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Condo front door propped open despite masked requirements inside building

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1 minute ago, Moonlover said:

I've never lived in a condo, and from the tales I've read I never want to. However could some explain to me how leaving the door open saves money on A/C?


With the windows / balcony door open you get a through draught. It does depend upon how your building is layed out mind.


We've lived in 3 condos over the years, none had "opposite neighbours". Two buildings had a central atrium so the access was via a walkway rather than a corridor, the third was a U shaped structure with similar arrangments but the centre of the U was completely open. We only left the door open in the U building.


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if he wont shut his damn door for you then build a plastic isolation chamber at your front door .... that should stop the virus going into your room,  also don't use the lifts,  use the back fire stairs normally outside the building for emergencies,   and maybe get a biologic virus protection suit just as an added pre-caution.  ????


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1 hour ago, MrJ2U said:

I agree.


But be careful.  You don't want to escalate this to a confrontation.


Perhaps with all this pandemic stuff there may be a nicer condo for a reasonable price in a higher quality condominium that doesn't permit this.


Prices are dirt cheap for rentals at the moment.


Good luck!




I already live in one 

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1 hour ago, utalkin2me said:

Well, no. Fans don’t cool rooms. Leaving your door open does in fact work, but see my above post. You just… can’t….

Fans do circulate air if u open your windows and balcony door. 

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55 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

That might be followed by a new condo rule to keep doors shut. Mission accomplished.

Enough if 'do not do anything that annoys your neighbours'. Most condos have rules that can include creating noise and smells that disturb neighbours. No need to be overt 

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1 hour ago, MrJ2U said:

I agree.


But be careful.  You don't want to escalate this to a confrontation.


Perhaps with all this pandemic stuff there may be a nicer condo for a reasonable price in a higher quality condominium that doesn't permit this.


Prices are dirt cheap for rentals at the moment.


Good luck!




Yep, move because you are renting… you are renting, aren’t you???

Another example of why you should NEVER BUY property in Thailand. 

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Think about this a bit.  You're probably much more safe with windows open and a breeze blowing through.  Far more risky with windows closed and breathing stagnant air.  Either way though, your chances of becoming infected from your neighbors when you are both in your own condos is minute.

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4 minutes ago, 2long said:

Yet ANOTHER thread where the OP goes dead quiet.

And like the other threads, this one is popular/hot for replies.

Could it be that these OPs are bored during lockdown and are making stuff up just for attention? It feels that way to me.

Or maybe this OP is still hiding under the bed realising the total lack of sympathy.

maybe he did get covid from the neighbor and died ...   i hope not. 

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1 hour ago, johng said:

It means you get a nice breeze through the room  so you don't have to turn the air con on.

It also means your neighbors can hear everything in your condo and have a feeling that they are living in your living room... I hated when anyone on the floor left their living quarters open to me... 

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1 hour ago, Uroller said:

I heard of a guy who felt the same way as you, his name was Howard Hughes, a real “germ freak” used to lock himself up in luxury hotels taking the whole floor so wouldn’t have neighbours germs to worry about????


good idea if you can afford it... he was not only rich but smart... 

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1 hour ago, Crossy said:


With the windows / balcony door open you get a through draught. It does depend upon how your building is layed out mind.


We've lived in 3 condos over the years, none had "opposite neighbours". Two buildings had a central atrium so the access was via a walkway rather than a corridor, the third was a U shaped structure with similar arrangments but the centre of the U was completely open. We only left the door open in the U building.


Sounds like a more upscale condo.



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2 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

Not  in a  condo  block it isnt, next  he'll  have the tv  on blaring  all day.

Well we had a lady in our condo who had 4 small very yappy dogs. At 6:00 am every morning she opened her door and left it open and her dogs ran continuously the whole length of the corridor, yapping continuously. Luckily we were 2 levels above.


Many complaints direct to the dog owner and to the office didn't help. Then one afternoon she was getting them inside her condo and one was missing.


And on the corridor wall near her door there was a graphic in rows:


Line 1 - 5 dog outlines.

Line 2 - 4 dog outlines.

Line 3 - 3 dog outlines.

Line 4 - 2 dog outlines.

Line 5 - 1 dog outline.

Line 6 - no dog outlines.


She called the police who came an went to the office and spoke to the juristic person then went to the now 3 dog condo.


The police told her it was illegal to keep dogs in a condo (not sure that's true) and to remove all her dogs from the building permanently, and within 48 hours.


She got the message and never let her dogs out again, but within 3 or 4 days she moved out with her 3 dogs.



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4 hours ago, Card said:

Except they are a bloody nuisance when they disrespect everybody else with noise coming from their shouting or TV and, like my neighbour, only open the door when they are cooking  to let out the smell of their stinky fish food, coz they are too cheap or lazy to get an extraction hood. Doors are meant to be shut, otherwise why have them?

A condo I was in, my German neighbour and his Thai GF used to prop open their door then play loud music all day. I stuck it for a few weeks then had a polite word with them. Their excuse was that it let the air through their apartment. I told them that it wasn't the open door per se that I was objecting to, but when open, I could hear their music blearing out.  They never spoke to me again. Some people are just missing the common sense gene.

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4 hours ago, Card said:

Except they are a bloody nuisance when they disrespect everybody else with noise coming from their shouting or TV and, like my neighbour, only open the door when they are cooking  to let out the smell of their stinky fish food, coz they are too cheap or lazy to get an extraction hood. Doors are meant to be shut, otherwise why have them?

To keep people like you and the OP out..... 55555

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

if he wont shut his damn door for you then build a plastic isolation chamber at your front door .... that should stop the virus going into your room,  also don't use the lifts,  use the back fire stairs normally outside the building for emergencies,   and maybe get a biologic virus protection suit just as an added pre-caution.  ????


Or just simply stop breathing..... ????????

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1 hour ago, Crossy said:


Let's just say that the first two were paid for by my employer at the time :whistling:


Number three was on my own coin.



Interesting.  A bit older than I expected.  


Close to Bangkok?


Nice houses next door.

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5 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

Interesting.  A bit older than I expected.  

Close to Bangkok?

Nice houses next door.


13.984602710740411, 100.55296743925953


We moved in in 2004 and out in 2011 to our current (and final) home. It was already a fairly old building when we moved in. The units are pretty large and the price was right.

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The story reported on in this does say “with the positive pressure" that would be caused by the AC so if your neighbor is leaving his door open so he can save money on not having to run his AC then there isn't much of a problem. Now if he has an open outside window with a breeze flowing through his room out into the hall spreading the virus. This all depends on if you believe everything you read.

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On 8/4/2021 at 10:57 AM, w94005m said:


Yeah, well besides the fact that there is no way for him to substantiate his claim, the "professor" who says this happened is named Toole...


So, with my knowledge of American slang, that says it all.

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