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American motorcyclist killed in head on collision in Phrae


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10 hours ago, nahkit said:

That's because more people have motorcycles than covid.


(Actually, it was reported that the deaths from covid yesterday, 47, were equivalent to the daily death rate from motorcycle accidents).

Nah, a prime factor seems to be the FEAR that Thai people have of Covid, they follow the rule, wear a mask, and remind others in their surrounding to wear one, and lift it up over their nose.

And then strangely, they very obviously have no fear at all driving on these roads. No rules. None.

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20 hours ago, seajae said:

the car is on the wrong side of the road plus the bits of bike are on the shoulder so looks like the driver pulled out to overake without checking for oncoming traffic which is the usual norm here, so many thai drivers seem to  think they can pull out and any oncoming traffic will move off the road so they dont have to slow down, they also think flashing their headlights gives them right of way. Cant cant the amount of times I have had to swerve to the extreme side of the road due to drivers/riders doing this at the last minute to pass a slower car/bike without eevn signalling their intent, I have got to the stage when they pull out and flash their headlights I flash mine back then hold them on and no longer move for them so they have no choice but to pull back in, actually learning the road rules would save many lives here especially if the police enforced them

I recognize this scree. You've used it verbatim at least once before.

However, no harm done because you are correct and the story itself repeats endlessly, so why not the reply?


In the end its just a waste of digital ink as the situation will never change because Thai people care nothing about killing or dying. (yes, I've used that phrase several times myself. Rather pithy I think.)

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12 hours ago, jvs said:
13 hours ago, vangrop said:

It appears to me that the car driver had the right to overtake according to the interupted line. The motorcycle driver should have keep far left and he would be still alive.


12 hours ago, jvs said:

Over take in a curve?You must be joking but it is not funny.

The really sad part is I don't believe he is joking! It's just about the ultimate in victim blaming IMO.

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22 hours ago, VocalNeal said:


They are usually Thais driving in Thailand, so which bit don't they understand. 



by all means show us the road rule that states flashing your lights means you can drive on the wrong side of the road so you dant have to slow down and the car on the right side of the road has to move off the road so you can do it. You would have to be a total idiot to think that flashing your lights changes the road rules, the only ones that do it are the arrogant a holes that think their s**t dont stink or are just plain stupid/ignorant, then again if you think that flashing is ok it explains a lot

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17 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


I’m not sure if this was a factor in this accident or not.


But, I used to wear glasses before I had lasik. My eyesight was better than a lot of my Thai friends, but I noticed a degradation to the point I wanted to wear glasses when driving, especially if driving at night time. 


I suspect there are lot of accidents which are a consequence of poor eyesight. 







I am required to wear glasses on my Australian driving licence. On my Thai driving licence, I am not, but I wear them anyway.

I avoid driving at night, poor peripheral vision. Plus that's when the majority of drunks, drug users and plain idiots are on the roads.

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9 hours ago, Andre0720 said:

Nah, a prime factor seems to be the FEAR that Thai people have of Covid, they follow the rule, wear a mask, and remind others in their surrounding to wear one, and lift it up over their nose.

And then strangely, they very obviously have no fear at all driving on these roads. No rules. None.

What amuses me most is Thais dutifully wearing a mask on a scooter, no helmet. Statistically, they are far more likely to die of head injuries in an accident than they ever would from COVID.

Or perhaps it's the fact the fines for not wearing a mask are draconian compared to the fines for not wearing a helmet.

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9 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I am required to wear glasses on my Australian driving licence. On my Thai driving licence, I am not, but I wear them anyway.

I avoid driving at night, poor peripheral vision. Plus that's when the majority of drunks, drug users and plain idiots are on the roads.

I  find the  opposite , most are tucked up  in bed the roads are quieter and there's way  more  room except for  lorries  who then like to hog the outside  lane.

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4 minutes ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

I  find the  opposite , most are tucked up  in bed the roads are quieter and there's way  more  room except for  lorries  who then like to hog the outside  lane.

Touch wood, I've been driving here for 11 years, car and scooter, accident-free. So I must be doing something right.

I don't have the data, but my guess would be the statistics here say the serious accidents happen at night.

The three factors in accidents are speed, alcohol/drugs, and fatigue. We all know many Thais speed beyond their driving capabilities, that's a given. IMO fatigue is far more likely to come into play at night.

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On 5/27/2021 at 3:24 PM, VocalNeal said:


Never said it was law. He who flashes first assumes that he has the right of way! This is understood by locals. 

I hope you are having a laugh there fella. Otherwise you need your head examined.

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On 5/27/2021 at 12:51 AM, mikebike said:

Oh how I love irrational generalizations...


I accept that for you and many others riding a bike here is madness.


For me it is breathing. Riding is my church and I worship everyday.


Scooter, cruiser, street fighter, dirtbike, and track bike. I have one of each and they all get overused.


16 yrs in Thailand and zero issues on two wheels.


To each his own.


I suspect the guy in the OP felt the same.  Right up until it happened.


Just like most scooter victims who figure, so far- so good. 


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On 5/27/2021 at 5:47 PM, bojo said:

Is it just me or has onyone else ever noticed that the locals hang behind you on the straight for ages and then suddenly, just as one is approaching a blind bend, they overtake, swerving out wide.....I've experienced that on many occasions...................

Yupp, they then have to pass you and push for it like their life depends on it... Once they have passed, most of them get slower and slower until you have to pass them again... OR - even better - they hit the brakes hard when pulling in front of you to then turn left into a Soi, not indicating either, what goes without saying... It's a jungle out there...

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2 hours ago, impulse said:


I suspect the guy in the OP felt the same.  Right up until it happened.


Just like most scooter victims who figure, so far- so good. 


Ahh the irony of commenting on my post deriding generalizations with an even bigger, more absurd generalization!! Love it!


Your astute observation can be applied to absolutely any activity which has an element of risk.


To each his own but I'm definitely not into a bubble-wrapped world.

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1 hour ago, Freigeist365 said:

No chance at all!!!!

If you say so...


I already described in detail how easy it was to avoid if the bike was positioned in the lane properly and travelling at a safe speed.


Apparently 40 years of riding doesn't increase common sense.

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34 minutes ago, mikebike said:

If you say so...


I already described in detail how easy it was to avoid if the bike was positioned in the lane properly and travelling at a safe speed.


Apparently 40 years of riding doesn't increase common sense.

no, just no, any attempt to maneuver with a bike

ends in loss in balance.

his only option was to throw himself off the bike or turn into the wilderness with zero hope of staying upright

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Do we know if the car driver was drunk? He said he's been celebrating a birthday so I would be very surprised if he hadn't been drinking. Then overtakes on a bend and kills someone. Most probable outcome for this driver "Accidents happen - now let that be a lesson to you and on your way". Drunk or not drunk - Until Thailand starts to punish this kind of behaviour it will happen again and again and again. It really sickens me that this s#it is allowed to go on unpunished.


Very sad for the guy and his family. RIP.

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16 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

There is a small amount of pavement to the shoulder of the road, and the grey stuff does not look like pavement to me.

  So I am curious, that if the motorcycle is doing highway speed, was he supposed to go into the grey area and

kill him self by wiping out there.   it looks like a gravel or dirt area to the left of the 1 foot or 30 cm shoulder of the highway.

So vocalneal,?  Would you have taken the area off the pavement if you were on that motorbike?   Just wondering.


I would have headed there rather than into an oncoming car.

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2 hours ago, Freigeist365 said:

I'm a biker for 40 years now and I have even driven through harsh, European winters on my XT-500 back then in the golden days

I had one too, in '79. What fun and thank goodness for the decompression lever............. was looking recently at current  prices for em now in UK,,,,,anything between 4K, up to about 10K restored..............

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11 hours ago, seajae said:

by all means show us the road rule that states flashing your lights means you can drive on the wrong side of the road so you dant have to slow down and the car on the right side of the road has to move off the road so you can do it. You would have to be a total idiot to think that flashing your lights changes the road rules, the only ones that do it are the arrogant a holes that think their s**t dont stink or are just plain stupid/ignorant, then again if you think that flashing is ok it explains a lot

It's not a written road rule but it is quite a common practise in Thailand. You should be aware of it. I have been run off the road many times in Issan by these arrogant drivers and because I am aware of the practise, I have always managed to take corrective action when I see the flashers coming.

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10 hours ago, scammed said:

no, there was nothing the american could do to avoid accident at that point


Like I said, he should have known better. 


Motorcycle statistics in Thailand are widely available. Certainly we hear about them every day on this forum being deadlier than covid.



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On 5/27/2021 at 1:53 PM, VocalNeal said:
On 5/27/2021 at 12:33 PM, connda said:

Forget "flashing."  Drive with your lights on and flip them to full high beams when morons do moronic stuff. 


Driving with headlights on during the daytime is, I believe, illegal here. 


In Thailand, the term 'illegal' is notional.

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