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New Taco Bell a Hit !!!


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It is just not in Taco Bell that these things happen.

All the Outlets such as this have Security Cameras and many have dedicated Staff. The Malls certainly doo.

They just need to man up and eject these people, and place their Mug shots on a Board near the entrance so all staff and customers know who they are.

I saw 4 Old Farang sitting round a small table in Dunkin Donut yesterday am, and not one was wearing a mask.

If they had been challenged they would have said something like  " I drink Coffee " as some kind of smart A###d reply.

Well these 4 guys had splashed out on just 1 coffee between them, and they just play on the fact that Thais just do not like confrontation.

Sad people really

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On 7/8/2021 at 8:01 PM, ThailandRyan said:

But he is retired, woke, young and a loud mouth.......all for his 5 minutes of YouTube fame..... 

Don't forget he's also obese, a comorbidity indicator. I don't think stupidity is listed as one too, but it should be.

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On 7/8/2021 at 8:43 PM, timendres said:

And my family still does not understand my unwillingness to return to the States...

Yeah, I left years ago, I couldn't stand the PC people then, and now I can't imagine how awful it must be to live there now.

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On 7/8/2021 at 8:42 PM, Gecko123 said:

LOL. You're all just green with envy cause the white chick he's with is probably hotter than any white woman you've ever been with. OMG, this thread's gonna bring out every race baiter on the face of the planet. And he's retired too? At, what, age 32? Quick, grab my heart medication, Suwanna, I feel the big one coming on.


BTW, you knuckleheads are completely misusing the word "woke." His refusal to wear a mask probably has more to do with following outdated CDC guidance that fully vaccinated people don't need to wear masks than it does because of any political stance, and besides, if it is political, it's more something that that right-wing nut-job Marjorie Taylor Greene would do, not something any socially-conscious person would do.


What? Any young outspoken black man suddenly gets automatically labeled as "woke"? Only on TVF. Pleez.


barely a 7

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On 7/8/2021 at 8:44 PM, timendres said:

I would not describe her as "hot". Have dated far more attractive girls in the US.


dont get me wrong but showing up with a "hot" blond girl in Pattaya ....... showing up at a sumptuous buffet with a stale sandwich in your hand - springs to mind ???? 

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A bully. The insults self-projection likely.

Hostility is a side effect of steroids, maybe he takes them illegally in Thailand for his "bodybuilding".

Was his US criminal record checked before let in Thailand?

Best to mind ones own business with these type in the US they would rather be jailed than "insulted"

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