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3 hours ago, cocoonclub said:

Is that your definition of being heterosexual—having sex only with women? How about having sex with a FTM transgender then; would that still be heterosexual because you’re having sec with a female? 

Wow, that’s sad. 

The only times I am being touched up is in the middle of the night on Sukhumvit road or whenever I visit gay places such as DJ Station or Wong’s Place. I don’t know why I would care much about it. I certainly have behaved indecently towards girls in my life, especially when I was drunk. What goes around comes around… 

Not sure if you trolling me, but I will give you the benefit of doubt.


Sure, I do wonder if life would be far more exciting if I were gay or pansexual etc - but I aint.


I'm 100% Hetero, hell, I can't even tell if other men are good looking or not - something many people seem to be able to do.

No, I wouldn't consider going with a transgender.  Part of the reason, knowing that she was previously a man would be a big turn-off.  Women "smell" different to men and I assume that covers transgender too.

If that's sad to you, it's probably because you are not 100% heterosexual and cannot understand it.   In the same way I don't understand gay/bisexual etc men.


When I was younger, I would regularly go to nightclubs.  Sure, I would "touch up" women - sometime it was wanted, sometime not.  And vice-versa sometimes.  What comes around, goes around, as you say - fine - except for below.


But I've also had a (french!) guy come up and kiss me on the lips from pretty much out of nowhere.  I was just speechless, shocked and felt disgusted.  Any straight guy were feel the same as me, most probably may have punched him too.


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3 hours ago, sharksy said:

No, I wouldn't consider going with a transgender.  Part of the reason, knowing that she was previously a man would be a big turn-off.  Women "smell" different to men and I assume that covers transgender too.

You defined being heterosexual as exclusively having sex with women only (and even completely avoiding anyone who’s gay). So my question was whether you then would have sex with a FTM (female-to-male) transgender. By your definition that still would let you wear the “I’m hetero” title because you’re having sex with a woman. 


3 hours ago, sharksy said:

If that's sad to you, it's probably because you are not 100% heterosexual and cannot understand it.   In the same way I don't understand gay/bisexual etc men.

I think there’s research saying that a good percentage of people is gay, so there’s a good chance you have a gay friend or coworker even if you don’t know. So if you really think that not completely avoiding gay people  makes you gay (or “not 100% heterosexual”) you may have a problem. I mean, do as you like but this scare of anything gay and the desire to be seen as “100% heterosexual” sounds pathological. 

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5 minutes ago, cocoonclub said:

You defined being heterosexual as exclusively having sex with women only (and even completely avoiding anyone who’s gay). So my question was whether you then would have sex with a FTM (female-to-male) transgender. By your definition that still would let you wear the “I’m hetero” title because you’re having sex with a woman. 


I think there’s research saying that a good percentage of people is gay, so there’s a good chance you have a gay friend or coworker even if you don’t know. So if you really think that not completely avoiding gay people  makes you gay (or “not 100% heterosexual”) you may have a problem. I mean, do as you like but this scare of anything gay and the desire to be seen as “100% heterosexual” sounds pathological. 

The USN ship I served on for 3.5 yrs had over 1,000 man crew and only one guy was known to be gay and that was because he got seriously beat up for inappropriate touching. Now I'm 100% positive at least 10% were gay, isn't that sort of a statistic. We never talked about it, it wasn't an issue. But now that we are so "woke" all of a sudden it's an issue. It's gotten nutty. Nothing wrong with LB's if that's your thing, but please be honest with yourself about it. 

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27 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

The USN ship I served on for 3.5 yrs had over 1,000 man crew and only one guy was known to be gay and that was because he got seriously beat up for inappropriate touching. Now I'm 100% positive at least 10% were gay, isn't that sort of a statistic. We never talked about it, it wasn't an issue. But now that we are so "woke" all of a sudden it's an issue. It's gotten nutty. Nothing wrong with LB's if that's your thing, but please be honest with yourself about it. 

Back in the 70s when I was serving in Singapore, many of us used to hang out in Bugis Street which was a famous night life street where the ladyboys used to rent themselves out. It was great place for a night out and even those that would never go with one could have a good time.

I know that many servicemen used to go with them, but because it was still illegal back then no one talked about that side of things. However, that didn't make them any less efficient as servicemen.

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16 hours ago, BenDeCosta said:

Has anyone on here ever met a ladyboy who had been surgically changed into a woman (in the downstairs department)? I certainly have not.

Yes. She got a barn door fitted.

  • Haha 1
On 5/17/2021 at 11:10 AM, OneMoreFarang said:

It depends.

Some ladyboys are very aggressive. I don't like it and I stay away from them.

Some are just "normal people" who don't make a big deal out of what they are. I treat them like any other person.

And I met one hot girl for an hour or two were I would have sworn (before my meeting) that she is a real girl. She wasn't. But apart from that little operation she was just like any sexy girl.

Summary: it depends.


someone pretending they are female - nothing wrong in that people can pretend all they want

14 hours ago, sharksy said:

Thankfully, my doctor was a fairly hot female who did this same procedure.  I was thankful if wasn't a man doing this to me.

I can't quite understand why I think this way!

I had one done in Scotland. My GP, a sweet looking lady said to me. Today we do some general examination. 

Me: OK, no problem.

She: Please pull you pants down and lay on your belly.

Me: a bit shy.

She: Glove on and up she went. 

Me: Go Dr. goooo, don't stop. Did you arrive at the destination.

She: not yet, I'm already up to my shoulder.

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

Nothing wrong with LB's if that's your thing, but please be honest with yourself about it. 

Of course. And you do the same please. We should all be honest with ourselves. 


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On 5/17/2021 at 4:34 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

After all, if a man wants a real pussy, why would he settle for a fake one? 

You are looking at it only from the point of view of commercial sex ladyboys. It's not always about that and more often IMO it's about THEM, and not about customers.


Sorry something got lost in the transition, my bad, that sentence was meant from the POV of the partner in bed. Now while we're at it, lemme do another PSA for the sake of LBs. Dear Child, no matter what/how you cut and slice yourself, you're never going to be real as the real thing that Mother Nature, intended or not, has created. Science and modern living - with all the accoutrements, not to mention education, it has to offer - have come to the rescue of those naive female wannabes and I believe cartloads of your "sisters" have spared themselves the knife and you should too.


There is/was a youtube documentary (not sure it's still around) looking into the lives of those men/women in the US who have done the cut. The verdict: Not worth it dear, "a fake vagine is a pain to maintain" (maybe we can use this to update "it rains on the plains in spain?") - not to mention hell to get there and practically useless henceforth. There was one transwoman in particular who described her journey: "first I took the hormones, thinking that would make me feel like a real woman, nope. Next I got the boob job, thinking that would make me feel like a real woman, nope. Finally I thought it's my dick that got in the way, so I got rid of it, only to realize, however lately, that I never have and never will, feel like a real woman!" It was sad to see her resigned to her status as erh..I don't remember the term she used, as a - "limboton?" - something in between for the rest of her dickless, vagin-fake life. But another one returned to the life of a man and settled down with a woman (can't remember for sure that it was a tom or simply a spinster - not to be confused with sphincter) as a "regular" albeit platonic (so what?) couple.


Come to think of it, not long ago I saw another youtube interview with a famous Thai ladyboy who's done the cut. She told you all you need to know about the trials and tribulations and I'm sure that must have gotten a lot of attention. The smart ones not only take that to heart but also know how to turn what he/she thought was an cumbersome appendage to an advantage. Pornsites in particular are useful in demonstrating how to feel/act like a woman while wagging your erection in your partner's face. 

14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO no such thing as 100% of anything to do with humans. Apparently we even share 98.8% of our genes with chimps.

When I was in the military there was a male sergeant that was the ultimate macho guy that used to go around lording it over lower ranks. Last time I saw him he was transitioning to female- there was even an article in a local magazine about him/ her and how his wife was supporting him.

So, when guys claim to be 100% hetero I remember him/ her.


BTW, the point of "straight" guys being attracted to LBs is that while they won't be attracted to other men ( I can't even tell if other men are good looking or not ), the fact that some look like attractive women allows them to explore the "wild side" in a safe way.

Never forget that when we were conceived we didn't have a gender. That came later. So every human being has elements of both genders within themselves.


IMO men denying their female side is as pointless as denying that all humans originated in Africa.

My current record in life will prove I am 100% Herterosexual.

If I can't tell if a bloke is attractive, what chance is there of me fancying anyone.

I'm not your drill sargeant, I'm me - and I only go with attractive ladies, never fatties or fuglies, even when drunk.  Not like my other mates when they're hammered....


Yes, unfortunately, I can be rather feminate in my ways - I can't help that and maybe that's the attraction of gay men, but just the thought of touching another mans chest makes me want to puke.

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13 hours ago, cocoonclub said:

You defined being heterosexual as exclusively having sex with women only (and even completely avoiding anyone who’s gay). So my question was whether you then would have sex with a FTM (female-to-male) transgender. By your definition that still would let you wear the “I’m hetero” title because you’re having sex with a woman. 


I think there’s research saying that a good percentage of people is gay, so there’s a good chance you have a gay friend or coworker even if you don’t know. So if you really think that not completely avoiding gay people  makes you gay (or “not 100% heterosexual”) you may have a problem. I mean, do as you like but this scare of anything gay and the desire to be seen as “100% heterosexual” sounds pathological. 

I only go with women born as women, so that is a big NO to a trans.   Sorry, but a trans woman is not a woman.  Theyre like to be unattractive in many ways, big hands, big feet, not feminine.
And you are asking if I would go with a trans man? really? NO chance.  You gotta be trolling me <deleted>.

I was friendly with an ex-girlfriends gay brother and his boyfriend, so I'm not completely homophobic.
Similarly, I was friends with the gay guy across the desk from me and we used to go eat in the canteen most week days.
He'd never been with a women and I saw him shudder when I mentioned women + periods.
We are just completely opposite ends of the sexual spectrum.  I was quite surprised how little he knew about women, he even said many gay friends hate women (he may have meant lesbians) - can't remember.


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12 hours ago, sharksy said:

And you are asking if I would go with a trans man? really? NO chance.  You gotta be trolling me <deleted>.

As I explained: I am curious because some here argue it makes you gay (or ”a bit gay” or “not 100% heterosexual”) when having sex with someone who is biologically male. That means that having sex with a FTM transgender (I.e., a biological female) should be perfectly hetero. 

On a similar note, how would you call someone who had awesome sex with a stunningly sexy girl—and two years later finds out that she is a post-op transgender and he just didn’t notice. Does that make him gay too?  



I was friendly with an ex-girlfriends gay brother and his boyfriend, so I'm not completely homophobic.
Similarly, I was friends with the gay guy across the desk from me and we used to go eat in the canteen most week days.

You said you would decline having a beer with a friend if he’s gay (or prefer the hetero friend), thus my comment. I just thought it’s sad to judge and treat someone based on his sexuality. 


  • Confused 1
21 hours ago, watthong said:

There was one transwoman in particular who described her journey: "first I took the hormones, thinking that would make me feel like a real woman, nope. Next I got the boob job, thinking that would make me feel like a real woman, nope. Finally I thought it's my dick that got in the way, so I got rid of it, only to realize, however lately, that I never have and never will, feel like a real woman!"

I take that to be a result of surgeons taking the money rather than dealing with the customers obvious mental confusion. That one should, IMO never has got past the boob job ( which can be reversed ).

Anyone that thinks cutting a penis off solves a gender identity problem needs a good psychologist and not a surgeon.

It's along the same lines as women that think larger boobs will make them happy- they won't.

21 hours ago, watthong said:

But another one returned to the life of a man and settled down with a woman (can't remember for sure that it was a tom or simply a spinster - not to be confused with sphincter) as a "regular" albeit platonic (so what?) couple.

Hmmmm. You seem to be ignoring the fact that a man does not NEED a penis to make a woman sexually satisfied. After all, lesbians do just fine and they don't have one. HE may have a problem if his surgeon botched the job, but you don't say if that was the case.

3 hours ago, VYCM said:

The X and Y chromosomes, also known as the sex chromosomes, determine the biological sex of an individual: females inherit an X chromosome from the father for a XX genotype, while males inherit a Y chromosome from the father for a XY genotype (mothers only pass on X chromosomes)


BTW, a person with "Y" Chromosomes smell differently.

I couldn't share the same bed with a smelly Y.


I live for the smell of a sweet smelling woman, they just lift me to another level.

Makes life worth living. 



You must have different sense of smell to me. Given that women I had sex with showered before and didn't have permanent BO, I couldn't smell anything, other than deodorant or perfume.

2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I take that to be a result of surgeons taking the money rather than dealing with the customers obvious mental confusion. That one should, IMO never has got past the boob job ( which can be reversed ).

Anyone that thinks cutting a penis off solves a gender identity problem needs a good psychologist and not a surgeon.

It's along the same lines as women that think larger boobs will make them happy- they won't.

In many countries, during transition, there is ongoing support counselling supports by psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health social workers as a team with endocrinologists, during hormone treatment, (usually two years) , then lower surgery(if this is what the client wants), again supported post operatively by good mental health  support.



Lots of confusion here.

Nobody is 100% gay or straight.

Draw a horizontal line,one side write gay,the other side write straight,

Every one is somewhere on that line.

If you say you are absolutely 100% one or the other then you can not have any same sex


The mans man can not have any buddies.

You are what you are,let others be what they say they are.

Yes,a lot of people need to be able to label themselves(put themselves in a box)

it gives a sense of belonging.


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13 minutes ago, jvs said:

Lots of confusion here.

Nobody is 100% gay or straight.

Draw a horizontal line,one side write gay,the other side write straight,

Every one is somewhere on that line.

If you say you are absolutely 100% one or the other then you can not have any same sex


The mans man can not have any buddies.

You are what you are,let others be what they say they are.

Yes,a lot of people need to be able to label themselves(put themselves in a box)

it gives a sense of belonging.


It's really not that confusing.  As a straight guy, I'm simply not aroused by another man (or ladyboy, or trans, etc.).  One time I was at an open air bar with a friend and there was this really hot waitress.  She looked 100% female.  But when she came over and exposed her man voice, my thing went totally limp.  That's just me. 


But I've had (and still have) many gay friends.  That's an entirely different subject.  If someone says they are uncomfortable around gay people, then yes, they do have some of that homophobe thing going on.  Not much different than being uncomfortable around people of other races...not cool. 


I would love to be aroused by men, LB's etc....that would open a whole another world of options.  But I simply can't.  I don't know how these other straight guys do it.  I've always said that if I was stuck on a desert island with another guy, I'd be rosy palming it into eternity.   

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"What do you see in a ladyboy?"
I see a fellow human with some serious mental problems. Many of us have mental issues in myriad ways. But I believe we should support each other in order to help each other to not succumb to the problems we suffer from. In terms of the issues a ladyboy may suffer from, I do not believe that supporting them would mean to encourage them to embrace living the lifestyle of a gender that they are not (of course the definition of gender has become a modern-day catastrophe in itself). There is ample evidence that embracing the lifestyle as a different gender does not solve the problem, quite the opposite. Of course this is not society's presently espoused view, as it has taken a dramatic turn in modern days from centuries of how the vast majority of cultures on earth have understood the issue. It's fantastic that society has made great gains in understanding mental issues, but how this one seems to have been agreed upon by many to be treated is quite sad for the ones suffering from the mental issue. We try to help people suffering from psychopathy/sociopathy, narcissism, autism, bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, PTSD, etc., etc., etc., but when it comes to gender dysphoria... it is an amazing thing to see how people respond to an issue that is as deep as sexuality is in each person's psyche. I wholeheartedly agree with some on here who have said that we should treat ladyboys with the same respect we treat any other person. They aren't any different than any of us in many ways, except perhaps one issue. And what issue that each other individual may have that is not as apparently obvious that they suffer from? We don't know, but many unseen issues other people have, whether they are aware of it or not, are a hell of a lot more deleterious than the mental problems suffered by ladyboys.

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27 minutes ago, jvs said:

Lots of confusion here.

Nobody is 100% gay or straight.

Draw a horizontal line,one side write gay,the other side write straight,

Every one is somewhere on that line.

If you say you are absolutely 100% one or the other then you can not have any same sex


The mans man can not have any buddies.

You are what you are,let others be what they say they are.

Yes,a lot of people need to be able to label themselves(put themselves in a box)

it gives a sense of belonging.



Who cares? just enjoy your life!  what I hate is the LBJQTB (whatever) community trying to put over that they are right and we are all like them. The day they change DNA is the day I will believe a guy can be a woman until then it's just choice - Amor Fati


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On 5/18/2021 at 8:14 PM, BenDeCosta said:


Yes, for thousands of years, male and female has been the norm. But now, some mentally-ill people want 4000 types of genders.


I won't say what I think about it because I will get abuse. But if you have a brain, you can make your own mind up about it.


Stupidity has become a pandemic, not the "virus".

Help needed: –


I identify as a "transfinancial", which means I am a rich person born in a poor person's body.


Help stop the hate by sending me money to resolve my Financial Identity Disorder.


The pain is real folks!

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You must have different sense of smell to me. Given that women I had sex with showered before and didn't have permanent BO, I couldn't smell anything, other than deodorant or perfume.



2 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

In many countries, during transition, there is ongoing support counselling supports by psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health social workers as a team with endocrinologists, during hormone treatment, (usually two years) , then lower surgery(if this is what the client wants), again supported post operatively by good mental health  support.


As there should be, but apparently not in the case I referenced. Shouldn't be any second thoughts too late.


BTW in NZ IMO any sort of worthwhile counseling for the ordinary person that isn't mind boggling rich just isn't on offer, but I'm not aware of any great numbers transitioning with surgery.

6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You must have different sense of smell to me. Given that women I had sex with showered before and didn't have permanent BO, I couldn't smell anything, other than deodorant or perfume.

Sense of smell diminishes with age


Feeling sorry for you Dude

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