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Foreign residents WILL be included in COVID-19 vaccination program: CCSA

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Having registered in person with my local Health Centre, easily Completed excellent interaction with local staff, about time many here become more positive. We all know what should happen but we are guests, do try to be more positive .

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3 minutes ago, Paul Knight said:

We all know what should happen but we are guests,

Another one who believes that someone who lives here for a very extended period of time is just a guest.  In your view are those Thai's that live in a foreign country on a visa just a guest or are they classified as a resident.  

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Perhaps I missed one or two twists and turns of this evolving story, but as far as I was concerned every single announcement has said that foreigners are included in the vaccination program. There was a brief wobble on whether it would be free but the only major issue is whether Thais would be first, then foreigners.


this most recent announcement, although actually designed to reassure foreigners actually seems to confirm that its Thais first. The article specifically says front line workers, over 60’s and those with underlying conditions first, THEN foreigners in the second phase. Seemingly this condemns foreigners over 60 and with underlying health conditions to be in the second phase AFTER thai’s. Confirming it is the fact that the article specifically states that currently there is no way for a foreigner to register.


so while it may seem like a series of flip flops, in fact it is consistent except that the same thing has been said in different ways, viz:


1. it’s thai elderly, front line, at risk people first.

2. it’s foreigners from June 


all the fuss and bother of checking with hospitals trying register on the app, rushing to get pink cards, isn’t going to change that.


of course, this is Thailand, in a rural area you might turn up and get the jab done on an ad hoc basis for a donation. Nothing is 100%.

personally I think the government just didn’t consider foreigners and are scrambling a little bit to come up with a coherent story that doesn’t sound racist to the outside world. More a sin of neglect rather than evil intent 

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Just for info, I managed to register on the current Mor Prom App using my pink ID card yesterday , and book an appointment at a government hospital in June to have the shots. Will have to see how that works out.

will monitor the possibility of getting shots at private hospital too, and see how that evolves.

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28 minutes ago, Crossy said:


I wonder how long it will be before we see reports of unwanted Sinovac doses being "re-branded" or "badge engineered" to be Az.


Already available on SUkhumvit and Kaosan roads I would hazard a guess,but they offer a choice between rebranded Sinovac or saline solution,I'll take the saline solutions please as it's cheaper and more effective at stopping blood clots and other adverse reactions.

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17 hours ago, friendofthai said:

Of course it is not easy to vaccinate a foreigner. When a foreigner come to a vaccination room, he want to get vaccinated very much. But after that the second personality of a foreigner suddenly appears. The alter ego of the foreigner starts arguing with the doctor. He tells the doctor that Sinovac is a very bad vaccine and he also demonstrates "proofs" from "credible news sources" to the doctor. So the mental hospital stuff and expensive equipment are needed in these cases in order to complete the vaccination process.

I know more Thais than foreigners who have not yet registered for a Sinovac or AZ injection because they don't want that choice.. goes both ways !

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

"Anybody living in Thailand, whether they be Thai or foreign, if they want they vaccine, they can get it," head of the disease control department, Opas Kankawinpong told a briefing.

So in your own time please let us know how we are supposed to register without some kind of Thai id number...

how about an APP that recognises a passport number as an alternative that every foreigner has?

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38 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Where are you getting 'Thais dont want the vaccine"

In our predominantly middle-class circle of acquaintances and family, predominantly Bangkok and, due to my wife's job, Rayong, I can report that almost everyone is waiting for Moderna, BionTech & Co.
Of course, what I am reporting here is rather anecdotal, but I wouldn't be surprised if this current finding were to become more frequent if we were to open a new thread on TV about it ...



from. Given that the system to sign up for the vaccine has failed 2-3 times due to being overloaded.

So Thai people dont want the locally manufactured AZ vaccine and would prefer to pay more for a different vaccine ????

This may be a consequence of the high demand, but also a server problem. We don't know what is pushing the registration system to its limits.

Or are there already reliable announcements about how many vaccination appointments have been reserved?

The only reliable thing is a certain amount of daily repeated announcements and lip service.

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The best I got this morning from reading this article if they want to solve the problem just stop with all the announcements. Stop with all the creation of the website which don't seem to ever work just like the ones for immigration easier to just drive down wait a few minutes done.


There are people dying everyday, no testing, no beds but one thing sure we  have is a lot of people grandstanding about nothing! 


There are people running around (not me) trying to obtain a Pink I.D. increasing their % of infection visiting all these places to only find out in this article " it isn't for foreigners "  can register? 


We got a pandemic going on to solve it the leaders need to be

"color blind"  if you are here get in line, wear a mask, social distant, and register your name and get a appointment for the government free shot currently Sino and AZ,  clear the path so the private sector can assist with the distribution of all vaccine available. 


The best solution is for everyone to just shut the <deleted> up and get back to solving, obtaining and distribution of all vaccine as soon as possible before Thailand becomes the next India!  It is time to show " government can run something instead of can't run anything "????



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So the "dirty farang" are twice forbidden and three times allowed to benefit of a vaccination programme yet to be made available by the official Thailand - and all this in ONE week. 

Nobody can take these clowns serious and yes, for 35% income tax payments without any real return for the tax money (like free schooling or social welfare) I would not expect Thailand to reach out to the cluster as so named by the Minister of Public Health, sweetheart Anutin. 

This whole story will haunt the present government forever as they clearly proved not having the slightest clue of what they are doing .... 


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