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Another Classic Crazy Thai Wife Moment


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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

No woman wants a man whose balls she carries in her purse.

This one sleeps with her fingers curled around them. Wakes me up for service at 8 AM every day. I couldn't ask for a better client. There is nothing like a beautiful Thai woman with a libido that exceeds mine and the hips to back it up.

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17 hours ago, CharlieH said:

No way I would or could put up with <deleted> like that !


If it works for you, well done , takes 2 for any relationship, but jeez thats just too much for me.AND your contemplating rewarding that behaviour , unreal.

One word for me. NEXT

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17 hours ago, Dale59 said:

Don’t worry. Nothing is in her name. All properties are in my Trust and she always signs a disclaimer deed waiving any rights. We don’t even have joint bank accounts. 

[Ok first let me say I love my Thai wife of 11 years. 95% of the time she’s great - loving, kind hearted and jealous as you know what. The other 5% of the time she’s just bat dung crazy. Anyone married to a Thai for any length of time knows what I’m talking about. While there have been many instances over the years of her head exploding over minor stuff only to forget about it an hour later, ……]


I could use your words, my wife of 13 years is 95% of the time great, she's kind hearted and sweet and funny. Yes, jealous for sure even when she dreams of me messing around with another woman she gets mad at me, would you believe it! And yes, she has that way of letting pass quickly things over her shoulder, which is great when it's about some argument between us but not so great when it is about some plan + expenses (how many times she's made modifications to the same places in our house - me paying - I could not tell you!).


[ …. Next thing I know she’s in full Thai girl meltdown mode … She jumps out, screaming some crazy stuff in Thai, grabs her bags and mine and off she goes in the usual huff. Now she’s done the whole leaving the house with an empty suitcase before when she’s been mad but never made it further than the park across the street from our house and came home as soon as she got hungry.]

"Full Thai girl meltdown mode", oh yes, I know that too. I had a "leaving the house with an empty suitcase" incident once also, but that was in my mother's house after some bitching of my mother.


[ She’s with the Thai friend and they’re hatching up all kinds of Thai girl madness to let me know this was all my fault. You all know Thai girls are never wrong.]

Hahaha! But here I have a slightly different experience. My wife knows how to quietly admit (sometimes) that she was part of the problem.


[…. Best to just give her some space.]

Absolutely, this works very well with my wife too. Leave some space and after a while matters will settle down quietly. I had another wife before, not Asian, and her way of holding grudges for days, weeks, months, years even! I find it's so much easier with a Thai wife!


[… Never a dull moment with these amazing little creatures! ]

We have different experiences, but can join you in that last statement hahaha!





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7 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

One explanation which I heard for such behavior that some Thai women are bored with their life. And they think it's a good idea to spice it up. And after watching years of Thai soap operas they obviously know exactly how to make life "more interesting". ....

That line (I made it bold) is so true. Even if there is no circumstantial evidence of any wrong doing on my side, my wife often falls back into that accusation mode of me messing around with other women. Exactly like all those movies and songs they spend an incredible amount of their time watching or listening too.

The worst / funniest angle to it is that her many of her Thai friends or family members would then concur with her - sometimes silently, nodding their heads in that "I know what you're talking about" mode, or even join in loudly in the accusation. But it always ends up with laughter after a while!


Life is not dull with Thais!

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1 hour ago, j.a.farang001 said:

This one sleeps with her fingers curled around them. Wakes me up for service at 8 AM every day. I couldn't ask for a better client. There is nothing like a beautiful Thai woman with a libido that exceeds mine and the hips to back it up.

Hahaha! My experience is that Thai women rarely come up with the infamous line "not today, darling, I have a headache"!

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Just now, Sparktrader said:

No choice

you mean........ too late now !      sorry for ya  .     you can always write a novel about your experience,

make the main character a private detective ,  or bar owner.    they seem to sell well

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6 minutes ago, rumak said:

you mean........ too late now !      sorry for ya  .     you can always write a novel about your experience,

make the main character a private detective ,  or bar owner.    they seem to sell well

The other option was get ripped off by someone else.

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Once again I realize that I'm happy not married to a Thai - or anyone else - seems to be much more easy with long-time girlfriends, both the former ones from my home country, and the lovely one in Land of Smiles...????

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19 minutes ago, khunPer said:

Once again I realize that I'm happy not married to a Thai - or anyone else - seems to be much more easy with long-time girlfriends, both the former ones from my home country, and the lovely one in Land of Smiles...????

You very samart man.    Roo Mak

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I recently separated with my Thai wife after 12 years of marriage, due to her going “Thai-crazy”.


Started out with her nut-job of a grownup son (with bipolar) punching me in the face, when I asked him to clean his room. Had to throw him out of the house after that. Lucky I did not punch him back, as he of course lied to this mother and told her that he defended himself. 


Anyway she returns home from work after the incident and says nothing, until the next day, when I suggest that we talk about how to handle the situation. That’s when she goes “Thai-drama-crazy” and ends up threatening me with a knife. So had to “follow” her to the door too.


She later called and said sorry about everything, which I refused to accept. My limit is when people start punching me in my own home and threatening me with a knife. Not staying with bat-<deleted> crazy people like that.


Sad the marriage had to end like that. However happy that I don’t have to worry or care for her bipolar son anymore. He made our life miserable in the end.


Also happy with the choice of ending the relationship. Once drama like that happens once, it will likely happen again and I don’t want to sleep with one eye open.


Today we are okay friends as we also have a son together, who lives with me. I have installed video-cameras in every room in the house, so she knows that it would not be smart to show off any “Thai-drama” again, when she visits our son.


If you have problems with a wife that can go mad at times, I would highly recommend the cameras. This way you can protect yourself and show the police what really happened, if needed. 

Edited by khunpa
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36 minutes ago, khunpa said:

If you have problems with a wife that can go mad at times, I would highly recommend the cameras. This way you can protect yourself and show the police what really happened, if needed.

Doesn't protect you from a drive by shooting though, or a hit and run.

I've always preferred to move house with no forwarding address.

If they can't find you, they can't pay someone to kill you.

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9 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

U never know

No, Thai wife doing the take it or leave it when they can't compete intellectually, know they made a mistake, cost you (family) money, and act out due to frustration.  The longer we have been back in Thailand, the "less intellectual" the wife gets and this phenomena is universal with my friends back in the US married to Thai women.  I blame the language, it takes her an entire page of language in Thai to get across 2 sentences in English and at the end you still did not get the question you asked her to translate answered.  Kinda like speaking Ent in the Lord of the Rings.

Edited by DrPhibes
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26 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Doesn't protect you from a drive by shooting though, or a hit and run.

I've always preferred to move house with no forwarding address.

If they can't find you, they can't pay someone to kill you.

I've got a message through from your EX do you wana split the proceeds and change your name. ???? 

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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

This is of course the correct way to treat all women.

Not giving a flat damn about their wants and needs is the way to go.

No woman wants a man whose balls she carries in her purse.

"No woman wants a man whose balls she carries in her purse"

Then how come that this is the kind of man that is the most desirable for every Bar-Lady (or regular Lady) in Pattaya? If a Bar-Lady (or regular Lady) manages to land such a fish, her social-standing jumps by several noches upwards among her other lady-friends.


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