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PM reassures every Thai they will be vaccinated against COVID-19 this year


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3 hours ago, DLock said:

Does this new plan supersede the "70% of population vaccinated by September".


Based on that plan, and 2.2million (as of 26th May) have received the first dose and 94 days remaining, they have to vaccinate 497,000 per day, every day, until end of August...and that's just 1st dose. Second dose time pressure will start to impact these numbers even more...


Did Cha Cha just realize the folly of this plan and extend the date?


Nobody in the administration knows, as a new plan emerges daily, it seems. How can one keep up? 


The extreme lack of consistency and planning here is perhaps a bigger plague than Covid itself. 

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Let's hope a miracle happens and sufficient vaccines become available to commence mass vaccination programme soonest. All going well maybe Thailand can reopen beginning next year provided Covid under control and no more mutations such as Indian enter the country.

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No they won't.  My partner won't as she has a blood disorder which causes a blood imbalance. She keeps that under control through medication daily.  Any vaccine that could conflict with that is not safe for her. A lot of Thai I know and that is a lot, do not want any of the covid vaccines period, especially when none have been fully approved.  All current covid vaccines have only been approved for "Emergency Use" by the FDA.  They are still in trial for the next 2 years, while the manufacturers monitor and report the effectiveness and safety to the FDA on a regular basis during this time.  Anyone getting a vaccine at the moment is a guinea pig and being used as part of the trial, pure and simple. 

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha reassured all Thais that they will be inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines this year and asked the public not to quarrel among themselves about who should get vaccinated first.

Because I was first.????????????

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once again the opening gambit s a bunch of racist insults,embassies and press do your job,Mr Head there at BBC is a decent guy now send this across big screens world wide,then we will see some action.this needs to be actioned asap.save a lot of hassle and lives.incompetence arrogance and racism a deadly combination,ahh the whites and burmese again,yawn!the depth of ignorance and stupidity is beyond reason.come on press do your job.look at the pc <deleted> in europe and uk,you need to apply your standards to all across the board or if you just apply them to one group thats discrimination

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The adult population (Aged 18+) of Thailand is ~53M. Assume ~2.5M have had 1st dose already, balance is ~50.5M... With only 7 months remaining this year that would require 7.2M injections monthly, 240,000 daily. Tall order... bottleneck will be vaccine supply and assumes 24/7 injections, no days off!!

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the thing that is a real problem now if you do not have a vaccine the people that have  it will give you a strong virus no joke look it up if you are game and if the Chinese vaccine is no good how come china does not have the virus any more, what vaccine did they use was it a lead one? they are saying it has tinfoil, should be able to trace that to a grave not sure about burning, will the sheep wake up in time?

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The PM points out the main issue is availability of the vaccines and method of distribution. We all know that..


People should not read into  it that there will be a quick solution within few months and return to normality . everyone is focusing on tourism.  Nobody will go on vacation to Thailand this year.. That is a wishful thought. 


Given how other countries are managing the vaccine distribution for many month , herd immunity has not be reached yet or even reached it  like in the Seychelles island people got  infected (recent news). The fear is mutation of the virus. 


Assuming that the virus does not  keep on mutation ,  we should look at mid next year before most of the population will be vaccinated


In today news, Guangzhou went into lockdown even with their vaccination effort.

Normality in the world will not happen soon.


NOBODY will go on vacation soon.






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2 hours ago, fleccer said:

It's obvious that there is another purpose, all this obsession of wanting to vaccinate all of us at any cost arouses many suspicions. We were told that the vaccination is needs to reopen the businesses and bring back the tourists, do they really think we're all idiots? If they really cared about the economy they wouldn't did the lockdown, now that the disaster is complete they want to reopen. They did more damage than a war it will take decades to return to pre covid status, history will judge them 

question: assume they open the country to tourism, who will come  and get the risk of infection ?  and deal  with Thai quarantine on the way in? and returning quarantine on the way back to their on country?  


Wishing and dreaming are free.. you expect that from kids.





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1 hour ago, the green light said:

question: assume they open the country to tourism, who will come  and get the risk of infection ?  and deal  with Thai quarantine on the way in? and returning quarantine on the way back to their on country?  

No no ,people don't travel due to the fear of the virus, people don't travel because of restrictions

Obviously there are the fearful and the credulous but those have always been. Most people want to get their lives back, which they have been prevented so far. And what was the main impediment to tourism? The Covid test 72 hours before the flight?  Covid insurance? No: the main impediment was and still is the quarantine. Therefore if they want the tourist back they must MUST completely abolish the quarantine for all vaccinated and unvaccinated 

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Only yesterdsy a statement on SiamBioScience said that they had 6  batches approved.

Also stated that 3 batches should be approved within 3 days & a minimum batch size is

1 million.

So if I can still add that makes a minimum 9 million vaccine shots available in 3 days from yesterday

or was that another "misunderstanding" or just smoke & mirrors

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13 hours ago, mtls2005 said:




This must be one of the side-effects of too much Yellow Kool-Aid.




The PM and his regime have nothing but bureaucratic plans. You know, a twenty-year plan.


He's easily ordered the formaiton of thousands of committees. Including four just for vaccines.


But oh no, when plans go wrong now it's time to be flexible, and move like a cat, and adjust.


Sheesh, minions can defend/rationalize anything.






Silly post. You assume I'm a minion of that guy? I commented on the statement as a position. You're taking a huge logical leap and assuming way too much. Think too mut?


Thailand has out-performed America and other developed countries by a mile in defending against covid. Covid is spreading in a naive population, not a surprise. The surprise is that it was stalled for so long. And stalled until vaccines became available in the world. gg

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13 hours ago, apetryxx said:

The U. S. of A. Has such an abundance of vaccines that they don’t even want to bother approving AZ and are slow walking it. How about our Thai government picking up the phone and asking for some help. Oh sorry, loss of face, my bad.

Thailand opted not to join the Vax union, and the numbers they're posting are too low to be considered a crisis (like India), so I don't think they have an argument to receive any special attention from the vax union countries. A case of 'made your bed, now lie in it'!

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2 hours ago, the green light said:

we should look at mid next year before most of the population will be vaccinated

Makes sense. Seems like the best Thailand can do for now is encourage expats to retire in Thailand. That would not only inject some cash into the economy but increase the velocity of money - which should help consumer confidence. Increased outside money would have a good cascading effect in these times, and considering the crash that's coming.

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13 hours ago, DLock said:

Does this new plan supersede the "70% of population vaccinated by September".


Based on that plan, and 2.2million (as of 26th May) have received the first dose and 94 days remaining, they have to vaccinate 497,000 per day, every day, until end of August...and that's just 1st dose. Second dose time pressure will start to impact these numbers even more...


Did Cha Cha just realize the folly of this plan and extend the date?


Fighting Asians don't do math!

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14 hours ago, Neeranam said:

How many exactly? 

Why wouldn't it be accepted? 

"How many exactly?" - what, do you work for the government?

"Why wouldn't it be accepted?" - you really don't know? what, do you work for the government?

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22 hours ago, jesimps said:

"I'm alright Jack!" He's ok, he's had his jab. The guy should've followed the tradition of the captain of a sinking ship being the last to leave. If he'd chosen to be the last to be vaccinated, that might have reassured a lot of people that there was some substance to his assurances.

Cowards are always the first inline to get out or jump from the sinking ship.

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On 5/29/2021 at 8:44 AM, Crossy said:


At least he's holding it the right way round.

Although he does seem to be viewing the sight picture through his right nostril!


Still with all those medals and military bling, he presumably knows what he is doing!

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16 hours ago, Forza2002 said:

The adult population (Aged 18+) of Thailand is ~53M. Assume ~2.5M have had 1st dose already, balance is ~50.5M... With only 7 months remaining this year that would require 7.2M injections monthly, 240,000 daily. Tall order... bottleneck will be vaccine supply and assumes 24/7 injections, no days off!!


If your math is correct, why hasn't every Thai news service pointed this out, and challenged the Czar's pledge as very likely not achievable?

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