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I'm 78.  Over the last few years I've been experiencing difficulty eating soft foods like rice or mashed potato. Such food frequently seems to lodge somewhere around my esophagus and I find myself burping for 5 or 10 minutes before it clears.  Drinking water actually seems to exacerbate it as it also backs up.  I can eat most normal foods without issue.

Is this common in older people, like a tightening of the esophagus or is it something I need to get checked out?

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You have "Gerd" (prononced gourd)

The gut produces to much acid during eating,which signals the Osopigous? To close therefore blocking food etc. a can of coke (gas) will help push the blockage through in an emergency.

But you may have to go on medication (pantozole or similar)

Forever as do I.


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There are times for me also when food sort of backs up. I think it's because I eat to fast and don't drink enough water at times. It never happened when younger. I just try to drink alot of water and that seems to work.

2 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

There are times for me also when food sort of backs up. I think it's because I eat to fast and don't drink enough water at times. It never happened when younger. I just try to drink alot of water and that seems to work.

I thought that until I had an upper Endoscopy.


As FNQ said, sounds like GERD for sure. I have taken Prilosec for years. In Thailand, the brand name is Miracid. Available in any pharmacy. Google GERD (gastro esophical reflex disease). 


I get that sometimes but not with food but instead with liquids, it seems air gets trapped not allowing the liquid to continue its journey downwards, maybe drinking too fast.


The medical term for swallowing difficulties is dysphagia.  There are many possible causes:


1.  Hiatus Hernia:  "...makes it difficult to swallow solid food and drier textures like rice, chicken or meat... This condition means that the diaphragm muscle keeping the stomach in the right place has been weakened." [iqoro.com]

2.  GERD:  stomach acid backing up into the esophagus can cause scarring and narrowing of your lower esophagus.

3.  Achalasia:  lower esopageal muscles don't relax enough to let food enter the stomach, causing you to bring food back into your throat. [mayoclinic.org]


For a more complete list go to mayoclinic.org/diseases/dysphagia.


And, finally:  See a doctor for diagnosis!

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I used to have a major problem with food getting "stuck": in my throat, turned out it was a Polyp on by vocal chord that would stop food from going down.  Have not had a 'stuck' food episode since they lasered out the polyps - they were benign.  The Dr that did it, also said to drink a can of Coca Cola, not too cold, the gas in Coke helps dislodge the food, from top down and bottom up.   I would see an ear, nose & throat specialist - they have some good ones in Bumrungrad.      Good Luck

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I used to experience the same, particularly with rice. It would 'hang up' in the oesophagus and my mouth would produce prodigious amounts of 'elastic' saliva, I guess nature's way of helping me clear the blockage.


Diagnosed with a faulty LOS valve causing inflammation of the oesophagus. This can in turn lead to Barrett's oesophagus and eventually cancer. I am not saying that is what you might have!!!


But get it checked out.


My options were an operation, advised strongly not to have by the specialist, or PPI's, which I am still on after 14 years and work like a dream.

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Doesn't sound like GERD to me especially with what you are eating that causes your reaction.

Have you tried eating smaller portions of the foods that cause it?

Or, you are describing foods that are starches maybe some allergic reaction?

I would see a Doctor and get a barium xray or other tests to help determine the cause.

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 I had terrible seconds of panic when small food stuck in the throat. This happen with potato, chicken or any fibrous meat, sometimes with bread.  Water pass through and no help. It intensified in the late 50s. and during stressful times of life. My grandmother had the same.
Classified as '' dysphagia psychogenic'' .  I have no therapy so far,  just walk few steps in these moments and relax

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I'm 42 and have had several episodes of choking. Super scary.

The worst was when eating a steak that lodged in my throat for 2 hours and eventually came out while I was in emergency care at a hospital. I've never had it checked yet.... 


guess I should... 


My dad had this also. A small pocket/ sack had formed in his throat. Minor surgery helped him. Seek medical attention soon. Good luck

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Funny how a simple post about something generally turns out to be a fairly common issue for many on here, including me.


I find it's sticky foods like cheese and cold (dry) chicken that stick a little but easy to wash down with some water. Swallowing hard doesn't always help.


I take the OPs point that now is not a good time to vist a random hospital. I have list of things as long as my arm I need to check as soon as this pandemic eases enough to do so.



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I can't eat peas their outer skin stick in my esophagus, as does rice sometimes. I to would like to go to hospital about this but of covid situation won't. OP I'm curious to know if you are or ever have been a smoker if you don't mind me asking.

2 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

I can't eat peas their outer skin stick in my esophagus, as does rice sometimes. I to would like to go to hospital about this but of covid situation won't. OP I'm curious to know if you are or ever have been a smoker if you don't mind me asking.

Not addressed to me, but having suffered from this I can confirm I am a non-smoker.


Do you suffer acid reflux? If so, then you need to get onto PPI's (see a doctor first obviously).


I experience this also. 


In my case one of the two sets of muscles in my throat stopped working. Doctor says likely caused by a micro-stroke at some point. Says this is often one of the only ways that you can know or tell that you had the event. 


As long as i chew my food to liquid, i can get it down. Starchy foods like lettuce and french fries are hard. Rice nearly impossible. If i do get a blockage, which rarely happens after nearly 15 years, most times the only way out is to throw it up and start over. happens most often when i get in a hurry. A normal meal might take me over an hour to eat, or less if i get bored with it and give up. 


Once had a small piece of almond from a dairy queen blizzard stuck for nearly a day. Often thought about learning to shove a chopstick down my throat like a plunger!

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2 hours ago, brianthainess said:

OP I'm curious to know if you are or ever have been a smoker if you don't mind me asking.

I smoked heavily from ages 15 to 27, about 12 years then quit cold, not a single cigarette since; now 78. 


I have similar difficulties with food sometimes getting stuck on the way down. An endoscopy reveal a small hiatus hernia.

I get around the problem by drinking water with my meal. Beer or wine works equal well, if you suffer from W.C.Fields aversion to water. ????

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