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CM + No Mask + Exercising?

holy cow cm

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12 hours ago, rumak said:

you see any professional athletes on television wearing a mask while playing ?

Could depend on whether you believe golfers to be athletes I suppose.......????


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Just remember this. If you choose to leave you house without a mask on and you get caught and get a heavy fine then don't come crying back here about the injustice that has been done to you. I have not seen anywhere where outside exercise in public is excluded. If you do decide to go ahead with your  exercise without wearing a mask is to be aware that so far there have been no recorded cases of either the South African or the Indian strains being in Thailand both strains are in Malaysia and with the constant fighting between the Thai army and the Malaysian insurgents in the south of Thailand  and with the insurgents continually crossing the border Malaysia it is only a matter of time for the first case to be recorded. 

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Just saw a Thai and a foreigner running without masks. This was in BKK, i did not see any chubby Thai policeman running after them. I think there is a risk but its not super high. Personally I would not run if I had to use a mask.


They made it mandatory in gyms to wear it. Happy that I don't have to wear anything in my home gym. I could not exercise with a mask. Just too hard. 

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On 5/3/2021 at 4:37 AM, Lacessit said:

so someone who is exercising should be able to uncover their nose to assist breathing.

Uhhhh, no.  ????


They did a study at MIT, 6 feet or 30 feet indoors, the risk is the same.  Outdoors there's very little risk except in crowds.  Most sensible people where I'm at in Silicon Valley are being cautious and wearing masks even when outside.  


Personally, I wear mine except when I'm alone outside and there's noone else around. 


But I've already been vaccinated. 


Before I was vaccinated, I always wore my mask outside at gas stations, parking lots and of course, inside at businesses.

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2 hours ago, nickmondo said:


of course you can take off the mask when running or cycling.

if you did any sport, you would know this

I played sports all my live but you fail to understand a pandemic. You are NOT ALLOWED to take of your mask.

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I walk on beach road in Pattaya most evenings without a mask. I have one on my wrist and it is put on as soon as I have finished. I also ensure I’m distanced from anyone else More so than usual  when the mask is removed. 
I have walked past several police, alone and in patrols, and I haven’t been stopped or asked to put the mask on at any time so far.

As mentioned maybe check with the local police for CM related leniency 

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I had to take the wife shopping at Tesco and have just gotten back and I saw something there that would solve your problems. It was a walking machine the same as those used in gyms. With one of those you would not have to leave your property thus you would not have to wear a mask and also you would no be at risk of infection or a fine. With one of these you would not be restricted to only walking on fine days either. I believe it would be a win, win situation, that is if you are serious about your walking and not just using it as a perving excuse.

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6 hours ago, rumak said:

how old are you ?  

I broke my hip 5 months ago ( having wild sex in the shower.....  haha   i wish )


they have a nice 5 km loop near huay tung tao .   I walk it     very nice

Late 50's but strong. Breaking a hip sounds terrible. The only things i haven't seemed to break is everything from the hips down. Thank Buddha and knock on wood.! Yes I know the loop you are talking about. Starts at the restaurant and that Buddha thing? Yes it is a very nice area. might consider it if my spot is under siege. My wife and I were just talking about the lake the other day as we used to take the kids and our poodle there for fun on the back near the mountain area. I don't think they allow dogs any more do they? Love to take our 2 new dogs there for a jaunt.

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no restaurant,    this spot is just off the main road .....same turn as going to HTT


parking area on right.     dogs on leash allowed

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On 5/3/2021 at 9:59 AM, Berkshire said:

My understanding is that masks are required in "risky areas," i.e., markets, malls, public transportation, transportation terminals, offices, and all public spaces.  Masks not required while eating and exercising.  Of course, we're not talking about jogging in a mall.  As always, enforcement may vary.

This is where common sense comes in, but there is very little of that here in Thailand, and not just amongst Thais, go and read the 2nd post on this topic, it is in answer to the first. Really!

I go out exercising in my bike twice a day, my wife tells me that a policeman says that I must keep my mask on while riding my bike. My mask will be on but not covering my mouth and nose while I'm riding, and nobody better tell me any different, policeman or not.

I will wear my mask properly if I leave my bike for any reason, but not while I'm riding.

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On 5/4/2021 at 8:14 AM, MrBrad said:

Has anyone actually read the Thai version of the mandate?  I'm curious to know how what's translated as "in public" is actually written in Thai.  Also, there appears to be an exception for those who are exercising. 


For example, if I'm out jogging alone, miles from civilization, with nobody else even in sight, you could say I'm still "in public."  But compare that with one being in public on a city street with others here, there, and everywhere.


Both situations are in public, but they are vastly different in the chance of spreading the virus.

There should never be set rules in any situation, ie no one should ever do everything "by the book". There has to always be room for discretion, or common sense.

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Maybe bit off topic but in my gym very few (1-2%) are wearing masks. 
They all arrive with masks on but take it off as soon as they get inside and start working out.

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4 hours ago, topt said:

Could depend on whether you believe golfers to be athletes I suppose.......????


I suppose golf could be called a sport as you would have to be reasonably fit to do all that walking though.

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On 5/3/2021 at 1:05 PM, holy cow cm said:

This is what I want to understand if there is any leeway. Guess I will just have to go out where I run and see what the people are doing..

but remember the decision is to be made by the officer  i take it you are a non thai  expect yo pay full amount these cops have been hit hsrd in the envelope department giving them the power to decide  is a logical as giving a baby a razor blade to play with

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3 minutes ago, Harveyboy said:

but remember the decision is to be made by the officer  i take it you are a non thai  expect yo pay full amount these cops have been hit hsrd in the envelope department giving them the power to decide  is a logical as giving a baby a razor blade to play with

Been in CM for decades and other parts of Thailand another, so hardly a novice to the Thai scene. There are nice ones and vultures. My fist time getting a 500 baht fine was at the old Bangkok immigration office as I threw a smoke down the sewer.


Anyway for here in CM it is luck of the draw for which one see's you is what I think. As for no mask on a motorcycle, before in the old days they never chased anyone, but it is becoming a common occurrence now. All in all in CM I have probably been fined 4-5 times for no helmet over the years back. Never bother me paying 200 baht, but this one is a little more substantial..


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1 hour ago, holy cow cm said:

OMG. Hahahaha. Care to rephrase this?

I was referring to masks ????  I would not train nude. Can just imagine certain parts getting stuck between weight disks ????

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19 hours ago, ttkeric said:

I'm an early morning jogger. My 2 usual haunts are the Rama 9 park and the track along the convention centre all the way up to Huay Thung Tau. 


At the park, I don't bother with mask but I carry one in my pocket just in case. Very few people in the morning and I hope common sense prevail i.e. social distancing, don't use the exercise equipment. 


At the convention centre route, I am a bit wary. It's too open, too public if I can describe it as such. I'll have one on but nose down until I'm passing someone.  


FYI, in the former let's say there's 1 masks to maybe 6 who don't including like me. 


On the latter, most are masked up with the occasional person who don't but, to be fair, that person tends to be one of those who runs more than they jog. Don't want to pass out running. 


If you're one of those who jog about the city moat area, for goodness sake just mask up! 

I thought all parks are closed? Is Rama 9 an exception? 


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I walk in CM 8 k every day.  Almost everyone are not wearing the mask.  The number of regulars is dramatically reduced though. I leave mine on but now after a week I let myself breath. Police have not stopped by ever. As I leave I noticed what looked like MASK police in uniforms at two locations on 11 

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