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Dr Yong: More vaccine needed as herd immunity increases to 85% requirement


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9 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Herd immunity, the goal that may never be achieved. 





Not impossible of course but by no means as easy as those who preach the “let nature take its course” credo would have us believe. 

Some countries, like Singapore, have already given up on the idea.

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5 hours ago, Emdog said:

My take on "vaccine hesitancy" here is more about which vaccine. They simply don't want the Chinese product

Up here in Issan thats what people talk about.  Nobody will take Sinovac.

Astra maybe.


Terrible we're still talking about Sinovac but they plan on buying More despite pleas not to from medical professionals and front medics.


People want quality vaccines.  Not ordering them will be the "Hallmark" of this inept government.

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It's hard to get to 85% in most countries.

A few reasons could be:


Anti vaxxers who refuse to take a vaccines no matter what.

People who are sceptic but want to see the long term side effects from the vaccines.

Children under a certain age don't get vaccinated.


The last group are not to blaim, but hopefully Thailand don't have to many in cathegory 1 and 2.

If they do there is no way they will reach 85%.


Here in Denmark we have a hard time even reaching 75% (at 73,2 today) and that's even after we started to vaccinate children between 12-15. 

Danes over age 50+ are between 85 % - 97% vaccinated in the various age groups, so the problem lies within the younger generations.

Why is that?


Hopefully Thailand won't have that problem.

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3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:




BTW, has anyone else noticed lately, when the government types start talking about that original idea of a 70% vaccinations rate, lately they seem to be talking about a 1 shot portion as opposed to the original 2 shot/full vaccination notion.


Lately, they were talking about the vaccination rate for Bangkok supposedly reaching about 70%, but that was the ONE shot portion, not the two shot portion being far less, somewhere in the mid teens as of the last public report I saw toward the end of July.


Wait till the end of the year, and let's see what vaccination rate figure the government will be talking about then. I betcha it won't be the two-shot, full vaccination rate.


Many people will find it hard to get there second vaccine.


There doesn't seem to be a cohesive plan on distribution.

Its a mess.

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10 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

85% is a bridge too far.


Not realistic to think we can get there.


70% was a stretch, and required maximum effort, and a singular focus. Right now, 70% is looking like June 30, 2022.


85%? Nope.



They need to start planning for 70-80 million booster shots.



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6 hours ago, Venom said:

Hopefully the new mRNA vaccines will have no long term side effects as reportedly they have higher efficacy. However, no idea if they will be effective against Lambda variant. 

Lambda will only be of significance if it can outcompete delta. Delta seems to dominate in most places where it occurs. 

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50 minutes ago, dennnis said:

Pfizer is any better? Read the news from Israel.

I can't think of any place, or on any significant indicator, where the Sinovac vaccine has outperformed the mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna.


Except, I guess, as an income source to the Chinese company that produces it... That might be the sole advantage it has...for the Chinese company, of course.


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5 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

'People who are sceptic but want to see the long term side effects from the vaccines'

Why is this an unreasonable position to take?


Totally understandable that some are sceptics, but in general it's extremely rare that vaccines has side effects that has not yet surfaced.

It normally shows within a few months.


This one explains a bit.



You have a much higher chance of dying or getting long term side effects from covid 19 than from vaccines.


And for the mRNA vaccine technology.

Wait a few years and you will see mRNA technology cure certain types of cancer.

It's the new kid on the block, mark my word. ????

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48 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I can't think of any place, or on any significant indicator, where the Sinovac vaccine has outperformed the mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna.


Except, I guess, as an income source to the Chinese company that produces it... That might be the sole advantage it has...for the Chinese company, of course.


 With this vaccines is impossible to reach herd immunity.

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Every country has 4-5 Doctor Star hired to constantly massage public opinion with their odd theories.

Dr. GSK Yong is one of the Thailand Big Brains.


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"... Thailand's vaccine rollout has been widely criticized with claims coming from an opposition party that the government is going to introduce an Amnesty Bill to protect those who have made poor decisions.  ..."


Drill a core sample of their brains.  If it comes up empty, them exonerate them.  Plug the hole with a suppository. 

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"... Thailand's vaccine rollout has been widely criticized with claims coming from an opposition party that the government is going to introduce an Amnesty Bill to protect those who have made poor decisions.  ..."


Drill a core sample of their brains.  If it comes up empty, them exonerate them.  Plug the hole with a suppository. 

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Some posts containing content that was copy and pasted from some other sites without a supporting link have been removed:


14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.

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17 hours ago, DavisH said:

Lambda will only be of significance if it can outcompete delta. Delta seems to dominate in most places where it occurs. 

So vaccine efficiency against Lambda and all future variants is not an issue "if" Delta is the dominate variant? ???? Okay, got it. 

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Yong just did a Fauci.  Moving the bar.  The excuse? To entice more people to get vaccinated.  That bar won't stop moving until it hits 100%.  Then comes the excuses why herd-immunity wasn't reached with 100% of the population vaccinated.  I wonder what his conflicts of interests are? 

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19 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Some countries, like Singapore, have already given up on the idea.

Vaccine "herd-immunity" is unattainable.  It's a "carrot on a stick" to get vaccine compliance hence guys like Yong and Fauci "moving the bar" in their public statements.  The reality?  Covid will become another seasonal flu which will ebb and flow based on a combination of vaccine and natural immunity.  Imho, quasi-sanity returns around 2025. Maybe.  Until then?  And all-out government, corporate, and media driven marketing campaign to instill enough fear in the populace to motivate the majority to take as many vaccines, boosters, and Covid tests as possible while the medical and pharmaceutical industry showers themselves in hundreds of billions of dollars (if not a trillion or more) in revenue streams. 
There is way too much money involved to allow this to burn out.  My guess as to what ends the party are independent studies of long-term safety and efficacy of vaccines plus the virus starts burns out and become less virulent over time, and becomes more of a nuisance like seasonal flu unless you are elderly or at risk. Who knows.  There is huge money in testing also so i doubt that corporate entities will want that cash cow to die.  I wouldn't be surprised to see "Flu Tests" come along next.  And with them more of the same.  As long as there are huge sums of money to be made I expect the Covid "pandemic" as well as government's operating under 'emergency contingencies' which will allow the wholesale discarding of civil and Constitutional rights will be around for a long time.

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