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Zuellig Pharma says Thai Red Cross Society’s order for 5 million doses of Moderna vaccine is being processed


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31 minutes ago, skorp13 said:

I like the term next year. Very vague though safe. Gives a 12 month window or up to an 18 month extension. Sounds like a heck of a recovery plan

It listen like the sign in a Pub

Tomorrow Beer for free 555

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Why isn't Ivermectin being used in Thailand , that would likely save lives and prevent serious infection ? OK , so it is designed for animal veterinary use , but in the right smaller dose it is known to be very effective against COVID-19 and its variants and could eliminate these viruses altogether . There was a mention of Thailand having Sputnik V , or is that opposed simply because it is Russian . My wife is a school teacher , she and all her fellow teachers of the many schools , together with all the government officers were summoned to be vaccinated . My wife asked me what I thought , I said perhaps we should be vaccinated together . No she said Falangs are not allowed , she said she didn't want to be vaccinated anyway . I said neither do I . The next day only three of the many government officers turned up for vaccination , so what happened to all the vaccine ?   

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I was jabbed 2x last March in the US  with Physer Came to Thailand thru Q. Finished June 15. The way things are looking here I wonder how I am going to get my next years shots ?

Maybe yes, Maybe no. I am 74. I will contemplate returning to the US next spring if I have to. Come back after jabs and do Q all over.

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4 hours ago, Dustdevil said:

What are people paying to get vaccinated in Thailand? (I visited the country about 50 times until 2018 but haven't lived there). A friend in the Philippines says it's about $150 there. And they only have Astrazeneca and Sinovac.

Government providing free Sinovac and Astrazenica Vaccine for free but the likes of Pfizer, Moderna Etc have to be paid for, around 3,500 Baht, but there is none to buy until at least the last quarter of this year, too bad thousands of Cretins have already paid for the non existant Vaccine !

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4 hours ago, alexlm said:

69 million Thailand Citizens.

5 million doses.

2.5 million people being able to get the vaccine since you need 2 doses, right?

Let's say 2 million if they <deleted> up part of the dilutions and/or do not respect the storage temperatures and very precise instructions.

2 million Thai vaccinated is not much for almost 70 million people.

Or am I mistaken somewhere?

The rest is vaccinated with some thing else. Beside this vaccine

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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Tens of thousands of ex-pats have already left, seeking greener pastures, where there is a possibility of a more rosy future. 

This is a number I would like to see. I wonder how many have left. Is there any way to get an idea?

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4 hours ago, clivebaxter said:

Poster reported on here the other day that his stepson in the army had the moderna vaccine already!

That was me. I confirm. Was done earlier in July (or end June, cannot remember exactly). Something about priorities here : the army first .... or is it selected members of the army?

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26 minutes ago, trainman34014 said:

Government providing free Sinovac and Astrazenica Vaccine for free but the likes of Pfizer, Moderna Etc have to be paid for, around 3,500 Baht, but there is none to buy until at least the last quarter of this year, too bad thousands of Cretins have already paid for the non existant Vaccine !

Not bad for the Phuket Hospital that has banked over 270 million bht from people wanting the Moderna Vaccine, they absolutely love Cretins(your word not mine) my thought is its people scared of Sinovac and other free Vaccines!

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1 hour ago, trainman34014 said:

Government providing free Sinovac and Astrazenica Vaccine for free but the likes of Pfizer, Moderna Etc have to be paid for, around 3,500 Baht, but there is none to buy until at least the last quarter of this year, too bad thousands of Cretins have already paid for the non existant Vaccine !

I wonder how many cretins can spell non-existent or even nonexistent. 

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6 hours ago, riverhigh said:

Absolute joke. The first million doses had to be ordered through GPO but now the next 5 million doses can be ordered directly from Zuellig/Moderna without the assistance (I use the word very loosely) from the GPO. All this messing around has resulted in the Moderna doses being shipped to Thailand sometime next year. Too little, too late.

unless big tea money in the rich pockets nothing will happen.... dont care the people.... 

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1 hour ago, John Drake said:

This is a number I would like to see. I wonder how many have left. Is there any way to get an idea?

I would love to see something too. I know that for the past few years, I have read one post after another, of long term expats packing it up, and moving on. This trend has been happening for years now, but has gotten alot worse in the past two or three years, with the bloated baht, draconian immigration requirements, a very toxic government, a xenophobic immigration system, and a generally declining quality of life. 

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4 hours ago, ryane66 said:

The mishandling of the vaccinations especially to us foreign residents has been the final straw for me. Our house has sold and we are leaving forever. Happy to locate to a safe and sain country. Things will never change here.

Please send us GPS for "safe and sane country" when you find it. I can't see one on any maps I have. However, my collection for Antarctica is incomplete.


But you're wrong, the kingdom will change. Within a year the population will drop, poverty will increase, and we will have two more used submarines in our navy.


Philosophical question:

If a country has people in it can it truly be safe and sane? If it has no people is it truly a country?


Good wishes in any case. No one can fault you.

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I must admit that I am completely amazed. We keep seeing articles about 5mil Moderna vaccines and 5mil AZ vaccines but the reality is that this is nothing. It's a pittance. Here, now, in Thailand we need 120mil doses (assuming everyone gets two) to get anywhere near some semblance of normality. Who in their right mind gives a rats ass about 5mil doses of anything?!? The remaining 60 million citizens will be left to their own devices? This whole situation here just boggles me.

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2 minutes ago, barney42bb said:

Heeeeeeyyy Ex-Pats.... Have you considered going back to your Not So Third World Birthright homes....... and getting The Jabs. 


STOP Whiiiiiiiiinnnnging.

My birthright home is more of a third world now, but you can still line up with illegal immigrants for a choice of vaccines, why bother when you can get AZ here though?

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

 The current backwards trajectory of the nation will reduce it to a Burundi level place, sooner or later. 

Touchee on Burundi.  Thailand, Burundi, North Korea and a few others have to this day rejected Covax agreements.

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'A friend in the Philippines says it's about $150 there. 


GF (42) and I (75) had our 2nd jab of Sinovac in Valenzuela city (just outside Manila central area) 4 weeks ago. Completely free, serum bought and paid for by the local Mayor. They were doing around 1,400 a day just in the local school we went to. 

Edited by biggles45
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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:





I cling to the hope that the youth will prevail here, and somehow eliminate the incredibly toxic dinosaurs. That is the only way forward for this nation, and it's people. The current backwards trajectory of the nation will reduce it to a Burundi level place, sooner or later. 

"incredibly toxic dinosaurs" - yeah, quite right. But there is a problem here, it's not just the people, it's the system : it has a way to replicate such "toxic dinosaurs" within the next generation. Why? Because the next generation has to fall in the fold in order to get its chances to find a good place in the system. I'm not talking about the low-so people here, obviously. I'm talking about those who can take advantage of a position in society.


So, as much as I would hope young Thais can find their way out of the mess, I sort of doubt they will achieve it any time soon. Oh dear, oh dear, life is not a picnic, is it?

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"Thai Red Cross Society’s order for 5 million doses of Moderna vaccine is being processed"... and delivery is targeted for next year - that would be 2022 (of which month I'm not sure). 


Striving for greatness, are we?

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9 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Now, all of a sudden, an organization other than the GPO can order vaccines directly from a distributor.


What changed?


And who paid for the initial 1.1 mm doses TRC skimmed off the 5 mm private hospital order?


And who is paying for these next 5 mm TRC doses.


And who will get these? (Rhetorical)


Honestly, the levels of incompetence, non-transparency and corruption are reaching dizzying heights. In the future, the tales of fortunes skimmed during this time will be the stuff of legend. And new family dynasties will have been established.





I know i paid 3,400 THB for my wifes Moderna last month that she had to pre order. 

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4 hours ago, konaboy said:

I was jabbed 2x last March in the US  with Physer Came to Thailand thru Q. Finished June 15. The way things are looking here I wonder how I am going to get my next years shots ?

Maybe yes, Maybe no. I am 74. I will contemplate returning to the US next spring if I have to. Come back after jabs and do Q all over.

There's no indication yet, of whether additional booster shots will be needed in future. It's a possibility but no-one actually knows for certain yet.

Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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20 minutes ago, misterphil said:

I know i paid 3,400 THB for my wifes Moderna last month that she had to pre order. 

I was asking who paid Zuellig/Moderna.


I know you and I paid a hospital, which paid the GPO, which paid Zuellig.


I assume TRC paid the GPO for their 1.1 mm doses. And they will pay Zuellig for the 5 mm doses.



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Funny is it just me ?


Processing when I use my visa/amex or diners to buy from Lazada/Thai Airways or Qantas the process takes second and I sometimes get teh debit notification on banking appp before teh ticket confirmation, literally seconds.


However when a refund is due 6-8 weeks "due to our billing cycle" etc 


I cannot imagine tehre is a commercial pharma company /distributor cash strapped health service with surplus stock who cannot process a government ordr within 24 hours allowing for time diff. 


A clue perchance maybe certain unmentionables and lackeys, want the cream of a monopoly on a distress purchase? Once you imgine 3 times yearly 67 million plus a few foreigners nearly 200 million doses even a $5  160 baht mark up is a cool billion a year , and if you can lasoo desperate benighted neighbours it looks better tha a Ponzi scheme with WHO and Red Cross to pay for the marketing. Many think the locals are stupid, never when it comes to what they worship...money. I wonder if any duff near use by date will be used on teh cabinet or poor burmese slaves?

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