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Another Classic Crazy Thai Wife Moment


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^ That. 

I expected you to say you hung around SA to grovel, but when you said you carried on to Florida I thought, "Yeah!  Well Done!!" ????????


Not for me to say, but I wonder if these blow-ups have been increasing in frequency and intensity, and if you've looked into your crystal ball to see where it might be headed.  Perhaps not pulling the trigger to add another piece of real estate to the marriage portfolio at this time, was a fortuitous event.


PS: Wife and I flew into Miami a few years ago, drove up to Panama City Beach and did a month in a nice AirBnB house a block from the beach.  Cruised all over the place, P-Cola, on over to Biloxi for a night at the casino/hotel.  Pretty neat.


Is the COVID situation putting a damper on things?

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Good story, hope it works out for you. 


Reminds me of a couple weeks ago when my Thai wife and I made a mad dash from our home in Khao Kalok beach to Chiang Rai to see her parents and pick up my dog that was staying there. I'm really new, not here even 6 months yet, so I can't utter a Thai sound that any Thai understands. 


We got into a big blowout somewhere before Phaya and she stopped talking to me.  About 30 minutes later we hit a checkpoint. I roll the window down and the cop asks me something in Thai. I assumed he was asking where I was going and where I was headed, so I told him in English. Well, he didn't understand me at all but he sees my wife sitting in the passenger seat. He asks in broken English does she speak Thai. She doesn't answer, so I tell him, yeah, she speaks Thai. He and his buddies all laughed and asked us to get out of the car and go over to some COVID monitoring people under the tent.


I whip out my J&J vaccine card that I snagged on my mad dash to the USA last month and, of course, she isn't vaccinated and was carrying on a conversation with some other folks there. They sent us on our way. Still, we hadn't spoken a word to each other.


I drive another 2 or 3 hours after nightfall and finally make it to Ban Mae Tam which is about 50 KM east of Chiang Rai.  The roads are unlighted and I can't see sh*t. And, because it's supposed to be a surprise, the house lights aren't on. They live off the main road but the address isn't on Google, so I always plug in "Dr Witts" house, which *is* on Google. I managed to get us into the ballpark and still she isn't talking so is of no help in me finding the place in the dark. Circled the block twice before I finally located it and pulled into the driveway where my dog awaited on the other side of the gate. 


Long story short, I left her there and go back to Khao Kalok with my dog, when she called me and reminded me we have a 9 PM curfew. So returned to her parents' house and eventually we talked it out and, well, you can figure out the rest.


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1 hour ago, CharlieH said:

No way I would or could put up with <deleted> like that !


If it works for you, well done , takes 2 for any relationship, but jeez thats just too much for me.AND your contemplating rewarding that behaviour , unreal.

I reckon. Why the hell would he pick her up a little something? Unless he feels guilty 

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34 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:

It's 2021 and these sorts of things don't really matter anymore, but that's a bloke right? Is it the singer of the RHCP in drag?



To the OP, if somebody jumps out of the car in a huff, you smile and keep on going. ????

Amazing the things people say hiding behind a screen they would never dare utter in person, so funny!

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53 minutes ago, JeffersLos said:

Is it the singer of the RHCP in drag?


16 minutes ago, jazzdog32095 said:

Amazing the things people say hiding behind a screen they would never dare utter in person, so funny!

If you do separate, and he-she takes your motorcycle, you can just say give it away give it away give it away give it away now.  

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