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Two doses of Sinovac can stop spread of COVID-19 – National Vaccine Institute


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And still AFTER vaccination, you CAN have covid.

IN an elderly home here, the people (29) were vaccinated with Pfizer.

Never the less 12 of them got covid. Thnx to vaccine they survived.

Conclusion: vaccine works for you personally to get symptoms down and you could survive.

Otherwise the vaccine doesnt work to get rit of the virus. We will be blessed with it, for a for long time

Only UV-c kills the virus or not being able to get to humans or animals.

So one year ago we should have stopped the world for maybe 3 weeks, but we didnt. (cost money)

Now it cost us way more lives and money.

And if you have/had covid, your brain (new research) could have been effected and you have still problems.

We are now on type d, and we still can go all the way of the alphabet in the future to come.  

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22 hours ago, The Cipher said:

Good to hear this, and to see that it was a joint US-Thai effort that produced these results.


Hopefully this will help reassure some of those of those on the fence to get vaccinated! ????‍⚕️

I'm on the fence and that is where I'll stay.

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Sinovac’s efficacy at preventing symptomatic infection was 51% in Brazil, 67% in Chile, 65% in Indonesia, and 84% in Turkey. The differences in results may be due to different variants circulating in each country at the time and differences in the populations included in the studies.

Sinopharm’s efficacy in preventing symptomatic infection was 78% in UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan combined.


There is a vast difference in preventing hospitalization, being infected and spreading the infection.


Edited by Ned Ludd
Not my underlining and cannot get rid of it
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8 hours ago, malibukid said:

the Sinovac is not as effective as the J&J, Moderna against the emerging variants.  3 shots of the Sinovac vaccine would be required to match the efficacy of the Moderna and or the J&J. also Sinovac is not officially accepted for vaccinated travel into most countries with the exception of China.  but its your body.

IMO, Injecting cow manure would be better than injecting Sinovac.


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6 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Your opinion is similar.......

Similar to what? You really want to support one of those China vaccines? Really???

Edited by DBath
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2 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Your Sinovac alternative.....

I don't have a Sinovac alternative. My point is counter to Sinovac, but perhaps your reading comprehension is poor.

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7 minutes ago, DBath said:

I don't have a Sinovac alternative. My point is counter to Sinovac, but perhaps your reading comprehension is poor.

You expressed a really silly opinion.....and now wish to blame it on me..

Edited by jacko45k
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6 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

Sinovac isn't much help with the Delta variant.  This variant will be the dominant one here in a few months.

Try a few weeks. Took a month to become the dominant vartiant in the UK and its already in Thailand.


Don't worry though, Delta+ on its way, already in the UK. More transmissible, more resistant to vaccines and more deadly. Will replace the Delta variant in the blink of an eye.

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21 hours ago, asiacurious said:

There is a BIG difference between saying 95% of people developing an immune response and saying what the headline says, "Two doses of Sinovac can stop spread of COVID-19".  The latter simply isn't supported by ANY evidence, including the "evidence" in this so-called study.


The article starts with this (hopefully true) great news...



And then falls off the rails as the sentence continues...



No, no, no, no, no.   An immune response on a petri dish does NOT mean a vaccinated person can't still catch the virus and transmit it to others!


The sentence concludes by attributing the claim...



Well, we don't have a link to any data. 


Well, there are no links to the study's findings and no links to any data.  We don't know how or what they actually tested.  We don't know anything about the study except for what the author of this piece wrote.  And the article doesn't even have an author named, so there's no way to find out if the author even has a basic understanding of the science.


Basically the article is worthless, though the study may not be.  We just don't know what the study actually says.


If anyone finds a link to it, I hope you'll post it here.  

Indeed and that is why any tourist who is vaccinated with sinovac is not considered eligible for entry .

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8 hours ago, rickthompson said:

Not to mention that recent studies in the Seychelles, Mongolia, Bahrain and Chile all show some indication that Sinovac is not very effective at stopping transmission and some people getting two jabs are still getting Covid-19, albeit mild cases.  In response to this, the Chinese themselves state that Sinovac is designed to stop serious disease and hospitalization, not to necessarily stop transmission of the virus.  https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/how-countries-are-struggling-with-chinese-vaccines/articleshow/83769994.cms

So Sinovac & Sinopharm will the least capable in stopping new variants from emerging.

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Just now, placnx said:

So Sinovac & Sinopharm will the least capable in stopping new variants from emerging.

Indirectly perhaps... but it depends on how many infected people there are out there... getting that number down is primary.

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5 minutes ago, thaitom said:

 I already took my first dose of Sinovac and will have the second on July 13,

Is it a bad idea to include two doses of AstraZeneca ?

Is mixing two types of vaccine harmful ?

The Jury is still out  on that question. Most current opinion/advice seems to be to wait for 6 months between alternatives. There is also some research currently ongoing to establish safety/ effects of mixed vaccines

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5 hours ago, Bluedan said:

I totally agree. Many here rubbish the Chinese vaccine. I dont know which is the best or safest and anyone who thinks somehow giant western Pharma are more honest and trustworthy than the Chinese? The truth is all of these drugs are under emergency use and have far to go before completing phase 3 trials. Which ever vaccine you choose there will be some leap of faith involved.


It worth considering that Sinovac uses traditional vaccine techniques where as most pf the others are "Gene therapy" which is new technology and the founder of this MRNA vaccination Dr Robert Malone has expressing concern about the toxicity and serious side effects from having spike proteins floating around in the blood stream.

Reuters Fact Check says that the Robert Malone claim is rubbish:


Vaccines using traditional techniques fail in trials more often than not.

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4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Do I get the feeling that some expect vaccine to be 100% effective. No vaccine since Edward Jenner innoculated a 13 year old boy for smallbox in 1798 is 100% effectiveness. Even a 50% effectiveness will mean that you got 50% less chance of infection, serious illness or deaths. Isn't that worthy percentage to get your shot or is racial profiling gets in your way of a sensible decision. 

The 50% effectiveness was not recorded against the Delta Indian variant, and besides they were not measuring the chance of infection, rather it was the chance of getting seriously ill. These Sino vaccines will let Delta infect all of Thailand.

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Just now, placnx said:

Reuters Fact Check says that the Robert Malone claim is rubbish:


Vaccines using traditional techniques fail in trials more often than not.


So the "inventor" of such vaccines is talking rubbish  and now his video expressing his concerns is banned from youtube.


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23 minutes ago, placnx said:

The 50% effectiveness was not recorded against the Delta Indian variant, and besides they were not measuring the chance of infection, rather it was the chance of getting seriously ill. These Sino vaccines will let Delta infect all of Thailand.

The Delta variant is worrisome although yet to be widespread in Thailand. No vaccine is ready for Delta and effectiveness against infection varies. Researchers in Britain found that first shot of AZ and Pfizer may only have 30% effectiveness in preventing infection with the Delta variant. With two doses, effectiveness improved to 60% with AZ and 88% with Pfizer.


I have not found any research on Sinovac against the Delta variant. The Kudus deadly surge of Delta variant cases does offer some answers. Almost 100% of Kudus health workers and health support personnel have been vaccinated with 1 or 2 doses of Sinovac. The figure is about 6,000 health and support personnel. Only 308 health workers of this total number were infected with Delta or about 5.1% and most have recovered and started working again. 

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8 hours ago, SuwadeeS said:

You can trust the Chinese vaccine or you don't.

I don't trust it.

Seconds, since we do know, that Thailand powerfull mostly have chinese roots, we should understand, why the Chinese vac is so heavily surpported.

There getting a kickback and CP group own 15%.

Definitely not transparent.

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5 hours ago, malibukid said:

the spike proteins reside on the virus particles themselves and are not "floating around"  the antibodies produce by the Mrna vaccines target the spike proteins and disable the virus ability to invade the host cells.  in my opinion  Mrna vaccines produce antibodies in a more efficient manner and are safer.

We are talking vaccines not virus. The spike proteins in the vaccine reside in a lipid shell as I understand it.  


This manuscript suggests that an FOI application on Pfizer Japan has revealed that the spikes can be detected in circulation after vaccination. 




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26 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

The Delta variant is worrisome although yet to be widespread in Thailand. No vaccine is ready for Delta and effectiveness against infection varies. Researchers in Britain found that first shot of AZ and Pfizer may only have 30% effectiveness in preventing infection with the Delta variant. With two doses, effectiveness improved to 60% with AZ and 88% with Pfizer.


I have not found any research on Sinovac against the Delta variant. The Kudus deadly surge of Delta variant cases does offer some answers. Almost 100% of Kudus health workers and health support personnel have been vaccinated with 1 or 2 doses of Sinovac. The figure is about 6,000 health and support personnel. Only 308 health workers of this total number were infected with Delta or about 5.1% and most have recovered and started working again. 

There are reports in the Lancet about Pfizer and AZ vs Delta. They still work.


So regarding the 350 doctors in Kudus Indonesia, how many were hospitalized?

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The West's mishandling of the Covid crisis may have triggered the early stage of a sociopolitical paradigm shift.

Why hasn't the Hippocratic Oath towered above diplomacy, and where does one find the objective details of an apolitical vaccine study?

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