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Man Who Escaped From Notorious Thai Jail Reveals How He Did It

Jonathan Fairfield

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The article is wrong, he was never sentenced to death, he said he was 'facing' the death penalty and he was not sent to the prem he paid to get transferred to KP central, 2.500k I believe. He escaped before the sentence, and was never arrested with drugs in his possession.

Edited by clivebaxter
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1 hour ago, canthai55 said:

Gotta love posters on here - spout the same old, tired tales they heard from back in the 50's - and I bet never done any drugs themselves.

So how could they know - Oh yes, they "Read" about it - 555

The Scourge of Marijuana - how it is a "Gateway" drug, and if you have one toke you will be down in the ghetto tomorrow shooting heroin.

I did every kind of drug you could name - except Crack and X - and only because they were not invented before I got clean.

So if you have experience, come share it. If you are going to repost the same old Bull Manure ad infinitum, maybe time to educate yourself.

"Oh - but it is legal / Illegal ... as if this means anything.

"I'm from the Gov't and I'm here to help you - this is legal, so it is OK ...

Tobacco, Alcohol, Agent Orange, Oxy Contin, Fentynal, Thalidomide, the list goes on


Most people only know their drug alcohol and they don't want to accept its a drug like any others. They have that image in their mind that take a drug once and your hooked. Some maybe but that is the same for alcohol. 


Legal / Illegal  its not based on science just on history. Otherwise alcohol would be outlawed too. But guess what we don't think its so bad. So why do people think other drugs are so bad. Mostly just scare tactics from governments. Im not saying drugs are good. But basically they are all the same so why outlaw some and not others. Should be done on damage that it does. Given that alcohol would be banned too. 

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3 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Gotta love posters on here - spout the same old, tired tales they heard from back in the 50's - and I bet never done any drugs themselves.

So how could they know - Oh yes, they "Read" about it - 555

The Scourge of Marijuana - how it is a "Gateway" drug, and if you have one toke you will be down in the ghetto tomorrow shooting heroin.

I did every kind of drug you could name - except Crack and X - and only because they were not invented before I got clean.

So if you have experience, come share it. If you are going to repost the same old Bull Manure ad infinitum, maybe time to educate yourself.

"Oh - but it is legal / Illegal ... as if this means anything.

"I'm from the Gov't and I'm here to help you - this is legal, so it is OK ...

Tobacco, Alcohol, Agent Orange, Oxy Contin, Fentynal, Thalidomide, the list goes on


You injected Agent Orange???

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People have to accept that the War on Drugs is nothing more than a political strategy to get votes and make money outfitting police forces and building prisons, who need inmates to house so they can get the $$$ from the Gov't.

Drug use is a Health problem, and a Social Services problem, not a law enforcement issue.

Give people addicted to drugs access to medical care, decent housing, outreach programs.

Want to end Drug Cartel violence in one fell swoop - decriminalize drugs.

But the Old Fogeys will have none of it - too much money to be made.

And so continues the Status Quo

Gotta shake your head when the heads of major police departments agree that it is not working and a more humane policy should be adopted.


Following just for the USA - imagine the number world wide ...

n 2015, the Drug Policy Alliance, which advocates for an end to the War on Drugs, estimated that the United States spends $51 billion annually on these initiatives, and in 2021, after 50 years of the drug war, others have estimated that the US has spent a cumulative $1 trillion on it


Just imagine how better that money could be spent on education, health care, housing, etc ...

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12 hours ago, clivebaxter said:

As a government supporter what is your opinion on a convicted heroin dealer working as a public servant?

Just bumping this superb response - it seemed to shut Junta-loving idiots up (I don't want it to get it deleted by being personal, so I'm generalising it)....

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10 hours ago, sharecropper said:

Just bumping this superb response - it seemed to shut Junta-loving idiots up (I don't want it to get it deleted by being personal, so I'm generalising it)....

I once was pro junta, but now I am not. But to be honest both sides are bad. Had a murdered in the PTP ranks who got protected just the same as the heroin minister in the government now. Both sides have their bad guys and both sides never look at their own graft just the other sides. I used to think the coup would help clear up the corruption of Thaksin and it did. But just replaced it with junta graft. Now if the junta falls (and I want it to fall for sure) it will be replaced by whatever and they will be as corrupt as the junta.


Maybe less if future forward is involved. But all sides are the same never accepting that they made mistakes never looking into graft of their own side. Constantly defending failed policies and blaming others. Only problem is that the junta has more power and the army. But besides that not much difference.


I think it will take a lot of time for Thailand to have a good government. If ever.

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