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Israeli scientist says COVID-19 could be treated for under $1/day


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16 hours ago, placeholder said:

Your assertion that the studies are always postive is utterly false.

In fact, the largest study of Ivermectin, the one which skewed the combined results of all studies in its favor was discovered to be fraudulent. Without that skew, the balance of the results is actually against it.

It isn't that too many people can't think for themselves. It's that too many people make up "facts" that suit their beliefs and call it independent thinking.

Sounds like you are quoting yuri deigen on this. Have you read the reports ? I have and I have listened to the woman who combined the individual studies. Sure they could be wrong and I could be wrong in agreeing with what they are saying. If thats the case I will ammend my opinion and move on. Theres no big politics here fella I have no agenda for thinking the drug is useful, no one is saying take ivermectin and don't get vaccinated. I read the data and see something apparently opposite to you, so your asserting you are right and I am wrong doesn't really work for me.

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37 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Are you suggesting some sort of nefarious plot to limit coverage on ivermectin?


Clearly there's some sort of conspiracy here, just come out and tell us what it is.


And how would "more coverage" of ivermectin help?

I'm suggesting we all try to keep an open mind about treatments that might be useful.

Some people seem to have already made up their minds that the only way for human kind to survive this virus "apocalypse" is to be injected with "emergency approved" treatments, nothing else will do !

wouldn't it be nice if there was a cheap already available long term proven safe alternative ?


More coverage of any and all sorts of alternative treatments  not just ivermectin.


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On 8/8/2021 at 12:57 PM, Ryan754326 said:

I agree completely. It’s strange how dismissive/aggressive some people become at the very mentioning of Ivermectin. This drug has been used for decades and has been proven to be safe. Why not at least try it? The worse case scenario is that it does nothing besides killing any parasites that might be living in the patient’s body. 

Column: Major study of Ivermectin, the anti-vaccine crowd's latest COVID drug, finds 'no effect whatsoever'



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On 8/9/2021 at 12:58 PM, mtls2005 said:


And yet, you were able to find information on ivermectin?


Are you suggesting some sort of nefarious plot to limit coverage on ivermectin?


Clearly there's some sort of conspiracy here, just come out and tell us what it is.


And how would "more coverage" of ivermectin help?




I see lot's of coverage on ivermectin...


Huge study supporting ivermectin as Covid treatment withdrawn over ethical concerns





Flawed ivermectin preprint highlights challenges of COVID drug studies





Ivermectin COVID-19 Scandal Shows How Vulnerable Science Is to Fraud









A study being dodgy doesn't definitively mean Ivermectin doesn't work, it just means that study was dodgy.


Here is the most recent paper by the group saying it does work, with citations of numerous studies, dodgy or otherwise.


"Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19"




I'm not sure if they reference the dodgy study, but I'm sure someone will announce it if they do. ????


For those that want to knock themselves out arguing for and against, your time starts now......

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9 hours ago, Harry Om said:

A study being dodgy doesn't definitively mean Ivermectin doesn't work, it just means that study was dodgy.


Here is the most recent paper by the group saying it does work, with citations of numerous studies, dodgy or otherwise.


"Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19"




I'm not sure if they reference the dodgy study, but I'm sure someone will announce it if they do. ????


For those that want to knock themselves out arguing for and against, your time starts now......

Did you notice that all the studies that were cited were positive? And none were negative? Did you know that Pierre Kory, the lead author for this article is the President of the Frontline Covid-10 Care Critical Alliance? That is a leading advocacy group for the use of Ivermectin.  And that the journal he published in is definitely not a highly rated one.

Here's some more about Pierre Kory


You would think at least there would be a note that the Egyptian studies that were used to support these claims turned out to be fake.

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3 hours ago, placeholder said:

You would think at least there would be a note that the Egyptian studies that were used to support these claims turned out to be fake.

What are your thoughts on the other studies in that paper?

Do you think the other studies they quoted are fake as well?


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1 hour ago, Harry Om said:

What are your thoughts on the other studies in that paper?

Do you think the other studies they quoted are fake as well?


The point is that there are also plenty of studies that say ivermectin is ineffective. A genuine researcher doesn't cherry pick. Kore and his coauthors are just cheerleaders.

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On 8/9/2021 at 1:48 PM, johng said:

wouldn't it be nice if there was a cheap already available long term proven safe alternative ?


A unicorn lover.


"long term proven safe"? Yes, in animals, and for humans to TREAT parasites.


Yes, it would be "nice".


I also want a pony.


Preferably without the two people inside.



Look, I get it. People are frightened, they feel like they've lost control. So they look for ways which allow them to feel in control. ivermectin allows some that feeling. Heck, the placebo effect of simply hoarding pet medicines is probably more beneficial than actually ingesting the stuff?


No one is stopping you from ingesting ivermectin. Why the need to influence others?



My last question is: Is all this hoarding preventing those in need, real need (most of the "4 billion tablets") from death from parasitic infection, and from access to medicine?


Talk amongst yourselves, please.








Edited by mtls2005
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On 8/9/2021 at 12:09 AM, placeholder said:

Got them at Citrix. 

And what of your contention that virtually all the research shows that Ivermectin is effective against Covid?

Apparently, I've created a new pharmacy chain in Thailand. It's a phantom chain since I can't find any evidence that it's a sold thing. The pharmacy I actually got my 81mg aspirin from is Citrus, a pharmacy chain in Chiang Mai for sure and maybe elsewhere.

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8 minutes ago, placeholder said:

The pharmacy I actually got my 81mg aspirin from is Citrus,


325 mg and 500 mg (Bayer) are widely available here, in BAngkok anyway.


Free delivery:







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12 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


325 mg and 500 mg (Bayer) are widely available here, in BAngkok anyway.


Free delivery:







For lots of people, higher doses of aspirin can create gastric problems. But you can always split the 325 tablet into 4 parts. That should be close enough

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18 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

325 mg and 500 mg (Bayer) are widely available here, in BAngkok anyway.

Thanks for the links to Asprin

Not available in shops where I live in the Pattaya area..I have already bought some online from  a shop in Southern Thailand.


2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

No one is stopping you from ingesting ivermectin. Why the need to influence others?

I'm not trying to influence anyone at all

just suggesting that  there may be alternatives..you are of course free to inject whatever you want into your own body.

By the way I don't take and have never taken ivermectin.

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More press coverage on ivermectin...


Poison control calls spike as people try livestock dewormer to treat COVID-19


According to the alert, the Mississippi Poison Control Center has received several calls related to the ingestion of ivermectin meant for livestock, causing illness in COVID-19 patients.


According to the health alert in Mississippi:

At least 70% of the recent calls have been related to ingestion of livestock or animal formulations of ivermectin purchased at livestock supply centers
85% of the callers had mild symptoms
No one has been hospitalized due to ingestion of the drug





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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

More press coverage on ivermectin...


Poison control calls spike as people try livestock dewormer to treat COVID-19


According to the alert, the Mississippi Poison Control Center has received several calls related to the ingestion of ivermectin meant for livestock, causing illness in COVID-19 patients.


According to the health alert in Mississippi:

At least 70% of the recent calls have been related to ingestion of livestock or animal formulations of ivermectin purchased at livestock supply centers
85% of the callers had mild symptoms
No one has been hospitalized due to ingestion of the drug





People who won’t take a vaccine poisoning themselves with a horse de-wormer.


And just as ICU beds are running out in good old Mississippi.


The insanity that’s got a grip of people making health choices on the basis of political affiliation.

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On 8/13/2021 at 10:46 PM, mtls2005 said:

Look, I get it. People are frightened, they feel like they've lost control. So they look for ways which allow them to feel in control. ivermectin allows some that feeling. Heck, the placebo effect of simply hoarding pet medicines is probably more beneficial than actually ingesting the stuff?

I dont' think it's about fear at all. There is a very high correlation between those who promote ivermectin and those who deny the effectiveness of vaccination and/or exaggerate its risks. Ivermectin is being touted as a safe and highly effective medication in order make it seem it's nothing much to be concerned about.

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U.S. FDA tweets: "Seriously, y'all. Stop it."


FDA tweets warning after multiple patients self-medicated for COVID with drug meant for horses


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is urging people to stop experimenting with veterinary drugs in an attempt to treat or prevent COVID-19 after receiving multiple reports of patients who were hospitalized. The patients were reportedly “self-medicating with ivermectin intended for horses,” according to the federal agency.






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  • 3 weeks later...

300mg enteric coated Aspirin is available and has been since the great Bayer withdrawal from the market which happened under censored circumstances (nobody knows why).

The brand name is Asprex, it comes in boxes of 500 tablets in strips of 10.


Any proper pharmacy can order this, here's a picture :




Fenofibrate is also available, the brand is named Fibril, it comes in boxes of 30 capsules at 160mg strength, other strengths are available.


Here's a picture :




As for the ivermectin, I have no interest in that whatsoever.


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On 8/8/2021 at 12:43 PM, johng said:

Go try to buy aspirin in a Thai pharmacy  all they have is the 80mg "heart medicine" at stupid prices and hidden away behind the counter like it is a class A narcotic !

?? at stupid prices ?


My aspirin is 81 mg  I buy in a Thai Government Hospital pharmacy  = 100 tablets  cost 50 baht as of 2 weeks ago.....  looking back in 2016 they cost 48 baht for the 100.

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On 8/8/2021 at 1:14 PM, mtls2005 said:





Ivermectineers are an odd lot. To them any non-believers are "strange". The sure sign of cult-like behavior.


No one is stopping them from dosing themselves. Yet they aren't satisfied with that freedom. No, they need to convince others to join them in some sort Jonestownian Kool-aid fest. And they demand some suitable level of press coverage of this quackery. And at the slightest questioning, they fall back to feeling offended by feeling dismissed, and make themselves victims of perceived aggression.


I fully support your use of any medications you choose to ingest. Just stop trying to influence others.



Because vaccines has been proven to work . Vaccines did wipe out smallpox , is wiping out polio ( in a few years it might be there ) , almost made it to tbc ( tbc survived thx to some Russian prison outbreaks which did not get the vaccine and got out ) .

NO other medication , 0.000000 has been proven to stop any viral disease .

Both things added above are 100% proven by multiple scientific facts , same as the earth is round .

Since covid is not small in disrupting normal lifestyle , even if ivermectine is proven ( not happened ) to slow down ( not fix ) the disease , then vaccines are the only way out !

I do not care you are against your polio vaccination , or tetanus , since im vaccinated and/or it only involves yourself . I do care if you are 1 of the reasons that my life is changed because some people taking place in hospitals which was not needed because of the vaccine .

I am not saying you can't take ivermectine if you like to , that is your choice , same as you would like to drink bleach , who am i to care . Fact is vaccines do work and help people stay out of the hospital aka making life normal again . Anything you do above that is completely up to you .

That is why i want to influence you .

I believe in science , not in rhinohorn , or green clay , or the standing of the Moon and Mars above URanus .

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On 8/8/2021 at 6:14 PM, mtls2005 said:





Ivermectineers are an odd lot. To them any non-believers are "strange". The sure sign of cult-like behavior.


No one is stopping them from dosing themselves. Yet they aren't satisfied with that freedom. No, they need to convince others to join them in some sort Jonestownian Kool-aid fest. And they demand some suitable level of press coverage of this quackery. And at the slightest questioning, they fall back to feeling offended by feeling dismissed, and make themselves victims of perceived aggression.


I fully support your use of any medications you choose to ingest. Just stop trying to influence others.



Vaccinated individuals are an odd lot. To them any non-believers are "strange". The sure sign of cult like behavior. 

No, one is stopping them from getting vaccinated themselves. Yet they aren't satisfied with that freedom. No, they need to convince others to join in some sort of Jonestownianb Kool-aid fest. And they demand some suitable level of press coverage of this quackery. And at the slightest questioning, they fall back to feeling offended by feeling dismissed, and make themselves victims of perceived aggression.

I fully support your use of any vaccines you choose to ingest. Just stop trying to influence others. 

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Ok so lets say Ivermectin is bad and under no circumstances should I take it if I get covid. What is the official treatment here in Thailand, or for that matter anywhere. I've looked and I don't know. After almost two years of this what are these so called health agencies advising we do to treat ourselves ?

Seems to me all they say is take a paracetamal and shutup. It would be nice if they would give actual health advise instead of scaremongering and attacking any doctors that actually try to treat people with covid.

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21 hours ago, Kevin Taylor said:

Ok so lets say Ivermectin is bad and under no circumstances should I take it if I get covid. What is the official treatment here in Thailand, or for that matter anywhere. I've looked and I don't know. After almost two years of this what are these so called health agencies advising we do to treat ourselves ?

Seems to me all they say is take a paracetamal and shutup. It would be nice if they would give actual health advise instead of scaremongering and attacking any doctors that actually try to treat people with covid.

Yes it is worrying.  I have also done many searches as to what to do, still not found any answer.


My Dr for past 7 years has my full medical History + another 2nd opinion from a Dr in the Biochemists dept. both say under no circumstances should I take any covid vaccine...


I asked, what happens if I get Covid ? or forced to have it for Retirement Extensions ... I was told I would need to book into the Hospital for 2 week to have the Vaccine...


If I was to believe/have symptoms that I have Covid I have been given tablets to take based on Herbs

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43 minutes ago, ignis said:

Yes it is worrying.  I have also done many searches as to what to do, still not found any answer.


My Dr for past 7 years has my full medical History + another 2nd opinion from a Dr in the Biochemists dept. both say under no circumstances should I take any covid vaccine...


I asked, what happens if I get Covid ? or forced to have it for Retirement Extensions ... I was told I would need to book into the Hospital for 2 week to have the Vaccine...


If I was to believe/have symptoms that I have Covid I have been given tablets to take based on Herbs

The CDC does list a few reason why someone might legitimately refuse to take a virus. But it's quite uncommon. 

https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/recommendations/underlying-conditions.html?s_cid=11575:who should not get covid vaccine:sem.ga:p:RG:GM:gen:PTN.Grants:FY21

I don't see why a biochemist would be involved in the decision making. Medical decisions are outside the purview of biochemists. Why would a hospital or medical practice have a Biochemistry Dept? 


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The repurposed use of drugs to treat Covid-19, or anything for that matter, is always worth pursuing, but it needs to be done in clinical settings under controlled conditions.   No drug really cures a virus and the most they can do is slow the reproduction of the virus, stimulate some immune response or minimize/mitigate other symptoms.  The problem is that those benefits may only be helpful at a very specific time in the progression of the disease.  

Some of the repurposed drugs which are approved for use, such as Remdesivir, have been studied in a clinical setting to know when and for whom they are useful.  A number of steroid-type drugs are used, but they have to be managed carefully because they can greatly reduce inflammation, but they also suppress the immune response.   A host of other anti-viral drugs, including those used for HIV, have been studied for Covid, but found not to be effective.  

I believe there are a number of serious clinical trials being conducted, but so far, any positive effect is minimal and it is very, very far from being a magic bullet in either treating Covid and of no use in preventing it.  


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45 minutes ago, Scott said:

The repurposed use of drugs to treat Covid-19, or anything for that matter, is always worth pursuing, but it needs to be done in clinical settings under controlled conditions.   No drug really cures a virus and the most they can do is slow the reproduction of the virus, stimulate some immune response or minimize/mitigate other symptoms.  The problem is that those benefits may only be helpful at a very specific time in the progression of the disease.  

Some of the repurposed drugs which are approved for use, such as Remdesivir, have been studied in a clinical setting to know when and for whom they are useful.  A number of steroid-type drugs are used, but they have to be managed carefully because they can greatly reduce inflammation, but they also suppress the immune response.   A host of other anti-viral drugs, including those used for HIV, have been studied for Covid, but found not to be effective.  

I believe there are a number of serious clinical trials being conducted, but so far, any positive effect is minimal and it is very, very far from being a magic bullet in either treating Covid and of no use in preventing it.  


Actually, fluvoxamine, which is the generic version of Prozac, has also had some very good results and is now in a major trial. And because the patents on it have expired, it should be very cheap to administer.



Also aspirin has been identified in a retroactive study as possibly being very effective against covid.


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