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PM reflects on Covid crisis: It looked so beautiful now it's come to this - blames rule breakers


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28 minutes ago, steven100 said:

of course  ..... This government, as the other also in the UK, AU, EU and the US didn't have a crystal ball.

Some on here think they PM should have ordered the vaccine earlier,  so do you think everyone was going to order millions and millions of doses because maybe there will be a bad third wave ???    I didn't see Australia ordering 40 million doses six weeks ago .....  I didn't see the US ordering 600 million doses two months ago. 




The US ordered enough vaccines to vaccinate its entire population. Australia and Thailand should have done the same. The third wave or even a fourth wave has nothing to do with whether enough vaccines were ordered in a timely fashion.

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4 minutes ago, mark131v said:

Bloody hell the good general is making it very hard for the junta apologists with stuff like this, what about poor steven how will he waffle his way out of this gargantuan dose of verbal diahorrea his poster boy has spouted...

This government, as same as the other countries also ..... the UK, AU, EU and the US didn't have a crystal ball.

Some on here think the PM should have ordered 120 million doses two months earlier,  so do you think everyone was going to order millions and millions of doses because maybe there will be a bad third wave ???    I didn't see Australia ordering 60 million doses six weeks ago .....  I didn't see the US ordering 600 million doses two months ago.  In fact, how the heck would you expect anyone to just go out and order THB 1,200,000,000  that's 120 million @ $10 per dose which is half the cost because it should be $20 because it's two doses ......     you really think anyone will spend that without being 100% sure it's needed  ?????????????????????????     

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2 hours ago, dinsdale said:

I agree with most of what you say. There is a very big doubt with substantial scientific backing over this being a natural virus though.

But you are not going to share that substantial scientific backing....? Because it doesn't exist?

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5 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Let us look at this shall we.


We know that they attempted to set up a monopoly, to supply Thailand and neighbouring countries with vaccines, and that they took the decision that they would not participate in the international distribution system (Covax) as they expected to be entirely self sufficient, in fact a major regional supplier, and make a very large amount of money out of the pandemic.

Good job Khun Prayut Chan O Cha. 


We know that that effectively failed, producing only a fraction of the vaccines which they actually needed. We know that they have lied continuously and consistently about those decisions and the process which resulted.

Good job Khun Prayut Chan O Cha. 


We know that, when the supply of vaccine from their own monopoly failed, they attempted to address the shortfall by opting to buy a less than competitively priced vaccine of somewhat suspect efficacy, when compared to others on the market, We don't know why that decision was made, but we do know that a major Thai business family (clan), with very strong links to China, where that vaccine is made, has significant financial interests in the company which produces it. We know that clan has well established influence with and upon the government. We can expect that they will make a very large amount of money out of the pandemic, and will no doubt show their appreciation in due course.

Good job Khun Prayut Chan O Cha. 


We know that when evidence began to emerge that the vaccine thus procured was, shall we say, not in the front rank as far as effectiveness is concerned, they continued to pour money into it's purchase (and therefore it follows into the clan involved with it).

Good job Khun Prayut Chan O Cha. 


We know that when pressure mounted over the aforementioned matters, he (or the government he heads) have for the last month (or more) resorted to an astonishing flood of contradictory announcements about orders, contracts, future deliveries, conflicting dates, conflicting quantities and announcements as to how they intend to distribute and use it. We don't know exactly what, how much and when to expect delivery because it is concealed behind a cloud of smokescreens and obfuscation, which leads many to suspect that he doesn't really know either; he (or the government he heads) have lost control of the process entirely, and very likely are lacking the cash now to actually back up any orders.

Good job Khun Prayut Chan O Cha. 


We all can realise that blaming this whole inglorious mess (either by him or by you) on mom's, dad's, aunties, uncle's and brothers & sisters, mixing with family and friends, and gathering in groups as in the protests is (and I can't really decide) either showing a complete misappreciation of the whole situation, offensive to the Thai community, downright disingenuous or simply pathetic.


We know that he is a former high ranking military man. Many of us, (perhaps presumptuously) have come to think that in fact he would be inadequate as the man in charge of the cutlery cleaning facilities in the average cookhouse!


We all of course know where you stand in regard to him, and others have described your stance in candid, direct and amusing ways. I shall leave it at that.


Good job Khun steven 100!


If I can misquote "rookiescott" Go on, hit the "sad" button, we know you want to!





Thank you succinctly put!!


I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have written, the depth these creatures in charge will got to avoid their responsibilities is eye watering..


It's hard to watch and listen to a grown man squirm and lie to this degree, he is plainly delusional, but then again every Thai government spokesman you hear display's this to a greater or lesser degree all I can surmise they must be surrounded by a battalion of Steven's


I eagerly await the next faux pas or 'misunderstanding' as you really couldn't make this <deleted> up, would be highly comical if it wasn't so serious for the vast majority of the Thai people, they must be in despair...



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40 minutes ago, southcoast said:


Think you mean….military government ,

Or it other terms the government soldiers gambling with the peoples lives. Just changing a word or two puts a slightly different slant on things. 

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40 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

Only once some of the police and high ranking families start dying of COVID-19 will people demand this inept governments ouster.

Not going to happen mate they where jabbed up right at the outset or had the ability to go and get it overseas


For Prayut and his backers covid is the gift that keeps on giving, the important folk are all getting richer, the poor are getting poorer and peoples liberties are being eroded, what's not to like!!

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6 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

But you are not going to share that substantial scientific backing....? Because it doesn't exist?

Funny how the lead WHO investigator in the Wuhan investigation has been recused from the committee investigating the source of Sars-Cov-19 due to conflict of intersest, that being involvement in gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab. Please show me evidence that this is not the case. It's on youtube. He says it himself. They were fiddling with bat viruses. If you don't believe this you don't believe what is on record. Do some research.

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6 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

Funny how the lead WHO investigator in the Wuhan investigation has been recused from the committee investigating the source of Sars-Cov-19 due to conflict of intersest, that being involvement in gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab. Please show me evidence that this is not the case. It's on youtube. He says it himself. They were fiddling with bat viruses. If you don't believe this you don't believe what is on record. Do some research.

You suggested that it was not a natural virus. Still waiting for scientific evidence....... The fact that viruses are being researched in a laboratory doesn't make them unnatural.

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31 minutes ago, steven100 said:

This government did exactly the same as every other government did .......  they played the wait and see game.

And to be honest ......   anyone spending 2,400,000,000 THB  would do the same.

If he had actually encouraged proactive testing well over a year ago instead of having a policy of miniscule testing he would have known long ago vaccines were needed.


Instead he negligently perpetuated the illusion of a virtually covid free Thailand that only morons could believe, why would Thailand have a get out of jail free card for the pandemic which originated in China and the Chinese were tourists here in their millions at the outset of Covid.

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21 minutes ago, steven100 said:

This government did exactly the same as every other government did .......  they played the wait and see game.

And to be honest ......   anyone spending 2,400,000,000 THB  would do the same.

Yes govts around the world have mishandled this very badly but that was last year not now. (Let's see what happens in the UK now). What he did and is doing is gambling with peoples lives and livelihoods to appease his super rich mates whom I'm fairly sure keep his pockets nice and warm. He doesn't care about the people as it would seem someone else doesn't. Nough said on that one.

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16 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

You suggested that it was not a natural virus. Still waiting for scientific evidence....... The fact that viruses are being researched in a laboratory doesn't make them unnatural.

time will tell and we will see, the world needs an answer to the origin

Edited by HandsomeTallFarang
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8 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

You suggested that it was not a natural virus. Still waiting for scientific evidence....... The fact that viruses are being researched in a laboratory doesn't make them unnatural.

As soon as you do gain of function you change the nature of the virus. I'm not here to educate you. Do it yourself and you might learn something.

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1 minute ago, dinsdale said:

As soon as you do gain of function you change the nature of the virus. I'm not here to educate you. Do it yourself and you might learn something.

I have a lot of experience in working with micro-organisms (including viruses). I do not need your 'education', I only asked for the scientific evidence you claimed. Spreading conspiracy theories is easy, giving real scientific evidence isn't.

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2 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

I have a lot of experience in working with micro-organisms (including viruses). I do not need your 'education', I only asked for the scientific evidence you claimed. Spreading conspiracy theories is easy, giving real scientific evidence isn't.

Sorry? Gain of function is a conspiracy theory. Is this what you are saying? Fauchi funneled money to the Wuhan lab for exactly this. It's on record mate. No conspiracy. FACT. By the way I would love to see your scientific evedidence that it's zootic.

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12 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

I have a lot of experience in working with micro-organisms (including viruses). I do not need your 'education', I only asked for the scientific evidence you claimed. Spreading conspiracy theories is easy, giving real scientific evidence isn't.

please enlighten us as to your credentials... there are a lot of barstool SIS officers, billionaires, nobel laureates on here to name a few... lol

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14 minutes ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

time will tell and we will see, the world needs an answer to the origin

Actually the the source of ebola hasn't yet been found. . And even thought it's popularly believed that the ultimatesource of Sars 1 was definitively traced, the variety that infected humans was never found in horseshoe bats. Only versions that were very close to the kind that infected ci humans. So most likely, it's going to be a long wait if the source of Covid was zoonotic. And if it was from a lab, there's 0 chance that the Chinese will allow that line of investigation to be pursued on Chinese soil.

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11 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

There is now a serious deficit of trust of Prayut and his ministers competency to lead the country out of this crisis and post crisis economic rebuilding. He can’t continue to lead the country when majority of the people feel that he is the problem not the solution. The best thing for him to “stand with the people” is for him and his government to resign and form a unity government and promise an early election. 

He will continue. If he has to he will bring in his new tanks attempt to fly planes off his new carrier and if all else fails call his buddies in China 

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