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Thailand reports 1,335 new COVID-19 cases


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3 hours ago, robsamui said:
  8 minutes ago, robsamui said:

What am I missing here . . . how does using a knuckle avoid having skin contact with an infected button?

Hmmm . . . and that infected magic knuckle somehow never makes contact with any other surfaces? Pockets, clothes, glasses, mugs, keys, door handles and other surfaces?

Try it, you might like it. 


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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes your 2 cents are not worth a lot.

They estimate the death rate is 100% higher then reported.


We all are shooting in the dark, some aim for less severe than the data shows like i do. Others aim for more severe than the available data shows. The truth is hard to find, not because someone is hiding it but because the data is incomplete. All we are doing is speculation, including myself.


However one thing isn't speculation : The mortality rate is a lot lower than any data will show, as the people who have the infection but have no symptoms is the largest group. If you could include those in the mortality rate you would see a reduction of at least 50% in that rate.


My two cents is worth just as much as yours, don't kid yourself : we are keyboard warriors without access to the truth. 

Edited by WhatsNext
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6 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:



Ouch, who would have thunk it possible, oh wait....sorry folks no gloating here, just sadness.  I hate when many saw this coming before it happened and questioned the governments brain trust in helping it to spread instead of doing things differently, but then money talks and BS walks.

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2 minutes ago, Excel said:

only 1543, I wonder ?

wonder if it shouldn't be higher, or wondering if it will now flatline and go back to the miniscule numbers they showed prior to this wave....yes I am being sarcastic.

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Just now, ThailandRyan said:

wonder if it shouldn't be higher, or wondering if it will now flatline and go back to the miniscule numbers they showed prior to this wave....yes I am being sarcastic.

I was wondering when the PM and his mob will ban publication of any covid numbers under the emergency powers he has due to the fact it could endanger national security. 

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4 minutes ago, Excel said:

I was wondering when the PM and his mob will ban publication of any covid numbers under the emergency powers he has due to the fact it could endanger national security. 

You mean shut down the internet like his buddies in Myanmar.  Well that would be next.  

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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

The issue becomes one where there are those who choose to believe the words of people whose outlook differs from what is truly reality and based upon todays most recent scientific studies by peer reviewed medical folks. 


These folks then continue to believe the false narrative and continue to believe those folks who want to push their own agendas and conspiracy theories.  However, having an open mind is what will shed the information needed to daily negotiate the issue currently at hand with Covid. 


Believing numbers only, that have been manipulated, is not very transparent when the reporting is not being done to true scientific standards in order to track cases in real time by this Government and others.  Covid deniers abound as well as anti-vaxers, who believe that only being in the best of shape will stop one from becoming ill and not have any effects of covid once infected. 


I have known a few former co-workers and athletes who were in peak physical shape, ate very nutritiously, and took all of the vitamins to keep their immune systems in good working order that have fallen victim to Covid.  A few passed away from Covid, and a few have had lingering affects and still do to this day. 


There are a few of us who believe that we may have had Covid last year at the beginning of the year when Thailand was still open and the Chinese New Year was in full swing, but at that time there was no testing being done if you were not hospitalized back then. 


My illness, the most serious part lasted over three weeks, and I did see a doctor who prescribed medication and inhalers that did not truly help the issue, and after 2 weeks were reissued.  When I finally did start to heal I still had a deep cough, my lung capacity was diminished.  To preface this I am a jogger who puts in between 6 and 10 km a day, and prior to getting sick was in the best shape I have ever been in. I am a diabetic with an auto immune disorder due to a surgical procedure 5 years ago.  When I felt good enough to start jogging again in late May, I could not even jog without gasping for air, and a brisk paced walk was the best I could do.


It has taken me almost a year to regain probably 80% of my deep lung capacity and I can not get my times down to the same level as before, and I am wiped out by the time I return home.  To be honest it sucks, and I am only 56. 


I also tried to see if their was a antigen test here that could be given to see if I had any of the genetic markers of having Covid, and I was told I could not obtain one as I was not showing the signs and symptoms the MOPH had published as guidelines.  I have posted about that as well many times over the past year as well. 


All I can say is stay safe folks.  


There was a very nasty bug late 2019/early 2020.  I suffered it but don't think it was covid19.  I say this because many are convinced they had covid19, and thus believe they have immunity. 

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23 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

If the Thai government were not slow in rolling out the vaccine, then by now, nearly all the elderly and vulnerable would have already been vaccinated, allowing everyone else to be able to continue as normal.
This labored approach is going to come and bite them now..   

The fact that it is an unelected "PM" and his soldiers who are trying to run the country will keep them safe, they will just keep going on their blundering way knowing that nobody can do anything about it.

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4 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

That's sad if true.So they didn't try to save a single aged care resident in Sweden?That's awful.What are they many other illegal things they did? 


I went on a skiing holiday to Sweden in early March and got stuck there until August. Interesting time for the wrong reasons.  There was (for Sweden) a lot of coverage about their "solution" to manage the first wave, the government called it prioritization of course. The strongest news story was about a relative who repeatedly asked for information about her elderly fathers health but was refused, this is illegal in Sweden. She finally said that she recorded everything, did not allow palliative care and threatened with media and court action before the retirement home gave in and sent the father to hospital where he swiftly recovered.


There was media coverage of other cases where other relatives reported that they were refused information if their parent was diagnosed with covid-19 or not, if they had covid-19 at the retirement home or not, refused patient records. In some cases (except patient records), the retirement homes protected themselves by answering contact local health authorities but they refused to answer. One local newspaper wrote a formal letter demanding information from the local health authorities which health care institutions had covid-19, the local health authorities finally formally answered that they didn't know. The newspaper published it, created (for Sweden) a lot of media coverage and local health authorities finally gave in and "now they knew..." which health care institutions within their jurisdiction that were affected... Other news stories reported cases where elderly had been given palliative care without consent, the relatives found out first after their parent had been "put to rest". One nurse quit and was picked up by CNN I think it was. She told them that she had been told "blanket" do not send elderly to hospital in a meeting.


Facebook is less trustworthy but there were some retirement home health care workers that posted how bad they felt when they saw that some elderly was put on palliative care without even getting drip first.


The truth is that Sweden was extremely ill prepared. They didn't even have the bare minimum of PPT and it was therefore prioritized for the ones who could contribute to society. Elderly health care workers worked totally without PPT in the beginning, and after someone had been diagnosed with covid (not symptoms of), they were given shield (or later on mask) and a half apron (open back) with short sleeves to use when they were taking care of the patient. I saw a video on TV, after they finished with the patient, they walked 2.5 - 3 meters to the hallway, took off the shield (or mask, can't remember), then the apron and showed it in a bin for contagious material, still talking to each other. Removing PPT after you have been in contact with a contagious patient is a critical moment... Then they happily walked out and in to the next (not yet infected) patient without PPT, same clothes. They did wash their hands with disinfectant. It was supposed to show how safe it was. I facepalmed. This was during the first wave.


All refusal to hand out patient information to next of kin is illegal, all refusal to hand out public information is illegal in Sweden, both happened a lot during the first wave. Solidarity is a big word in Sweden


Quite a contrast to the very professional and strict quarantine measures I saw when I finally managed to get back to Thailand in August.



Edited by MikeyIdea
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17 hours ago, Antonymous said:

In layman’s language, WHO finally admitted that many PCR tests, as used extensively around the world, are unreliable. Dr Kary Mullis, the Nobel Prize laureate who invented the PCR process has been adamant that it was never meant as a diagnostic tool. Any test with a CT value of over 35 is potentially meaningless.

Your first claim about what the WHO said is a vast mis-characterisation of their statement, but another poster has already pointed that out.


As for Dr Mullis, he never said any such thing.


See info below from fullfact.org, debunking this social media myth.



The author actually quotes Dr Mullis as saying “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron” within the context of testing viral load (the amount of virus present) in people with HIV. This doesn’t mean he thought PCR testing didn’t work at all, but that there are limitations in detecting the specific levels of a virus from a sample using PCR testing.


The inventor of PCR never said it wasn’t designed to detect infectious diseases


What his words actually mean is that a PCR test cannot measure the viral load in a sample, not that it can't detect the virus.

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12 hours ago, WhatsNext said:

Just a side note, i see that many are referring to Brazil as the example on how deadly and devastating the virus is, at least the local one.

If you check the statistics however : LINK HERE 

You will find that the deaths per million population in Brazil is actually lower than in the USA,UK,IT, and even Belgium. Brazil is in the news like a terrible exception, the reality however is that it's part of the top 10 but nothing out of the ordinary.


For people raging with fear : I don't deny the virus, it's terrible, we have to do everything, we also have to keep our heads cool and don't start running around screaming nonsense in headless chicken mode.


Just my 2 cents.

Medical authorities in Brazil admit that the published numbers of deaths are wildly undercounted.

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11 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Of course you are right because even if one was immune you can still get a lung full of infected air just before a test and return a positive test theoretically speaking and thus be classified as being infected with no symptoms.Some tests even detect fragments of dead virus which also returns a positive result.To me if you get symptoms you can be counted as infected if you do not have symptoms then I would not count that as an infection.They have always done that with the flu but they are doing it differently with this virus for some reason that has not been fully explained.Is our advance in technology making this pandemic seem worse than it is with these scary numbers?

Thank you for inventing your own facts.


PCR-RT tests accurately predict future hospitalizations and deaths. The rate of false positives is very low.


Posting misinformation during an epidemic is both crazy and immoral.

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8 hours ago, mommysboy said:


There was a very nasty bug late 2019/early 2020.  I suffered it but don't think it was covid19.  I say this because many are convinced they had covid19, and thus believe they have immunity. 

I had a very bad infection in late 2019, I was sick for a month. It started with high fever, and then lung problems. When I heard about COVID, I was sure I had been infected.


in 2020, when the antibody tests were available, I got tested. No antibodies detected.


So, no COVID in 2019.

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On 4/14/2021 at 4:06 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Not 30% of the country... Some 30% of those with COVID are believed to be asymptomatic....  That's a best guess estimate by researchers...


So 30% of those with Covid are asymptomatic, so to know this they have been tested. What about the rest who haven't been tested, how many have it with no symptoms whatsoever? 

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