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Thailand says to add ICU beds after reporting record COVID-19 tally


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4 hours ago, James Powell said:

Thailand has done very well thank you.  The USA hasn't learned with over half a million dead!

Thailand became complacent because it dodged the earlier covid waves . Time will tell but it may well be that Thailand is at the beginning of a national pandemic disaster . It does not have the medical facilities to cope and are containing all people who have a positive covid test to a field hospital which is really just a holding pen with beds only , few if any ventilators and sparsely staffed .  The vaccine roll out has not happened bar maybe the aristocrats and those in prominent government positions . Life is cheap in some Asian countries and I feel the Thai population are in real danger .

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17 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

Adding ICU beds does not help if there are not enough healthcare workers to support the beds.  This was the problem in other countries.

The situation cannot be contained until there is enough post infection immunity & vaccine protection to  slow spread. I don't think original Covid infection antibodies  will provide significant protection against new variants, so that leaves vaccine and basic precaution like social distancing, no large crowds and so on.


Unfortunately, Thailand seems to be following India model. It escape first hit and assume it would continue to escape, people get sloppy, little precaution. This virus mutates and adapts to be more infectious and more damaging, and now can have its way with the virgin Thailand. I think Thailand future will be more like India and less like UK with result. We are in for some months of heartbreaking tragedy and  Russia or China vaccine will not help.

They are not alone in this, France is in danger of going into freefall with a higher per capita case rate than India, and a population largely reluctant to be vaccinated, partly due to the erratic musings and opinions of their president who purports to be an expert.  It's almost like Trump never went away...

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2 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

There are only 69 ICU's left in Bangkok, they'll be full in days. They may have added more but how many exactly for perspective? 


Hows the European example relevant?


Reducing hospital beds to save costs in Europe? No doubt the saved costs went on extra resources to cope with the covid patients in ICU they had.


Or do you have other credible information?

The European case I cited is Germany, see here: https://www.destatis.de/EN/Press/2020/10/PE20_N064_231.html


As regards numbers here, I have - but as said before business figures are not for public.


Believe it or not. That's your choice. But I'll not provide this information.

Should be far enough, that I shared what I can share.

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Just now, superal said:

a field hospital which is really just a holding pen with beds only , few if any ventilators and sparsely staffed . 

Why would a field hospital have ICU beds? IMO they are just for containing infected people so they don't infect family members and neighbours. Actually ill people would presumably be moved to a proper hospital. There is no point in filling up hospitals with people infectious but not sick.

I was asking why field hospitals were not used in the UK at the very start last year.

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1 minute ago, tenhoursaway said:

The European case I cited is Germany, see here: https://www.destatis.de/EN/Press/2020/10/PE20_N064_231.html


As regards numbers here, I have - but as said before business figures are not for public.


Believe it or not. That's your choice. But I'll not provide this information.

Should be far enough, that I shared what I can share.

Thanks for the link with the headline being:


Number of intensive care beds in Germany up 36%


As for your information that Thailand increased its ICU beds in the last year, without knowing by how many its hardly then how long is a piece of string comes to mind

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It's not possible to conjure ICU beds out of thin air. It's not like wheeling in a few extra cots. An ICU bed involves a lot of sophisticated equipment AND  highly-trained staff to work and monitor it.


What's most worrying about this is that the people supposedly in charge clearly have no clue at all about what they're in charge of. Or they're liars. 


Either way it doesn't inspire much confidence. 


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21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why would a field hospital have ICU beds? IMO they are just for containing infected people so they don't infect family members and neighbours. Actually ill people would presumably be moved to a proper hospital. There is no point in filling up hospitals with people infectious but not sick.

I was asking why field hospitals were not used in the UK at the very start last year.

Staffing shortages.

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6 hours ago, hotchilli said:

I thought Thailand was the medical hub of Asia...

cut the defense budget in half, get rid of 80% of the generals/commanders etc etc and support the health industry.

They have a better chance of going to Jupiter or wherever the h*ll they said they want to go than cutting down on fraud, waste, and abuse infrastructure.


This is a country where a dog that mauled the owner to death is taken to his funeral to apologize and all is well. Can you really take anything seriously?

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1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:


Thanks for the link with the headline being:


Number of intensive care beds in Germany up 36%


As for your information that Thailand increased its ICU beds in the last year, without knowing by how many its hardly then how long is a piece of string comes to mind


Again, you won't get this information from me.


Don't get tricked by government headlines. Such announcements are always positive, in marketing terms: "story telling".

Better you read the article: "The total number of hospital beds decreased by 25% over the same period..."

Taking into account that the number of ICU beds is a very small amount compared to the total number of beds in a hospital, you can do some simple math.

36% of a relatively small amount compared to 25% less of the total. Please keep in mind not each inpatient needs an ICU bed.


...and now no further comment on questions regarding numbers.

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2 minutes ago, tenhoursaway said:


Again, you won't get this information from me.


Don't get tricked by government headlines. Such announcements are always positive, in marketing terms: "story telling".

Better you read the article: "The total number of hospital beds decreased by 25% over the same period..."

Taking into account that the number of ICU beds is a very small amount compared to the total number of beds in a hospital, you can do some simple math.

36% of a relatively small amount compared to 25% less of the total. Please keep in mind not each inpatient needs an ICU bed.


...and now no further comment on questions regarding numbers.

I'm not tricked by government policies, it was your link, I'm also not tricked by posters on TV

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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why would a field hospital have ICU beds? IMO they are just for containing infected people so they don't infect family members and neighbours. Actually ill people would presumably be moved to a proper hospital. There is no point in filling up hospitals with people infectious but not sick.

I was asking why field hospitals were not used in the UK at the very start last year.

Field hospitals are set up cos permanent hospitals are full up . The UK spent millions of £s on their Nightingale ICU hospitals , which were fully equipped as an ICU unit including ventilators , and were set up as an overflow facility but were not needed as permanent hospitals coped  . Thai field hospitals appear to be a bedding facility only and patients to be bedded very close together . Free to Thais but 100,000 baht to farangs who have no choice but to comply because private hospitals are full up .

India now on UK red list but Indians are still coming to the UK and willing to pay for the hotel quarantine because it means safety and survival . If I was in Thailand now I would be looking to get out asap regardless of the costs .

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20 hours ago, jackdd said:

But the health minister said that the Covid situation will normalize in 2-3 weeks, why the need to add more ICU beds?


The Health Minister has said a lot of things in the past that he has come to regret - I hope this is not another one, bearing in mind Friday's figure of new infections a record 2070, only to be surpassed the following day by 2839 new infections. What has he said this time:- 


"daily COVID-19 infection rates have begun to stagnate................." Yeah -  right!

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13 minutes ago, retsdon said:

No, that's not how it's supposed to work. The purpose of isolation hospitals is to separate infectious disease patients from the general hospital population. 

The UK built the Nightingale hospitals without having the staff to man them, and so took Covic into the mainstream patient population with the result that one point last year 25% of new infections were nosocomial. It's been swept under the carpet now, but the UK's response to the epidemic was little short of criminal.


Thai hospitals are treating covid patients along with patients with other ailments . 

Not isolation hospitals but are Intensive Care Units  (ICU) that are being used to contain covid sufferers .

Not having the staff for the Nightingale hospitals , unbelievable and someone will have to be taken to task not only for that but the UK were very slow out of the blocks in the early stages of the pandemic and there will be a formal enquiry into the government's performance and scientists strategy / advice .

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"Thailand has a policy of admitting into care anyone who tests positive for COVID-19, even those without symptoms."


Is there another country on the planet that does this? Puts every single person who has a positive test in hospital or field hospital quarantine? Thailand's hospitalization rate is 100%. Are we the only country doing this? 


What I can't understand is the people in the photo lining up to be tested. If you are not sick, i.e. no symptoms, why would you risk putting yourself in a forced, group quarantine situation for 14 days? 



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6 hours ago, Excel said:

They may have no option soon with the exponential, and predictable rise in victims. As much as it may appeal to the military politicians to have total control over the population by confining them to field camps,  if it ever reaches the proportions being seen elsewhere they will have no option but to adopt policies of other countries as much as that may be distasteful to the "know it all" General  and his master

Actually this policy makes sense with few cases, as people staying at home may infect their family. But it does not scale very well...



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Just now, SymS said:

Actually this policy makes sense with few cases, as people staying at home may infect their family. But it does not scale very well...



It made sense while pretending there were only a few cases by only testing a few, but when people actually started to be ill and go to the hospitals the real scale of the contagion is now being realised. Even the deceitful government can not cover it up for ever. As a consequence, just like other countries, stay at home in isolation is the only way to overcome the issue of insufficient health workers to look after a massive influx of the ill.

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7 hours ago, davidmann said:

thailand. done better than most  ,look death in USA,UK ,Italia ,borders closed in europe ,lock down in France ,maybe UK and Israel  ,so fare done the best to help there people. ,but this is here lot people dead and lot more people going die. ,its like Aids. ,its here now ,not going away ,people going to have to live with it. ,some die. with it , what you should ask ,where did come from ,so far only one country has made

money from the world suffering   CHINA 


  This is spot on ! 

Think rationally for a minute . What has changed  ? Absolutey nothing other than testing , no one is dieing ( virtually none ) .So what to do now  ? Easy , no manditory hospital for asymptomatic , cases don't matter , all that counts is deaths .

Total deaths all causes in the only number , so , get everything open , and any asymptomatic can self isolate . It's a VIRUS  ! You can fight it ,lockdowns don't work ..

So let's get back to as we were previously , it's always been here , we've vaxed a mill , get this number up and let the rest run herd ( until Vax possible ) and watch what will happen ,very little , those to be hospitalised must only be those who are REALLY sick , it's pointless trying to case asymptomatic .

It's really stating the absolute obvious , you need a functional immune , and you need exposure , just work on vaccinations , and get on with life , it MUST be lived with .

It's not going anywhere , Thailand has done a great job , that's why we have so few deaths .

Just get on with life ,never be so scared to die , that you are afraid to live .

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4 minutes ago, sandhurstmolonski said:

  This is spot on ! 

Think rationally for a minute . What has changed  ? Absolutey nothing other than testing , no one is dieing ( virtually none ) .So what to do now  ? Easy , no manditory hospital for asymptomatic , cases don't matter , all that counts is deaths .

Total deaths all causes in the only number , so , get everything open , and any asymptomatic can self isolate . It's a VIRUS  ! You can fight it ,lockdowns don't work ..

So let's get back to as we were previously , it's always been here , we've vaxed a mill , get this number up and let the rest run herd ( until Vax possible ) and watch what will happen ,very little , those to be hospitalised must only be those who are REALLY sick , it's pointless trying to case asymptomatic .

It's really stating the absolute obvious , you need a functional immune , and you need exposure , just work on vaccinations , and get on with life , it MUST be lived with .

It's not going anywhere , Thailand has done a great job , that's why we have so few deaths .

Just get on with life ,never be so scared to die , that you are afraid to live .

In about 2 weeks time, the numbers of infected MIGHT translate into deaths. They MIGHT not.

If the former, you are very very wrong, if the latter then there is merit in your post, unfortunately by the time we find out it could be too late.....What to do?

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Excel: "...but when people actually started to be ill and go to the hospitals the real scale of the contagion is now being realised."


Sorry, you don't understand.

People here who test positive are automatically hospitalized, even WITHOUT being ill. Those who are asymptomatic or just sick, in the way we are familiar with the symptoms of the flu, go home, and stay as isolated as we always have done in these instances. And get better.  This is how it works around the world.


As one poster said, you can do this at a low level but it does not scale well at all. Of course hospitals will be filled quickly if you put every positive test "case" in there. 


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