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Majority of People Think Current COVID-19 Situation in Thailand Is Extremely Serious


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Most people in Thailand can't grasp that a 10,000 fold increase in testing is followed by a 10,000 fold increase in cases.

Boy, just wait until all those antigen tests can be bought in pharmacies.  Then a 30,000 fold increase in testing will be followed by a 30,000 fold increase in cases.
And they think it's worrisome now.  Just wait.

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Reported post removed and response to it.


Posts denigrating and calling Chinese vaccines useless and referring to it with derogatory names have been removed.

Whilst it may be less effective in certain cases ie Delta strain it is by no means useless.


At the end of the day this is a government sponsored vaccine and the forum and or yourself can get in trouble for comments like this so stop it.


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If infected people hits 30,000 a day that's about 0.05% of the population, which if it goes unchecked is potentially a serious problem. 

You have to treat the virus with respect, mask up, keep social distancing, and keep your hands disinfected. Also a good idea to carry a little disinfectant spray to sanitise anything your going to handle, (like shopping trolleys).

If you can do this it would really help.

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4 hours ago, joebrown said:

It appears the local (amphur) government are making preparations for a worsening Covid situation. We heard the Poo Yai on the loudspeaker this morning telling us that a field hospital was being established only 3km from our home. I live in rural Phetchabun, and we have had very few Covid cases over the last 18 months.

yes i live just outside just a few km from the bus station in phetch  been hearing s lot of stuff lately.. Seemed this place was safe Seemed i was wrong

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4 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

Astra Zeneca, in UK.  He is a very fit and active person but that seems to be no protection against getting it or having mild symptoms.  Thank you for your supportive comment. 

I am sure he is feeling remorseful and crappy for suggesting that it was Sino....

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5 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

Astra Zeneca, in UK.  He is a very fit and active person but that seems to be no protection against getting it or having mild symptoms. 


21 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

We already know that vaccination doesn't protect against getting covid, ( my double vaccinated son is in bed with it now and feeling quite out of sorts)  

Well the plan is that he recovers from feeling out of sorts. 


I'm sure it is the same with other illnesses. The key is that he is feeling out of sorts at home and not overloading the hospital system. 

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1 hour ago, Harveyboy said:

yes i live just outside just a few km from the bus station in phetch  been hearing s lot of stuff lately.. Seemed this place was safe Seemed i was wrong

We thought we were safe, except people travelled from hotspots. Now we are in a red province, with the Amphur being number 1 in the Province. 

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14 hours ago, riclag said:

We went to Lotus and Tops today up in Sakon Nakhon !

There where more employees than customers !

I've just returned from Big C. It was the same there too. I had a choice of 4 checkout lanes and no queue at any of them!

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19 hours ago, riclag said:

We went to Lotus and Tops today up in Sakon Nakhon !

There where more employees than customers !

Same here in Big C in central Marina Pattaya,i reckon about 6 customers ,1 till open,mind you there were a few things we like and some we needed reduced,so filled up the trolly.

Virtualy 99% of the other busineses were closed. 

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2 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

Same here in Big C in central Marina Pattaya,i reckon about 6 customers ,1 till open,mind you there were a few things we like and some we needed reduced,so filled up the trolly.

Virtualy 99% of the other busineses were closed. 

It was the same over 1 year ago and look how many have died, oh that's right, only 4% that have died in the UK, and not hardly any more than the normal flu deaths. 

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It seems that some posters think the USA and Canada have all been vaccinated. Well that is a barefaced lie.

There are many states that only a low percentage have had both their vaccines, as well as some provinces

in Canada. Besides there have been no children younger than 12 that have had a single vaccination.  In LA

the delta variant is making lots of people sick, and still killing of some who have not had any vaccine. There are

some religious groups that do not want the vaccine. There are some other anti vaxxers who just do not trust

the vaccine as well.  I hope that the governments all over the world make it mandatory that people either get

vaccinated, or have very restricted lives, and cannot leave where they are living. No one needs a COVID Mary to

keep spreading any form of the COVID virus. Think Typhoid Mary, for those who are just waking up. 


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If nearly 40 percent of Thais do not think that the COVID pandemic is a serious event. There is no help

for these people. Of course most of them may be lucky enough to not die if they catch COVID,

but there will be a percentage of them that do die, so I guess we will keep seeing the numbers

keep rising for a while yet.


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Majority of People Think Current COVID-19 Situation in Thailand Is Extremely Serious

What is really serious is a total loss of humanity due to fear mongering


How can an people drop on the sidewalk & none be allowed to help him? Why also was body left on road for what 12 hours?


Thailand has much more to fear than a virus if elders are left on the road like yesterdays road kill. None willing or allowed to help because of irrational over reaction to a 99% survivable virus.....This is Insanity at its finest & a total loss of humanity/kindness/compassion




Translated but not exactly



These are not the total facts either. Many on scene reported on social media not being allowed to help etc ...So a few did want to render aid but Police refused due to covid



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