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Non-mask wearing foreigner makes national news - sticks his middle finger up and refuses free mask


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6 hours ago, SiamRead said:

Why blurr his face ? Should show to the world this unethical behaviour. 

I agree this guy is douche although for this story to make the National news to me is just sad on behalf of this news channel. It’s just a way to try to blame the westerners again.


Is there no other more worthy news about real crooks?


How about news story’s about where the virus originated from?








Edited by NightSky
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1 minute ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

I  am making no excuses for anyone, I am clearly  pointing out the rules for mask wearing, keep  banging on if  youl  like  i'll  leave you to it.



I did not even read them. I just wear a mask and don't look for loopholes to abrogate my responsibility to others.

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I commented on another forum about farang wearing masks under their nose in Hua Hin. Far more farang than Thai when I watched. The knuckledraggers in that forum told me I should be minding my own business. And there you have it. 

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Sent him back to where the pepper grows if he can't follow the rules here. I am sure he had said that to those new immigrants who came to his home country, or better still sent him to do a voluntary work in India now than maybe after that he will realize he needs to change his attitude.


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6 hours ago, Ventenio said:

 YES!!!  Let's go a step further.  Hate the falang.


Fine 100,000 baht.  Deport family.  If mental issues, put in gulag.  No food for 3 weeks.  No water, 10 months!!!!  


If from xxxxx country, deport all from that country!!!!!


Put him in a cell with 10,000 people who hate him!!!


all for not wearing a mask.  


imagine if he slept with a prostitute, which is ILLEGAL!!!!



Your last comment couldn’t happen because the government has said repeatedly that there aren’t any in Thailand.

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I guarantee words like “plandemic” “sheep” “fake news” etc. are part of this guys vocabulary.  I also guarantee he thinks he’s smarter than doctors and people who study the virus. 

He should be deported since he’s a threat to the safety and well being of Thais and foreigners.

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Give him a break.  He was just signing that Thailand is number one!


Jesting aside I hate when foreigners do arrogant shist like this.  It can reflect poorly on all of us.

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This is just the type of person who gives all good law abiding foreigners such a bad name and enrages the Thai people emotions.

This walking piece of stinking excrement must be found, heavily fined 10,000 plus baht and if he is caught again he should be removed from Thailand with a long 5 or 10 year ban.

If I knew where this piece of garbage lived I would personally take the police to get him.  

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The thrust of this topic is not so much about not wearing a mask - there is no news in that;

it is about a couldn't care less and belligerent attitude. The "middle finger" attracts trouble in Thailand.

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7 hours ago, tonray said:

Just what we need for the image of foreigners in Thailand...oh brother. hit him with 6000 baht fine...if he transgresses again....throw him out

Hit him with the max, 20000 baht.

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7 hours ago, tonray said:

In the west we have "Perp Walks" ...here in Thailand we have "Perp Wais"....I love to see foreigners who have acted like idiots (remember the guy kicking the tiny Thai woman at the market when he thought she stole his cart ?)...then they figuratively prostrate themselves in public to avoid being kicked out...too funny and very satisfying to see.

I'm from the West. What the hell is a "Perp Walk"?

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7 hours ago, tonray said:

Just what we need for the image of foreigners in Thailand...oh brother. hit him with 6000 baht fine...if he transgresses again....throw him out

No, 20,000 Thb now and throw him out. He shames all the farangs living here who respect Thailand.

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Media coverage with a racist bias agenda.  Its known as gaslighting.

I can spend 3 minutes outside and find 20 Thais with mask off/ under chin, sitting in groups drinking.  

2 things can remain true at once though.  This guy is obviously has little manners and a bad attitude.

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17 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:



Already reported that he has been found, with an expired visa. Why oh why would he choose to attract attention to himself. Maybe a cry for help....

a cry for help by potentially spreading a dangerous disease? Perhaps he needs the help getting on the plane and being banned for life - a waste of skin..

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fine this ahole the max   first for no mask and second for the finger ...   then fine all the others in the area with no mask on or not over the nose ...   come on thailand these are your rules  follow through 

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Just now, from the home of CC said:

a cry for help by potentially spreading a dangerous disease? Perhaps he needs the help getting on the plane and being banned for life - a waste of skin..


Cry for help by attracting attention to himself when his visa was not in order. Does that sound like someone in his right mind to you?

Perhaps people act like that when they are fed up and unhappy and simply don't care any more.

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3 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


Cry for help by attracting attention to himself when his visa was not in order. Does that sound like someone in his right mind to you?

Perhaps people act like that when they are fed up and unhappy and simply don't care any more.

or he's a hopeless drunk and the cause of all his own problems, which a lot more likely..

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23 minutes ago, samjaidee said:

I'm from the West. What the hell is a "Perp Walk"?

When the authorities arrest someone in a public place , cuff him and walk him out, usually in front of his colleagues or family and friends. 'Perp' is short for perpetrator (one accused of perpetrating a criminal act)



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2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

A complete mis-understanding of how covid is transmitted... 

I don't have it he says... therefore don't need to wear one.

I don't wish ill of anyone but I hope he gets a dose soon and a bill to match.

The only reason I disagree with you about him getting it is that he’d spread it around decent people 

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1 hour ago, Bobydog said:

Yeah not smart but did you see the people riding their scooter without helmets getting pulled over?  No.  Double standards.


Not wearing a helmet will only get the rider hurt but not others.


Not wearing a mask will get others hurt by infecting others.


Of course during the virus incubation period, everybody will not think they have the virus , that's how the virus can spread so fast.




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This guy is a pos but I wonder if you walked around the market with a camera how many Thais would be seen not wearing masks I know here in my small village I see plenty 

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