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Zuellig Pharma says Thai Red Cross Society’s order for 5 million doses of Moderna vaccine is being processed


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52 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

If they had any vision at all, they would have simplified the process to begin with, in order to speed up the procurement process. 


It is an odd concept known as proficiency and a sense of urgency. Instead? Bungling, and more bungling, resulting in delays, and being placed into the back of the que. 


Thailand continues to shoot itself in the foot, and these delays are resulting in more sabotage to the economy, tourism and the lives of the common man. 


No wonder suicide rates are dramatically higher this year. Where is the sense of hope? All faith has been lost in this bumbling administration. 


Prayuth and Anutin should do the right thing and both resign in disgrace. After all, he did make himself the Czar. Of a failed campaign. 

There was never, ever going to be a simplification of any Vaccine procurement process.

Simplification ultimately leads to transparency

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3 minutes ago, robert888d said:

I am sick of reading about theoretical orders for vaccines for sometime next year. Thousands of people will have died by then. The incompetence of this government is very very sad.

Also many people are refusing to take any Vaccine so you can't solely blame the Government!

Chatted to a guy from the USA who said " they are throwing Vaccines away because people will not have them, stupid is as stupid does"!

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27 minutes ago, madisongy said:

My wife and I traveled to US in 2019, and planned to return to Thailand in March 2020 but we did not get out of US in time.  By the end of 2020, I was thinking we made a mistake since Thailand was doing a seemingly stellar job of keeping infections low.    Now, I'm so thankful we didn't return.   We were fully vaccinated with Moderna back in March.   And while there are soooo many expats in Thailand who would pay serious cash to get the vaccine, we have so many idiots here refusing their choice of free vaccines.  Meanwhile, with excess vaccines here, our government could not spare anything for our people living in Thailand?   That's insanity.  


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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

Government interference has hampered the purchase of genuine vaccines that work.

Instead of using all means possible to get effective vaccines in a timely manner into Thailand they have interfered at every opportunity to slow the process down and be in total control. 

Unfortunately this has come at a cost to many businesses, and ultimately peoples lives.

Well, we all know why they slowed the process!

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1 hour ago, crazykopite said:

To little to late how many deaths will there be before the end of the year 

I thought it was only North Americans who said to instead of too. Or is it the new normal.? 

From a crazy former Goodison season ticket holder. 

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3 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

What's the rush??? 

Agreed.  Thailand can spend the savings from not buying vaccines on their space program or submarines or why not both!!!!!!


In India where vaccination rates are low and slow, death rates are within norms.  In 2020, death rate for India was 7.3 per 1,000 people.  In 2019, death rate for India was 7.3 per 1,000 people.  Same!! Same!!


Also, heard immunity might be working in India.  67% of Indians surveyed have developed antibodies against coronavirus. 


The fourth national serosurvey has found that 67.6 per cent surveyed Indians have developed antibodies against the virus causing Covid-19.  Serology, or antibody, testing checks a sample of a person’s blood to look for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Antibodies usually become detectable in the blood 1-3 weeks after someone is infected.





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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


Now, all of a sudden, an organization other than the GPO can order vaccines directly from a distributor.


What changed?


And who paid for the initial 1.1 mm doses TRC skimmed off the 5 mm private hospital order?


And who is paying for these next 5 mm TRC doses.


And who will get these? (Rhetorical)


Honestly, the levels of incompetence, non-transparency and corruption are reaching dizzying heights. In the future, the tales of fortunes skimmed during this time will be the stuff of legend. And new family dynasties will have been established.


There is huge money in all of this.  That's been apparent since last year.  Take a look at the stock price of Moderna over the last 18 months.  Coincidence?  Sure.  As you said - there are fortunes being made, mostly by those running the show.

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

Don't jinx it, the TRC might produce another card/brown envelope for the 5 million, now 4 million doses of Moderna that are scheduled for October and take the lot, with those of us who have already paid left even more susceptible and have to wait till next year when the additional 5 million Moderna vaccines arrive to get the jab.


Hope this doesn't happen and hope we aren't one of the 1 million to miss out of the doses they literally stole from right under our noses. 

When this story was first announced, I wrote that I expected the private order of Moderna to be confiscated.  I still expect that, especially if the numbers keep growing like they are. And, frankly, the government would be derelict in its duty to the overall nation if it didn't confiscate private stockpiles of vaccine. 

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4 hours ago, riverhigh said:

Absolute joke. The first million doses had to be ordered through GPO but now the next 5 million doses can be ordered directly from Zuellig/Moderna without the assistance (I use the word very loosely) from the GPO. All this messing around has resulted in the Moderna doses being shipped to Thailand sometime next year. Too little, too late.

Don't think too much about. That is anyway for the Army first.

The public get some in 2023

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57 minutes ago, Badrabbit said:

Also many people are refusing to take any Vaccine so you can't solely blame the Government!

Chatted to a guy from the USA who said " they are throwing Vaccines away because people will not have them, stupid is as stupid does"!

Most of them who refuse, refuse the Anutin Vaccine from China.

Thai are also able to read a news paper

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42 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Thailand is very lucky to receive the Pfizer US donation to boost their medical frontline staff. Otherwise, there is no other more effective vaccine in the pipeline in the short term.
I will spare myself my comment on the vaccine planning in Thailand. It’s obvious.

... US donation to boost their medical frontline staff. ... and the HISO for free!

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