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Thai health ministry denies they are giving free jabs to expats - Thais come first


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Just now, PEE TEE said:

have tried to email him but the em address is not recognized nor the on on his webpage 

See the response I received a few pages back......have you corrected for capitals in the address?

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2 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Pimps.....copy the UK model regardless of nationality, race....with some targeted vaccinations in hot spots like Khlong Toei......that easy...........all we need now is some.........vaccines.

Well yeah, that's the point...the strategy has to take into account how best to use a limited vaccine supply, and also the fact that every nation on earth has a primary responsibility to its' own citizens first.  That is pretty much the definition of what a nation is.

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4 hours ago, WineOh said:

makes you feel so welcome, doesn't it?


If I didn't have mouths to feed I would be out of here like a shot.

Enough is enough.


yep told my wife same thing if not fir her and the kids id be long gone ..if i wanted to be treated as low as a dog ..whoops sorry dogs get more respect  im sure i could fund a better country to do it..we are Farang  always have been always will be  there are a lot of OP on this dite who only see Thailand thru rise tinted glasses ..but as this thing gets worse and it will perhaps those glasses just might come off..

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4 hours ago, tingtong said:

Even a simple covid test comes most places with a farang surcharge, 1000s more...not that I really understand why it cost still do much.


I am sure Thailand will find a way to eventually spin things to be able to charge for farangs for the jab, at an extra high price.


Question remains though that what they plan to do with the lot larger size but lot poorer migrant population of myanmar, lao, cambodia ppl here when they seem to the first to blame for the virus, thus getting them vaccinated last doesn't make sense?

If and when anything in this country makes sense, please be so kind as to make it know to all of us. It would be an historical moment.

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Just now, WaveHunter said:

Well yeah, that's the point...the strategy has to take into account how best to use a limited vaccine supply, and also the fact that every nation on earth has a primary responsibility to its' own citizens first.  That is pretty much the definition of what a nation is.

Accepting that........vaccinating, say, all Thais over 60 plus any at risk regardless of age......you could then incorporate expats over 60 with Thais 50-60, then expats over 50-60 with Thais over 40 and so on..........yes?

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3 hours ago, jonclark said:

I think everyone needs to calm down. 


The context to this seems to have been lost.


Thailand has very low vaccine stocks - This has been said by the government and is evidenced by them scrambling to find vaccines - the government thought incorrectly it could order vaccines at their convenience and they would arrive the next day, (probably expected Kerry to deliver). Thailand is quite far down the order list sadly and so rightly, their limited vaccines are being allocated on a needs basis.


In 6 - 9 months, when a covid vaccine is as common in any hospital as an influenza or MMR jab, anyone and everyone will be able to go and get one.


Do not get all hysterical and claim this is some xenophobic conspiracy. 


Everyone stay safe. stay at home, wear a mask and sanitizer hands thoroughly. 

Im sorry but exclusion , on the grounds of race alone , does not constitute an ' on need ' basis.

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38 minutes ago, Tracyb said:

This was not the case in the USA.  Thai citizens living there were vaccinated right alongside citizens of other countries and US Citizens.

That's only because there is a suitable stockpile of vaccines available in the US.  That's not at all the case here in Thailand at the moment.  Once there is, everybody will have equal access. 


The point is that every nation on the face of the earth has a primary responsibility to its' own citizens first and foremost.  That's pretty much the very definition of what a "nation" is.

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

seems that foreigners in Thailand don't get covid - spread covid or die from covid


This health minister a real genius and we all thought he had the intelligence and memory of a goldfish 

Which goldfish was that?

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Really...why would anybody want to get this vaccination...why? Another type of people who are being greatly effected by the misinfo, disinfo, propaganda, etc. And it's always a mad rush to get that vaccine. Not a mad rush to clean up ones' diet and do some a water fast...no mad rush there...5555

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4 hours ago, tgw said:

Apparently, the administration has its own mind and applies laws in the way it pleases.


I have seen this several times already - the law says one thing, in theory including foreigners in its application, and then the administration, on it's own, decides it's "Thai only" or "non-directors only" or whatever.


One example is the registration with Thai social security - the law says anyone receiving a salary can register, but the SS office refuses to register directors. With no legal basis.
Another example is registration of an usufruct - Land offices just refuse to do it. Without any legal basis again. Land offices are just there to officially register legal acts permitted by law, not to decide whether they want to accept or not to do it, they should have no say at all other than requiring the necessary documents.
I'm sure there are many other examples.


Dont forget the yellow book.... 

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This is immoral and unacceptable IMHO.  I am perfectly happy to pay the normal cost of a vaccine (preferably for me Sinovac) but I find it deplorable the rip off chargees being talked about with private hospitals who as usual care about profits not the care and well being of you and I.


So I ask the Thai authorities to think agan on this issue and be morally racially impartially sound too and thus put all expat falangs living here in Thailand and other immigrant workers on the vaccination queue list solely according to their urgency of need based on their individual vulnerabilities.  Sure make a cost based charge to non Thais for the vaccines, which with Sinovac should be i deduce no more than say 500 to 1000 Baht tops and that would cover the small cost of applying the injection too of course. Private hospitals charging 2000 Baht + per jab is imho deplorable and unacceptably immoral making profits out of this terrible pandemic and lowering us expats here in Thailand to the <deleted> health service levels as seen in the USA !11 .


Don"t get me wrong I love it here in Thailand where I chose to retire and am quite happy to pay the cost of my nedical needs and indeed sensibly have a good insurance policy to pay for that, but not to line the pocket of the immoral rich fat cat private health CEOs thank you very much !1  Maybe we should have a reciprocal health service agereement here with our home countries in particualr the UK which has just about still a NHS though sadly falling into disarray thanks to wicked unwanted privatisation.  For example I know a few friends with Thai wives.husbands living in the UK who get free healthcare the same as a Brit and I fully support that as being right, but likewise I feel we farangs living here should be afforded the same health benefits as Thais here too.

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56 minutes ago, Derek B said:

Private Hospitals should be allowed to import ANY vaccine approved by the WHO.

This would take the burden off the Thai State.

Any surplus can be offered to citizens of Burma, Cambodia or India currently in Thailand as expats or illegal migrants.


Note Chinese Covid vaccines are not currently approved by the WHO for their global distribution program.

Great idea but no vaccine manufacturer is currently selling to private hospitals because they have government contracts to fulfill. This situation is likely to continue for at least another year so please end your delusion that Bumrungrad is going to come to your rescue. It's not going to happen.

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I don't understand the panic or sense of urgency in getting the vaccine by all these posters.


Are you in some sort of essential occupation that requires exposure to strangers or people who might have the virus?


If not, then shelter in place as you are supposed to; avoid non-essential travel outside the home; mask up when outdoors in the proximity of others; and use hand hygiene after touching surfaces that strangers have recently touched.


Do that, and you should be a very low risk of Covid.   Jai yen yen for f's sake.

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