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Vaccine hesitancy grows ahead of Thailand's mass inoculation rollout


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11 hours ago, NaamGin said:

I wouldn't say those who are skeptical about the vaccines being offered are woke, I would say they are awake... Trust in the media and governments around the globe are at an all time low... People are searching elsewhere for information and are questioning the official narrative... 

problem is that when they search elsewhere for “information” they often end up believing some real crazy BS.

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Why are people still says they are not sattisfied with the government. Prayuth has a couple of weeks ago taken command of several ministries so that everything can be more efficient. Isnt it then Prayuth who is now responsible for all that happens? 

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1 minute ago, sead said:

Why are people still says they are not sattisfied with the government. Prayuth has a couple of weeks ago taken command of several ministries so that everything can be more efficient. Isnt it then Prayuth who is now responsible for all that happens? 


Well, he's pretty much put himself in charge of everything, so yeah. 


But he is, if nothing else, capricious, so he assigns blame to "the people" for not being subserviant enough, or to the "black hand".


It will snow in Bangkok before the day he accepts responsibilty for a single thing, I mean other than the odd, random good thing.



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14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Registration is ongoing for the first 16 million people including those over 60 or with health conditions.

Only another 60 million to go then.... not even a mention about the second jab.


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10 hours ago, connda said:

That problem is the level of outright lies and misinformation coming from the government, their ministers, and bureaucrats that average people simply don't trust either "experts" or "leaders."  First it's "Flip" and then it's "Flop."  We have vaccines, we don't have vaccines.  Register, then don't register.  We're doing great, we're doing lousy so close down and mask up.  Vaccines are 100% safe and effective, but then Thais read about adverse reactions in other countries.  Locally produced Astrazenaca will save us all, locally produced Astrazenaca isn't being produced yet but we don't even care if it's produced because we have "contracts!"

And there it is in a nutshell.. thank you.

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12 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

I find it interesting in the historical times of crisis, non western countries always seem to rely on western countries to bail them out.  Yet, in normal times they will bad mouth them and spit in their face.  

I find it disturbing that many of them are bowing low in a kow-tow in gratitude to China for throwing a few vials of their vaccine their way, and have turned a completely blind eye to where the virus originated from along with quite a few worrying rumours at that time.  

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My wife was asked if she wants to sign up to have the vaccine and said she would as long as its not the Sinovax .

She says she hears about stories of blood clots/partial paralysis/legs swelling up after the sinovax vaccine.

Must admit its probably all bs but still dont think i would chance it.

Her brother works for the government and constantly tells her news stories about such concerns.

I call him CNN .555

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31 minutes ago, malibukid said:

some of the same people who are hesitant in taking the vaccine are the same people who like to gorge on junk food.  

good point.

not to mention smokers.

and taking statin drugs to lower their cholesterol.


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13 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Is it because people are woke, or because of the vaccines their government is providing them with.


I Australia they only have 1% of the population vaccinated, their population is 26 million and they are trying to give them AZ, but no one wants it.

Not all of that is true really. As of yesterday 3,690,622  people have been vaccinated

Well over the 1% you claim. You do the sums!

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13 hours ago, Antonymous said:

Covid vax hesitancy is mainly the result of lack of openness on the part of the Govt and the pharma companies in explaining clearly, backed by statistical sources that are credible, what side effects and fatalities have been recorded for each of the vaxes that are available (or may be made available in Thailand in the near future). Alongside that an explanation is needed of the risks involved for people with certain medical conditions, by age and gender.


Instead the risks are being systematically downplayed and worse, anybody who asks for the data or points out the known risks is labeled an ‘anti-vaxxer’, an ‘idiot’, or a lot worse. Huge sums of money are being poured into propaganda messages that aim to marginalize what has clearly become the MAJORITY opinion, also known as ‘vaccine hesitancy’.


In the USA the White House announced earlier this month that 100 million people were fully vaccinated. The highest estimate I have read so far is that 37% of the US population has been vaccinated. As vaxes are readily available in the US, that means that as many as 63% are hesitant there too.


Despite attempts to try to turn these numbers into a political issue, it is clear that Covid vax hesitancy is driven by other factors altogether. For example in the US 40% of the population identifies as Republican and according to a recent poll reported in The Hill, only 30% of Republicans said they would not get the vax. So at a stretch that equates to only 12% of American vax hesitants that might be accused of political motives in that decision.


In any case, vax hesitancy is found in other countries with no interest in US politics and that includes Thailand and Thai people.


All over the world it is those who are independent thinkers and who value freedom of thought and information, who are most likely to ask questions and to hold back if they are not getting the answers that reassure them. It is the conformist thinkers, those who favour authoritarianism, who are most likely to accept the Govt wishes unquestioningly. I see this often in the views expressed by certain posters on TV.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday about 164.4 million people have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, including about 131.1 million people who have been fully vaccinated by Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine or the two-dose series made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

United States vaccinations*


At least one dose

Fully vaccinated

12 and up
18 and up

*Includes the U.S. territories and three countries with special agreements.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

About 62 percent of adults have received at least one shot. President Biden set a goal on May 4 of reaching 70 percent of adults by July 4.

Providers are administering about 1.75 million doses per day on average, about a 48 percent decrease from the peak of 3.38 million reported on April 13.

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13 hours ago, placeholder said:

Not overgeneralizing much are you?

Your post reminds me of similar bitter remarks from those expats who complain how disrespectfully they are treated by Thais.

As long as you are not one of them, what are you worried about?

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11 minutes ago, Maejo Man said:

Not all of that is true really. As of yesterday 3,690,622  people have been vaccinated

Well over the 1% you claim. You do the sums!


Well over 1% you say, here are the sums, your splitting hairs sunshine. Note it's actually 416,000 people who have been fully vaccinated.


I rest my case, what about you ?


Vaccinations by location
From Our World in Data · Last updated: 2 days ago
Doses given
Fully vaccinated
% of population fully vaccinated
This data shows the total number of doses given in each location. Since some vaccines require more than one dose, the number of fully vaccinated people is likely to be lower. '+' shows data reported yesterday·
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