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Expected shortage of AstraZeneca production in Thailand in June

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Interesting that there are leaks, this is highly unusual for the current regime...


from the linked article...


However, a senior source within the Ministry of Public Health told Thai Enquirer on Tuesday that there has been a problem scaling up production within Siam Bioscience and initial reports suggest that the company will not be able to produce half the expected number of vaccines by June.


“They’re having problems scaling up their operations so whatever the estimate is right now for June, the number they produce wont be half of that,” the source said on condition of anonymity.



Still hoping for some transparency, before 30 June.


And it would be good to know if it's closer to zero than half (3 million from 6 million).




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Not unusual.  J&J had problems.  AZ in the UK had problems.  Not easy ramping up production of a new vaccine quickly.  And as the article states, that just one part of the problem.  Distribution and getting them into arms is a massive problem.

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1 minute ago, rabas said:

The Thai Enquirer is not very supportive of the government, to say the least. 


Still, extensive quotes. Doubt they'd use them if the source was not trustworthy.


I think the regime will go after Thaiger though, at least to get the source so they can be purged.


The regime will deny this story, for sure.




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What is the problem?? Some weeks ago Bioscience said that would deliver the vaccines in JULY, but the government says all the the time June.... So BioScience knew already that they could not deliver in June.. So nothing new

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30 minutes ago, Brierley said:

Pretty amazing how some people seem to relish every opportunity to scaremonger and jump on Thailand's inability to promptly deliver vaccine to the masses, personally, I wish you'd all give it  rest.

I feel the same.  I can only put it down to fear by older posters, who are worried about dying from Covid, which is actually highly unlikely. 

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40 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Not unusual.  J&J had problems.  AZ in the UK had problems.  Not easy ramping up production of a new vaccine quickly.  And as the article states, that just one part of the problem.  Distribution and getting them into arms is a massive problem.


Logistics may be an issue but it's well within the ability of the Thai state/private sector to manage.People sometimes sometimes overlook the excellence of Thailand's distribution/supply chains not to mention the comprehensive health network.

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5 minutes ago, jayboy said:


Logistics may be an issue but it's well within the ability of the Thai state/private sector to manage.People sometimes sometimes overlook the excellence of Thailand's distribution/supply chains not to mention the comprehensive health network.

That's sarcasm, right?

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24 minutes ago, ikke1959 said:

What is the problem?? Some weeks ago Bioscience said that would deliver the vaccines in JULY, but the government says all the the time June.... So BioScience knew already that they could not deliver in June.. So nothing new




Can you share the latest detail, of which you seem to be aware?


Even as recently as today, the plan has been 6 million doses delivered in June, the 10 million per month for July-Nov, and 5 million in December.


Have the goal-posts moved? Maybe.




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1 hour ago, AnnieSeek said:

Talk of not having the logistics is utter nonsense. Logistics is the easy part ! You don't need a fancy 5 star hotel or a hospital. In the UK, we have busses in the city centre's doing vaccinations, you have pharmacies, doctor surgeries, churches, stadiums ... any building will do. Nurses, doctors, pharmacists, hell even animal doctors are being used here can administer the shot. It's a national effort. 


Of course if by June they can only produce 2 million doses then that is desperatley dissapointing. 



Are you for real? a country is saying that they don’t have logistical capabilities to administer millions of vaccines per month.” is a Joke, since april they have had 56,000 people infected, yet they still have not been able to ramp up their vaccination program, the government are not fit for purpose and should be disposed of. This is one of the reasons that Thailand will always be a 3rd world country.

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9 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Even as recently as today, the plan has been 6 million doses delivered in June, the 10 million per month for July-Nov, and 5 million in December.


Have the goal-posts moved? Maybe.


1 hour ago, internationalism said:

“Even if we get 20 million vaccines from them in June, it doesn’t matter because ....


I doubt there was ever a plan to deliver 20 million doses in June, that must be misinformation.  Not long ago, ~60m-70m was for the rest of the year.


The only question is which side's misinformation has higher efficacy, and can it completely stop the spread of accurate information?

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I assume the government intends to sell az overseas as well. There are only about 13M people in Thailand over 60 y.o. and it seems not that many are rushing forward for Sinovac. You can bet millions are waiting for Pzifer/Moderna to turn up.

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7 minutes ago, rabas said:

I doubt there was ever a plan to deliver 20 million doses in June, that must be misinformation.  Not long ago, ~60m-70m was for the rest of the year.


Think you misread he piece. The "source" simply said that


vaccine deliveries in June will be half, or fewer, than 6 million.


and that that might not matter as that even if magically they had 20 million doses in June, they could not deliver administer them.



Given that it's taken what, three months to get 2.5 m doses (my best guess) adminstered this is not a shocker.


You conflated two separate issues. Re-read the article. The reference to 20 million was not "misinformation".








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1 hour ago, Brierley said:

Pretty amazing how some people seem to relish every opportunity to scaremonger and jump on Thailand's inability to promptly deliver vaccine to the masses, personally, I wish you'd all give it  rest.

The amazing part is so far Thailand has managed to fully vaccinate only 700 000 persons with 2 injections, it's 1% of the population and one of the worst rate in the world and this is only with the ''help'' of Sinovac, one of the vaccines with the worst efficiency 





Edited by kingofthemountain
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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


We all get that there can and are production problems. Any simpleton can acknowledge and udenrstand this fact.


The bigger issue is why is information not being shared with the public, and expectations being managed? Why does this information have to be leaked?


Just be open, honest and transparent with the public. It will be much less painful that way.





It's leaked because there is a spat between the private sector, sorry MPH and Prayut & co.

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1 minute ago, kingofthemountain said:

The amazing part is so far Thailand has managed to fully vaccinate only 700 000 persons

with 2 injections, it's 1% of the population and one of the worst rate in the world

and this is only with the ''help'' of Sinovac, one of the vaccines with the worst efficiency 


It's what it is, they weren't the first in the queue because infection rates were extremely low and then suddenly they shot up, the gamble almost paid off. And with every wealthy nation in the West taking priority for large orders, Thailand was never going to be head of the queue no matter how early they had acted.

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28 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Think you misread he piece. The "source" simply said that


vaccine deliveries in June will be half, or fewer, than 6 million.


and that that might not matter as that even if magically they had 20 million doses in June, they could not deliver administer them.



Given that it's taken what, three months to get 2.5 m doses (my best guess) adminstered this is not a shocker.


You conflated two separate issues. Re-read the article. The reference to 20 million was not "misinformation"


I'm contrasting the misinformative talk in the OP of 20 million in June with your more likely correct numbers.  Sorry if not clear.


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The top 10 Pharma companies in Thailand in 2018 were :




At that time Siam Bioscience were 6th.




Perhaps if the government had chosen a bigger company to produce the vaccines then they might not be talking about a shortage now.

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