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People in Thailand look set to be restricted in choice of vaccine

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5 minutes ago, edwarda909 said:

It is a widely known fact who owns Siam Pharmaceutical Co.(SPO).  Unnamed sources report that 12 months ago, when the idea became accepted that vaccines would be necessary, the plan was to partner SPO with AstraZenaca and become the sole and local manufacturer of the vaccine. Thus all the eggs were put into 1 basket., The idea was to create a vaccine monopoly in Thailand. The profit motive is obvious. 

 Before AstraZanaca would approve of SPO producing its patented product,  SPO would need to bring it's manufacturing/laboratory facility up to the international standards maintained by all top-quality manufacturers.   SPO dragged its feet for several months before addressing this requirement. It was ONLY when the AstraZenaca began encountering safety problems, that the idea of looking at other vaccine suppliers came up. Thus, when Thailand began to enter negotiations to purchase quality vaccines, it was late to the party, by many months. The result is the two vaccines currently available are from China and soon to be Russia. In reality, the vast majority of Thais will reject the Russian vaccine. Resent reports indicate (1 case being Slovakia)  that the actual Sputnik vaccine shipped did not contain the same ingredients that were used in the experiments that were submitted to the New England Journal of Medicine and led to its approval.

The New England journal of Medicine has no power to approve vaccines.  

4 hours ago, sanuk711 said:

"People in Thailand look set to be restricted in choice of vaccine"


Gosh...You mean the same as every other country in the world.....would you like to name a country that is given free vaccinations, & when you walk in they say....what one would you like? just tell us and we will get that one for you.


Any chance of putting a non negative headline about Thailand--Yup I agree they have fallen behind about the vaccinations---but this sort of headline is really Nit picking.

Very true.. same situation in the USA or in Europe at the beginning. My mom got Moderna, my dad Pfizer. They received their appointment slot and that was given on that day at that facility.

Only once there is no shortage of appointments and sites can people pick where to go to het a particular vaccine.

  • Like 1
9 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:
9 hours ago, WineOh said:

they can shove that sinovac jab where the sun dont shine!


The UK as a whole for most of the year.

(And that's how we like it.)


I have just seen the full dossier on 3 of my friends in Scotland who have now had their 2nd dose.

NOWHERE on any labeling does it say who the manufacturer is. Just a 10 digit code word 

refering to batch, date of manufacture, they all come out under the umbrella of the NHS.

But this guy has stopped private hospitals & large businesses tied up with hospitals from

importing any one of the two approved vaccines at no  cost to the Gov't so the above

statement is all crock <deleted>


Well much as I am very very grateful for Thailand extending the free vaccine program to include expats living here I must say that I am sensibe enough not to accept any mRNA experimantal vaccines produced by western big pharma as an obscene primary motive of sheer greed.  I really primarily want the traditionally produced from dead actual virus cells vaccine (You know like how the good old tried and tested vaccines of old against polio, yellow fever and smallpox etc were produced). That means I really want as my number one most sensible choice the Sinovac vaccine which is nigh on 100% effective I understand against severe illness and death resulting from Covid 19 infections.  I am not daft enough to be so stupidly swayed by US and UK led ignorant anti Chinese and anti Russian propaganda and rhetoric.


I do not believe in money ever buying ones way to the front of queues especially for any healthcare service, which should always and only be managed in order of real urgency of need.  However, I will not be willing to have the Pfizer, Moderna or any other experimental mRNA produced vaccine because I have read way too much real information about them and how and why they are produced and work.  I do believe though that people must have a free choice as to which, if any, vaccine they are willing to accept. However, if free I also must reasonably accept that beggars cannot be choosers.  So when, and only when, my rightful and fair turn in the queue comes around I am willing to pay a non rip off realisstic true cost of a few hundred Baht for one of the vaccines of my choice, which will primarly be Sinovac or the non mRNA Sputnik V, which is also produced by an honest peoples health service as a duty of care not for corrupt immoral levels of greedy profits exploiting peoples unfortunate illnesses, like is truy the case with big western corporate pharma.


But which vaccine you each choose is of course up to you, but please for your own sake make sure that you are fully informed and aware of the real truthful facts, not the propaganda, about the vaccines that are available to you before you decide on which one you are willing to have. I am no medical expert, so you should each check the facts carefully for yourself.  I just pass on what I think is vital information and rational reasoning to genuinely try to help inform others to find the useful information that I have carefully searched out.  However, always be aware there is a lot of agenda driven nonsense out there too I feel. particualrly sadly fro mteh USA.   I do quite like the Dr. John Campbell regular information videos on YT as they are both knowledgeable, sensible and objective, and delivered calmly and articulately, so please do yourself a favour and look him up on a Google search. 


I  do sincerely hope that you all keep well and safe particularly whilst we are still waiting for our Covid 19 vaccines

  • Haha 2
8 hours ago, Russell17au said:

Just remember that AstraZenica is being made here in Thailand and will be released in June. I know that there will be a lot of idiotic comments from many idiots on here but just remember that it does not matter where AstraZenica is made it is made following the same formula that is used in every country that makes it. The biggest problem with getting any vaccine is that every country is competing with every other country to get vaccine for their own country and there are not that many companies making the vaccine and having it registered and approved by each individual country for their use. It is easy to sit back and criticize but non of you could do any better.

AstraZenica may be made by the same formula, but as shown by a lab producing the J&J vaccine if the lab is not sterile or cleaned or using clean ingredients then blood clots (or something else in the future) may cause problems.

1 hour ago, Jen65 said:

Regarding "any" vaccine that Thailand tries to impose on the general public , can the DP and Health Minister Anutin provide a)  government medical approval of the vaccine in the country of origin  ( as far as I know Sinovac is not yet approved in China ??)   and b)  WHO approval  !!.

If both those are available and sighted / confirmed , then yes I would be happy to take any of those but if not I will stick to a western one ,probably the Astra Zenica one or Moderna when available privately .


yes, sinovac is already approved in china since february, before the first import batch to thailand.


10 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

From where? Will you leave here to obtain it?


       Lazada have , dont delay ..

  • Haha 1
10 hours ago, WineOh said:

they can shove that sinovac jab where the sun dont shine!


That's going nowhere near my arm.

  • ""
    Two doses 
    should be administered by intramuscular injection in the deltoid region of the upper arm.
    but there is a large muscle near your place, maybe the recommendation will change ????

  • Haha 1
26 minutes ago, HaoleBoy said:

AstraZenica may be made by the same formula, but as shown by a lab producing the J&J vaccine if the lab is not sterile or cleaned or using clean ingredients then blood clots (or something else in the future) may cause problems.

The AZ and J&J vaccines did not cause blood clots. The clotting issue occurred in a very small percentage of patients (typically women), whose body had an adverse reaction to the vaccine. Blood thinners can help those that are suspected of being vulnerable to clotting.


Obviously tainted vaccines would be an issue.


P.S. A person has a higher probability of being struct by lightning than getting blood clots as the result of taking the vaccine.


P.S.S. I am not a doctor, nor a pharmacist. My opinions/comments are based on what I have read in the news.

  • Like 1

For several months in the States you could choose which vaccine, Maderna or Pfizer.  If you went to a Gov area, like Disneyland, where hundreds of vaccines were given in a day, then you get what is available at that location.  BUT, you can drive to another location and get a different vaccine.  Months ago a friend drove over 1 hour to get the Maderna when the Pfizer was available locally at one of those areas. Despite what others have been posting or implying, choices have been available.  The persons age dictated when. 


And of course now their are three choices available. Very easy to register online the location and choice of vaccine.




My father back home was called to get his first dose, he refused AZ.  2 weeks later he got Pfizer. So claim that you cant choose vaccine in EU is bs, you just have to wait longer for your preferred "brand". 

1 hour ago, Miami007 said:

The New England journal of Medicine has no power to approve vaccines.  

True, but the process includes publication in a journal so that the scientific community can have a look. The trial data is also made available. Then a submission is made to be considered by the scientific committee which approves vaccines.

11 hours ago, WineOh said:

they can shove that sinovac jab where the sun dont shine!


That's going nowhere near my arm.

I fully agree with you.  Having written that, I'd be more inclined to accept it if a first world medical study was done on it, but the problem is where it's manufactured.  

No, I wouldn't get that either, probably under no circumstance unless manufacturing was done in Europe.  I would be horrified to have to have that in my body.  

  • Thanks 2
1 hour ago, KKr said:
  • ""
    Two doses 
    should be administered by intramuscular injection in the deltoid region of the upper arm.
    but there is a large muscle near your place, maybe the recommendation will change ????

I was going to get the jab on my butt because COVID is such a pain in it, but unfortunately it was a mass vaccination centre all out in the open.  I don't like looking at my own buttocks, I can't imagine anyone else would either.  So in the arm it went.

Maybe my second dose...

  • Haha 2
4 hours ago, Russell17au said:

I don't have to educate myself as to how this company was set up and financed.

I read a while back who set it up and originally why I think that individual had good intentions 

13 hours ago, WineOh said:

they can shove that sinovac jab where the sun dont shine!


That's going nowhere near my arm.

That could be their plan...

1 hour ago, Blumpie said:

I was going to get the jab on my butt because COVID is such a pain in it, but unfortunately it was a mass vaccination centre all out in the open.  I don't like looking at my own buttocks, I can't imagine anyone else would either.  So in the arm it went.

Maybe my second dose...

I've wondered why they give it like they do stick it in slow withdraw the plunger and then inject it. It seems like every shot I've gotten they stuck it in squirted it in and was done 

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, JJNThailand said:

For several months in the States you could choose which vaccine, Maderna or Pfizer.  If you went to a Gov area, like Disneyland, where hundreds of vaccines were given in a day, then you get what is available at that location.  BUT, you can drive to another location and get a different vaccine.  Months ago a friend drove over 1 hour to get the Maderna when the Pfizer was available locally at one of those areas. Despite what others have been posting or implying, choices have been available.  The persons age dictated when. 


And of course now their are three choices available. Very easy to register online the location and choice of vaccine.



But that is a civilized country not some 3rd world country ran by the military 


May I please use this opportunity to vent?     I am planning an upcoming trip to Thailand, which I begun planning for 1 month in advance as recommended by the Thai government.  I received my 11 night Certificate of Entry several WEEKS ago, but I won't land until the 8th of May.  I was hoping to have my quarantine cut to 8 nights (7 days but I arrive late) because I purposely planned the trip so that I would be 2 weeks out from being fully vaccinated upon arrival.


But F'ing NO!....  The embassy just sent me an updated COE that says (different from the rules announced of course) that ALL ARRIVALS AFTER 1 MAY, REQUIRE A 14 DAY QUARANTINE REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUS.   So even if I were able to get around the provision at immigration that I received my COE several weeks ago, I am still not arriving until the 8th (2 days past the key date).   


Bottom line is that if I arrived today having just received my 2nd vaccine several days ago, I would only have to say 11 nights or possible 8 nights if I got lucky (because I would have been in quarantine when I hit the two week mark post 2nd vaccination), but instead.....  I am literally going to be F'ing punished for waiting and planning my trip safely and properly.


I might last mention that I do SARS-CoV-2 vaccine research for a living and anything longer than 10 days is a joke.... and if you have a negative PCR 72 hours before travel (or as the embassy says, "reported" within 72 hours before travel (so it remains vague how long out the test can be taken) AND a negative PCR on day 5 of your stay....  a WEEK is MORE than sufficient.   AND if one has been vaccinated AND met all of those requirements.....   Then 5 days or no quarantine should be enough.   But instead.... 14 freaking days.   Just great!

  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, Mike k said:

But that is a civilized country not some 3rd world country ran by the military 

Don't forget the agenda to manufacture Astra in Thailand. 

14 hours ago, travelerjim said:

I returned to the US Tuesdsy and got my first Pfizer shot on Wednesday morning at my local neighborhood Walmart store. 

..easy peasy..well done!

4 hours ago, KiiGiam said:

May I please use this opportunity to vent?     I am planning an upcoming trip to Thailand, which I begun planning for 1 month in advance as recommended by the Thai government.  I received my 11 night Certificate of Entry several WEEKS ago, but I won't land until the 8th of May.  I was hoping to have my quarantine cut to 8 nights (7 days but I arrive late) because I purposely planned the trip so that I would be 2 weeks out from being fully vaccinated upon arrival.


But F'ing NO!....  The embassy just sent me an updated COE that says (different from the rules announced of course) that ALL ARRIVALS AFTER 1 MAY, REQUIRE A 14 DAY QUARANTINE REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUS.   So even if I were able to get around the provision at immigration that I received my COE several weeks ago, I am still not arriving until the 8th (2 days past the key date).   


Bottom line is that if I arrived today having just received my 2nd vaccine several days ago, I would only have to say 11 nights or possible 8 nights if I got lucky (because I would have been in quarantine when I hit the two week mark post 2nd vaccination), but instead.....  I am literally going to be F'ing punished for waiting and planning my trip safely and properly.


I might last mention that I do SARS-CoV-2 vaccine research for a living and anything longer than 10 days is a joke.... and if you have a negative PCR 72 hours before travel (or as the embassy says, "reported" within 72 hours before travel (so it remains vague how long out the test can be taken) AND a negative PCR on day 5 of your stay....  a WEEK is MORE than sufficient.   AND if one has been vaccinated AND met all of those requirements.....   Then 5 days or no quarantine should be enough.   But instead.... 14 freaking days.   Just great!

Are you unaware of any cases where the incubation period was more than a week?


Or ... you don’t think it’s possible to become infected AFTER the first PCR test?

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My Thai MIL says she doesn't want the Chinese vaccine, she wants to wait and get the American vaccine, for a fee.  And these people are frugal, they must really believe it's better.


What are they charging for the Chinese vaccine in public hospitals these days

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