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Yellow House Book

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55 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

i am Foreigner Leaseholder categorized as “Owner of Property” in thai language in YB

Post a Picture of it (black out your name), maybe your yellow book is special, so I'm interested to see it.

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5 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

you are all seemingly stuck in the Foreigner Freehold Condo bubble ......with YB in BuyRentSell Pkg.

and not processing my clear factual english language posts......

if I dont declare I possess a YB, I will not be passing it on......

i am Foreigner Leaseholder categorized as “Owner of Property” in thai language in YB

my property came with a BLUE book which I am legally compelled to pass on to any new buyer

I got the Yellow Book MYSELF. Its NOT part of the past or future Legal Property Buy/ Sale Pkg. 

New Buyer can go through the s***t I went through themselves if they want THEIR Owner YB.....

Now that really is IT guys, thanks for playing......


You can keep the yellow as a souvenir, but otherwise its pretty useless to you once you move. Are you going to keep the blue book as well ? Makes just as much sense as keeping a yellow book.

I own my Condo freehold, I am still not listed as the owner

See below, a translation of yellow book, all the fields in a yellow book, there is no field for owner, leaseholder, freeholder, circumstances of occupancy. 



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peter; I did write that I WILL pass on the Property Blue Book (with my thai family names) to new buyer.

Yes, I also wrote that I will keep MY hard won Yellow Book (as War Bounty or Souvenir)

Dont recognize your translated YB form and dont need it. 

My educated thai lady and other thais have read my YB and all independently confirm I am there in thai with Name / Address / “ Owner of Property” .( three separate fields)

YB always been quite useless except for pink ID issue & renewed driving licence without Imm. COR ........


you DID say that all,municipal are different......and my YB is only four months old...maybe the first of a new type...... have compared my bb and my yb......IDENTICAL in every form respect apart from book colour & form no 13 or 14 & name- related content.....middle top of page 2 is clear field,after a left hand number,for Resident or Owner status. my thai lady & son are Resident in BB ....with their thai id names in thai.... with bb page 18 blank.

my self as Owner in YB page 2 top middle...my passport name in thai top left page 2.....with yb page 18 completed, annotated and signed by myself....

i did read the yb link somebody sent.....already had seen that seven months ago ..of limited use & unclear in places......reminded me though of the possible “ exchange” of bb for yb with thai and farang names combined..... forget that ...... ! 

that really is it mate for me......thanks again for playing......



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4 minutes ago, ancharee said:

As i said in a previous post been in thailand 13 years and never needed YB but from what i am reading it's required for registering on the thai phone app maybe the pink card also thats the only reason i was trying to get one,

It is not mandatory to have a yellow house book and/or a pink ID card to register for the vaccination. It is only needed to register on the app for the vaccine.

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2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

It is not mandatory to have a yellow house book and/or a pink ID card to register for the vaccination. It is only needed to register on the app for the vaccine.

Thanks, I suspected that was the case, but when I applied to register at our local hospital this morning I was turned away because they said it is mandatory.

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3 hours ago, ancharee said:

As i said in a previous post been in thailand 13 years and never needed YB but from what i am reading it's required for registering the vaccine on the thai phone app maybe the pink card also that's the only reason i was trying to get one, anyway after all the problems over the last 8 weeks with this ignorant official who kept telling us to go away the hanging up the phone and finally throwing the paperwork at my wife and telling her if i don't apologize for pointing my finger at him when i said i will be making a report about his behavior, yesterday my wife spoke to the IO in buriram he made a call to the amphor also a friend of my wife knows a woman who has been working there for years she said this official has been moved several times from other amphor offices for causing problems and she would speak to the top man upstairs, my wife got a call to go upstairs she was told IO had phoned he said go back down to this official's office and tell him he has to write on the paperwork why he is refusing me a YB but he would not write anything, then the top man appeared he was told to come out his office and reprimanded in front of the other staff and also to forget about going to the police, the YB and pink card are now being processed and then my friend has to sign it off, thanks for the replies just glad it's sorted  

Yup, like many of us who have been here for years, we don't need or want either a pi.. book or fa. card. A waste of time. 

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7 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

“ sounds like”.........suggest to stop listening to hearsay and check facts at source. there is no need for expats to have YB / ID to reg. for vax.


16 minutes ago, inThailand said:

Yup, like many of us who have been here for years, we don't need or want either a pi.. book or fa. card. A waste of time. 

All of these posters and arguments saying you don’t need a Yellow Book or Pink ID to register for a vaccination maybe true, but many have found registration with a yellow book much easier.


Meanwhile, the vast majority of Westerners in Thailand who have received their vaccination were able to register with a Yellow Book and Pink ID. 


No one has presented the arguement that holding the Yellow Book causes problems, prevents you getting vaccinated or prevents registration - beyond the legwork involved to secure the Yellow Book there is no downside. 


Additionally, IF experience of the vaccine debacle has taught us anything, its taught us that obtaining a Yellow Book and Pink ID ‘may’ be advantageous when it comes to obtaining booster injections 6 months down the line.


IF someone can obtain a Yellow Tabien Baan house book and Pink ID, other than a little laziness I don’t see why someone wouldn’t try and secure one. 



EffIn2ret below posted his experience of the same thing (quoted below) - Correctly or not, he was told he couldn’t register for the vaccine without the Yellow Book.


I was vaccinated over a month ago because I registered with the Yellow Book, meanwhile people were still arguing that you don’t need a Yellow Book...  Well, the irrefutable proof is that it's very handy. 


26 minutes ago, Eff1n2ret said:

Thanks, I suspected that was the case, but when I applied to register at our local hospital this morning I was turned away because they said it is mandatory.


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yet more irrelevant personal stories and hearsay.......

so dont check facts at source then....

carry being mentally deficient, reading bs here & wasting time.....

and you’ll never get a govt. vax........never mind PHA Moderna coming soon....


I too have a Pink Card and “found it useful” in negotiating a better govt. vax service when I turned up for my digital appt....played the card for over 60/ over 100kg/ pink ID.BUT its Not Necessary. A successful govt. website passport vax reg/ appt. IS Necessary.


Cue more stories about going to govt. hospitals instead of websites to register or get a walk in vax done ...and expecting govt. hospitals to register expats for govt.vax without a Govt. Pink Card.....seriously ? 


Then more bs here implying it is quick & easy to get a Yellow Book.

And only “lazy” expats dont have one......

My YB took 12 wks of nasty bureacratic hell..many districts refuse to issue YB.

But I read here that its “routine” and “no problem” for some, like a visa extn or DL, if true you are fortunate indeed to live within such a cooperative area, having perhaps high expat condo turnover in large cities/ tourist towns.



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34 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I was vaccinated over a month ago because I registered with the Yellow Book, meanwhile people were still arguing that you don’t need a Yellow Book...  Well, the irrefutable proof is that it's very handy.

Not if you don't want a jab, or if you want one. 




Not if you have a passport, a condo blue book and Thai drivers license for everything else you need to do. 

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2 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

yet more irrelevant personal stories and hearsay.......

so dont check facts at source then....

carry being mentally deficient, reading bs here & wasting time.....

and you’ll never get a govt. vax........never mind PHA Moderna coming soon....


I too have a Pink Card and “found it useful” in negotiating a better govt. vax service when I turned up for my digital appt....played the card for over 60/ over 100kg/ pink ID.BUT its Not Necessary. A successful govt. website passport vax reg/ appt. IS Necessary.


Cue more stories about going to govt. hospitals instead of websites to register or get a walk in vax done ...and expecting govt. hospitals to register expats for govt.vax without a Govt. Pink Card.....seriously ? 

Just take a look at Sheryl’s thread of vaccination experience and count the number of people vaccinated so far with and without aid of a yellow book.


2 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

Then more bs here implying it is quick & easy to get a Yellow Book.

And only “lazy” expats dont have one......

My YB took 12 wks of nasty bureacratic hell..many districts refuse to issue YB.

But I read here that its “routine” and “no problem” for some, like a visa extn or DL, if true you are fortunate indeed to live within such a cooperative area, having perhaps high expat condo turnover in large cities/ tourist towns.



No one says the Yellow Book does not involve a little leg work. 

Mine was somewhat of a PITA. 


I had to get an appointment at the British Embassy, get a Copy of my Passport Certified by the British Embassy.

I had to get that Certified Copy of my British Passport translated. 

I had to get that Translation Varied by the MFA. 

I had to wait (about 6 weeks I think) for an appointment at the Amphur to have the Yellow Book Processed. 


None of this was difficult, it just took time and little effort. 


IF someone ‘can’ get their Yellow Book but doesn’t, its because they either don’t think it necessary or they just can’t be bothered (ergo lazy). 




If someone wants to b!tc£ and moan that they can’t register for or get a vaccination in Thailand, but they still don’t want to get a Yellow Tabien Baan houseboat and Pink ID, then they only have themselves to blame.



I don’t see anyone b!tc£ing and moaning that they received the Yellow Tabien housebook and Pink ID and it has been utterly useless,.









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11 minutes ago, inThailand said:
45 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I was vaccinated over a month ago because I registered with the Yellow Book, meanwhile people were still arguing that you don’t need a Yellow Book...  Well, the irrefutable proof is that it's very handy.

Not if you don't want a jab, or if you want one. 




Not if you have a Passport, A Condo Blue Book and Thai Drivers License for everything else you need to do. 


Two more documents 


Good luck securing international travel if you don’t get a vaccine. 


As far as the rest of your argument is concerned - its been done to death. 


The Pink ID card is not a need to have, its useful and convenient through and can be used in circumstances your Driving Licence can’t (for most people anyway) - no need to flog that argument to death again. 



If I’m offering any advice to friends etc I would offer ‘If you can, get the Yellow Tabien Baan and Pink ID’... its not going to hurt you to have it.


Whereas, not having them has the 'potential’ to cause further inconvenience in the future... i.e. when Thai’s and foreigners with their Pink ID are all getting booster vaccines....  I fully expect to see new thread with people B!tc£ing because they cannot register for a booster and that ‘us foreigners’ are last again.


It's better to get out ahead of these potential issues than to prostate ourselves behind the stubbornness that something is not necessary.


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in phuket there was zero interest in my Yellow Book at the vax centre.

why a uniform govt. foreigner vax reg. process should be adding YB elsewhere is irrational or obstructive but not unexpected......

only passport detail required for non- work permit registration on phuket.win

pink card / 60+ WAS useful to negotiate a better service at the vax centre.

I asked for and got : an early next day 8am appt. to avoid TVF posted four hour completion (took 1.5 hours) & free hospital cert.(no next day hospital collection).


re. YB,you took the (prolonged) embassy appt when postal service available.

if embassy trust EMS with passports thats good enough for me.

travelling from phuket to plague city after waiting three months for an appt. would have been a dealbreaker.

yes, the pure YB bureacracy is tolerable with patience. 

your document list if complete was in fact very short compared to mine at my notorious tessaban here.....add in my case thai witnesses, police fingerprinting, criminal record check, Imm COR......

you also perpetuate the “its always easy” myth....for you and others maybe...

you omit the potential municipal supplemental hell process.......

i had to steel myself to tolerate intrusive rude personal & utterly irrelevant municipal questions about my UK Family/ Divorce from the vindictive jealous old harridan in charge ....


My lady mentioned my UK Family in thai before I could stop her.

Would have said None/ All Dead / Next Question .... knowing what would follow..... she was then grilled on “why arent you married to him” again in thai so I didnt know what was going on as my lady stayed visibly calm or I would have walked at once and formally complained to the mayor.


With hindsight I would not have started the YB / ID card process as there was and is zero significant material benefit ( vax reg. apart).

just the considerable psych. benefit of feeling more invested/settled here....


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18 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


All of these posters and arguments saying you don’t need a Yellow Book or Pink ID to register for a vaccination maybe true, but many have found registration with a yellow book much easier.




Excellent point. My local health center has my record online specifically because I have a Yellow Book and so have my 13 digit id number and enrolled me in the vaccine program without me even asking. I had my first AZ shot 28th June.

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On 7/12/2021 at 5:42 PM, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

Yes, I also wrote that I will keep MY hard won Yellow Book (as War Bounty or Souvenir)

I have an old yellow book, think I'll put it in the bin. I'm confused as to why many say it belongs to my house. When getting put on the blue book, they never asked me to give the yellow book back to the house! 

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2 hours ago, edwinchester said:

Excellent point. My local health center has my record online specifically because I have a Yellow Book and so have my 13 digit id number and enrolled me in the vaccine program without me even asking. I had my first AZ shot 28th June.

I had my 13 digit number years before I had the  yellow book, it's my tax number. 

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

I had my 13 digit number years before I had the  yellow book, it's my tax number. 

Never worked in Thailand so never had a tax number. Got the yellow book when I first moved here as it makes officialdom alot easier imo.

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5 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

Never worked in Thailand so never had a tax number. Got the yellow book when I first moved here as it makes officialdom alot easier imo.

I've heard of many these days getting a pink card so they can get a Covid vaccine. All they need to do is get a tax ID, much easier/faster.

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7 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

I've heard of many these days getting a pink card so they can get a Covid vaccine. All they need to do is get a tax ID, much easier/faster.

My local Amphur refuses point blank to issue expats with a pink card...only for migrant labour according to them.

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17 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

I've heard of many these days getting a pink card so they can get a Covid vaccine. All they need to do is get a tax ID, much easier/faster.

this depends, some places will also make it impossible to receive a tax ID if not working in Thailand. Other places, there you walk into the Tax Revenue office and after 30 minutes you have your TaxID... as always you never know before you not tried.

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8 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

My local Amphur refuses point blank to issue expats with a pink card...only for migrant labour according to them.

You don't need a pink card, unlike migrant workers. Some older guys I know seem to think it elevates their status here, when in fact it lowers it; Thais will laugh at foreigners with one. 


My point was -  if you need a 12 digit number, go to the tax office. 

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23 hours ago, Eff1n2ret said:

Thanks, I suspected that was the case, but when I applied to register at our local hospital this morning I was turned away because they said it is mandatory.

My wife registered me at Sukhothai hospital for a jab they took down my name and address and my Mrs phone number and told my Mrs they would ring sometime in September.

My Mrs said do you want a copy of his Passport and yellow book,  they said no. 

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On 7/10/2021 at 11:10 PM, couchpotato said:

Agree the yellow book is not much practical use, but you need it first to obtain your Pink ID card, which has proven to be very useful.

In our province a Yellow book gets you a given Thai ID number and makes getting a certificate of residencey for immigration not necessary.

Also getting a Thai Driving license the Thai ID No. is put on the license instead of a passport number.


At the end of the day you don't need any of it a passport will do as ID for anything. 

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1 hour ago, edwinchester said:

My local Amphur refuses point blank to issue expats with a pink card...only for migrant labour according to them.


Useless information because you did not give the name of your local district (amophoe) office.

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