's in another province for an extension you are stuck with them for 90 day and return stamps. You were lucky they did not revoke your extension, you are only legally able to get that in the province where you live. Try going yourself to KK or Nan and tell them you live in Bkk but want to get an extension there!

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24 minutes ago, glegolo said:

Before this thread is getting too damn toxic, I like to say that from my own point of view, I really do not care a bit about this "problem" many of you guys have with this 90 days reports.


I go down every 3 month to the imm.office, hand over my passport to the employee, sit down and wait for about 6-7 minutes, and the passport will be handed back to me. All smiles and home I go....


What is all the fuzz about???



But not all offices are the same, mine wants 5 pp copies as well as a copy of the last TM30 before they will even give you a queue ticket, went 2 weeks ago, Held up by agents coming in with handfuls of passports, took about a hour.

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Just now, VocalNeal said:


Why i moved to a place where Immigration is 15kms down the road.

That's my plan and will also be taking into account the friendliness factor of the IO I move to. Like many of us we go where the wife's land is and having cared for her mother and father for 4 years we are now free to move.


Distance and hassle/corruption factor needs taken into the equation. My IO is great, small and quick for everything, nice people and never any obstacles for obstacles sake, and never hinted or asked for any undue payment.


Only obstacle now is Covid!


Closer to a hospital will be good too.




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Weed smoking going on? 

"The government says that if it can attract one million retirees each spending 100,000 baht per month or 1.2million baht per year, that would generate 1.2 trillion baht per year for the economy." 

This is in stark contrast with the 40 - 60 million Chinese ransackers who do not mix at all with the above wishful dream ......... The Chinese will be back, the one million retirees - good luck with that one. Study what the Malays did; no 90 days nonsense, five year visas, one house/apartment legally 
own able, first car duty free, second car duty privileged. 

The reason why that did not take off as expected is the beautiful little towers all over the land with some screaming and shouting going on - five times a day. 

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On 4/12/2021 at 6:05 PM, Dmaxdan said:

They could scrap the current 90 day reports and instate a new 3 month report.

That'd fool us! 

Won't happen. Control is ubiquitous, but sending the message that the government controls us is even more important, It's crucial that foreigners understand who owns the country and at whose whim new regulations can be enacted. I did a 90-day report last week, and the muppet in uniform could not deduct 14 from 21 without a calculator on the third try.


Nice to know that the people we are forced to report to are themselves so well educated, but it seems important that the professionalism of the government service can be relied up at all rimes.



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1 hour ago, clivebaxter said:


But not all offices are the same, mine wants 5 pp copies as well as a copy of the last TM30 before they will even give you a queue ticket, went 2 weeks ago, Held up by agents coming in with handfuls of passports, took about a hour.

OK I can understand your dilemma now. Didn´t think it was that kind of a hassle for you guys down there in the swamp..


Here nothing of the sort, just smiles, stamps, and home you go... Maybe you should get settled somewhere, so you can at least forget about the TM30.... I have never done a TM28 or TM30 in my life so far....



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4 hours ago, Saltire said:

The 'big deal' for doing my 90 day in person is the 320Km round trip to spend 5 minutes in the office.


For 4 years I have used the online for all but one of my previous reports (last one being new passport requring a visit to move stamps and do 90 day at the same time).


So it's not a case of 'popping down' for many of us.


Mine is due 17 April, I will go 20th and when I am there ask if they will accept mail in option in lieu off no online.


It really is a PITA and I would do a happy dance if it was done away with.





Indeed. Some people have much further to travel; and some offices are more "unique" in their requirements for things. 


It's also the case that things can go smoothly, almost becoming a breeze for several years and then, for no particular reason or logic someone decides to make it more awkward. It's the "whim of the boss, new boss or individual officer that can make a simple task difficult, for no apparent reason. 

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


Indeed. Some people have much further to travel; and some offices are more "unique" in their requirements for things. 


It's also the case that things can go smoothly, almost becoming a breeze for several years and then, for no particular reason or logic someone decides to make it more awkward. It's the "whim of the boss, new boss or individual officer that can make a simple task difficult, for no apparent reason. 


There's always a reason. Sometimes the reason is merely to improve their self-esteem. They are Thais after all... with all the self-esteem issues that come bundled with that.

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I’ll add my five baht worth…


I moved to Thailand several years ago. Rental in Patts for a year. Registered to do 90 Day Reports on-line. 


Wife and I purchased house in Nonthaburi. TM28 filed, addresses on DL’s changed, usufruct, yellow book, pink ID card. Map to residence, annual extensions, etc.


So, long and short of it, I have registered my address with Thailand bureaucrats many times. And repeatably as required, annual extensions, DL renewals, etc. Not to mention Tops, Tesco, Lazada, Grab, Panda, delivery systems. COD – they ever have a problem finding me.     


So, I am (read that as was) fortunate. Nonthaburi does not or did not allow on-line 90 Day Reports. But, I initially registered in Pattaya and I have filed my 90 Day Reports on-line for years. Even when I left the country and returned on-line reporting worked.


Now the system is down. Before it would take me fifteen minutes to register my 90 Day Report, print the Pending report, wait a day or two or three then print the Approved and report again date. Cut and affix into my passport. No more than an hours time requirement per report.


Recently had to file my 90 Day Report in person. 2 hour drive there (traffic, always traffic). ½ hour in queue for number. 20 minutes for number to come up. IO took passport and documents. An hour later my name called, one of a couple dozen passports. Received everything back OK. Out the door. Another 1 ½ drive home.    


Long story, it ate up my day. Couldn’t do another thing other than my required 90 Day Report that day. Without on-line reporting - Five days per year spent at Nonthaburi Immigration.  


Just about anybody in the world can find me, except Thai Immigration it seems.  

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